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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-11-03 22:39:48  

摘 要

城市多模式公共交通的协调运行也逐渐成为城市公共交通发展的主要方向,比如轨道交通、常规公交、客运轮渡等的联合运营,可以为乘客提供更好的出行换乘体验。公共交通的服务水平主要体现在网络运营的可靠性和交通换乘的便捷性。因此,如何为乘客提供更好的换乘服务成为运营商的重要问题。本文针对当前多模式公共交通协调的必要性,对国内外关于多模式公共交通协调优化的研究成果进行总结分析,并且根据实际情况提出轨道交通接运公交的时刻表协调优化方法, 提出一种混合非线性整数模型,使用嵌入穷举法的遗传算法进行求解,实现在企业运营成本尽可能低的情况下乘客换乘成本最小化的目标。以武汉为例进行轨道交通接运公交换乘时刻表的优化分析,研究结果表明,根据换乘需求合理定制接运公交的发车间隔,改善接运公交时刻表,可以极大减少总换成成本,优化乘客换乘出行体验。



The coordinated operation of urban multi-modal public transport has gradually become the main direction of urban public transport development, such as the joint operation of rail transit, conventional buses, passenger ferries, etc., which can provide passengers with a better travel transfer experience. The service level of public transportation is mainly reflected in the reliability of network operation and the convenience of traffic transfer. Therefore, how to provide passengers with better transfer services has become an important issue for operators. According to the necessity of current multi-mode public transport coordination, this paper summarizes and analyzes the research results of multi-mode public transport coordination and optimization at home and abroad, and proposes a coordinated optimization method for the schedule of rail transit pick-up buses according to the actual situation, and proposes a hybrid The nonlinear integer model is solved using the genetic algorithm embedded in the exhaustive method to achieve the goal of minimizing passenger transfer costs when the operating costs of the enterprise are as low as possible. Taking Wuhan as an example, the optimization analysis of rail transit pick-up timetables has been carried out. The research results show that, according to the needs of transfers, it is possible to reasonably customize the departure interval of bus transfers and improve the bus pick-up timetable. To optimize the passenger transfer experience.

Key Words:urban multimodal public transport; genetic algorithm; transfer coordination; timetable optimization


第1章 绪论 7

1.1选题背景及意义 7

1.2国内外研究现状 8

1.2.1国内现状 8

1.2.2国外现状 8

1.3主要研究内容、目标和技术路线 9

1.3.1主要研究内容和目标 9

1.3.2技术路线 10

第2章 多模式城市公共交通运行协调理论基础 11

2.1多模式公共交通概述 11

2.2多模式公共交通系统的协调 12

2.3 多模式公共交通换乘协调分析 12

2.3.1 换乘协调的内涵 12

2.3.2换乘协调的影响因素 13

2.3.3换乘协调意义 13

2.4 多模式公共交通时刻表优化分析 13

2.5本章小结 14

第3章 轨道交通接运公交时刻表优化模型设计 15

3.1 问题描述 15

3.2 时刻表优化模型 15

3.2.1 条件假设 15

3.2.2 基本符号定义 15

3.2.3 目标函数和约束条件 17

3.3 本章小结 19

第4章 基于时刻表优化模型的算法设计 20

4.1优化算法的选择 20

4.2 嵌入穷举法的遗传算法设计 22

4.3编码、解码和遗传算子 23

4.4本章小结 24

第5章 实例分析 25

5.1 武汉市公共交通网络概述 25

5.2 基于优化模型的轨道交通接运公交时刻表 26

5.3 优化结果与分析 28

5.3.1等间隔时刻表优化方案 28

5.3.2非等间隔时刻表优化方案 31

5.4 本章小结 32

第6章 总结与展望 33

参考文献 34

致谢 36

第1章 绪论




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