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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-10-28 20:29:49  

摘 要






This paper introduces the concept of physical Internet (PI) on the basis of traditional containers through the research and investigation of the development of smart containers at home and abroad. The concept of PI aims to reverse the current unsustainable situation in the logistics system and meet the increasing service needs of users To improve global logistics performance. In the PI method, the goods are packaged in smart containers of modular size, reusable or recyclable, called PI containers.

The paper first gives two container combination schemes, scheme one is modular combination, scheme two is connected combination. Through comparison, the modular combination scheme is finally selected. The combined container of this scheme is used as the basic container, and then combined with the sensor network, RFID tag, PI theory, wireless technology, GPS (Global Positioning Technology), etc. to carry out preliminary intelligent design of the basic container.

The highlights in this article are the concept of UHF / LF for data collection and transmission and the concept of "mobility" for PI containers. The main purpose of the former is to dynamically and accurately monitor physical parameters. The latter is applied to the physical Internet, so that the PI container can be regarded as an "active" product during the use phase of its life cycle, making the container more intelligent. Through the above-mentioned intelligent scheme applied to the modular combined container, the final intelligent combined container scheme is obtained.

Key Words:PI;smart;container;combination;mobility


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 物理互联网(PI)的发展现状 1

1.2 物理互联网(PI)的意义 2

1.3物理互联网(PI)的应用 2

1.4 PI集装箱 3

1.5 组合式集装箱的发展研究 4

第二章 组合式集装箱的初步设计 6

2.1 组合式集装箱的箱体设计 6

2.1.1 集装箱尺寸的选择 6

2.1.2 集装箱材料选择 7

2.2组合式集装箱智能化的初步设计 7

2.2.1 传感器的选择 7

2.2.2 无线网络 8

2.2.3 应用GPS(全球定位系统)技术 10

2.2.4 集装箱无线射频技术(RFID)货运标签系统 11

2.3 组合集装箱的智能化 12

第三章 智能组合集装箱初步方案设计 14

3.1 组合方案的初步设计 14

3.1.1设计方案一 15

3.1.2设计方案二 15

3.1.3 方案的对比及确认 16

3.2 智能方案的初步设计 17

3.2.1 传感器等智能化硬件的应用 17

3.2.2 智能集装箱功能的初步设计 21

3.3 初步设计方案的评估 22

第四章 结论与展望 24

致谢 26

参考文献 27

第一章 绪论


1.1 物理互联网(PI)的发展现状

都市化和个性化等大趋势迫使物流分销商提高其业务效率。他们被迫将物流成本降至最低,但面临一件物品交付量不断增加的问题。这在电子商务业务中是众所周知的,在快速消费品(FMCG)领域也出现了几乎相同的重要物流挑战。尽管物流分销商为提高业务效率做出了努力,但整个地球的物流仍是社会,环境和经济上不可持续的。着眼于这些挑战,物理互联网(PI)计划试图通过封装,接口和协议,将它们作为基于物理,数字和运营互连的开放式全球物流系统来应对。效绩指标的目的是在物流枢纽和最终用户那里建立一个高效且可持续的物流网络,而当前的系统效率不足以解决概述的大趋势。由欧洲委员会第七框架计划资助的MODULUSHCA项目已开始实现PI愿景的第一步。来自研究,物流业务,邮政业务和快速消费品行业的15个合作伙伴与北美合作伙伴和国际PI计划密切合作,参与了该研究项目。 该倡议是对欧洲互连物流发展的第一笔真正贡献,并为到2030年互连物流系统奠定了基础。


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