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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-10-28 20:29:34  

摘 要



首先,介绍了环境建模的意义及方法,从中选择出最适合蚁群算法的栅格法。并简述了栅格法的基本原理,还有实际工作环境如何转换为栅格地图。在MATLAB R2016B中仿真,得到两幅不同尺寸的栅格地图模型。


最后,在MATLAB R2016B中仿真,找到相关参数的最佳值,对传统蚁群算法和改进后的算法通过数据、图像、性能以及适应性进行对比分析。





In recent years, the use of mobile robots has been highly valued by people, and has become the research focus of experts from various countries. Mobile robots represent the forefront of high-tech development. It incorporates many professional technologies, such as automatic control, computer science, mechanics, cybernetics, etc., and is currently widely used in various industries. Therefore, the optimization research of mobile robot path planning has full theoretical and practical significance.

The thesis mainly studies how to use ant colony algorithm to carry on the path planning in the fixed grid map.

Firstly, the significance and method of environment modeling are introduced, and the grid method which is most suitable for ant colony algorithm is selected. The basic principle of grid method and how to transform the actual working environment into grid map are also described. Simulated in MATLAB R2016B, two grid map models of different sizes were obtained.

Then, the basic ideas, principles, processes and performance evaluation indicators of the traditional ant colony algorithm are introduced. In view of the shortcomings of the traditional ant colony algorithm, the algorithm is improved as follows: improve the random proportional rule to pseudo random proportional rule for path transfer; improve the formula of global pheromone update.

Finally, simulate in MATLAB R2016B to find the best value of the relevant parameters, and compare and analyze the traditional ant colony algorithm and the improved algorithm through data, image, performance and adaptability.

The research results show that compared with the traditional ant colony algorithm, the improved ant colony algorithm has better stability, the path length is shorter, and the convergence speed is obviously accelerated, which verifies the feasibility of the improved algorithm.

The characteristics of this article: the best value of each parameter is selected through multiple simulation experiments, and finally the best combination of related parameters is formed; through the three performance evaluation indicators of the algorithm, the performance of the traditional algorithm and the improved algorithm are analyzed; The adaptability of the improved algorithm is tested by simulation in the same size and different obstacle coverage grid map.

Key Words:mobile robot;path planning;pseudo-random proportional rule;performance evaluation indicator

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 2

1.3 国内外的研究现状分析 2

1.3.1 国内的研究现状 2

1.3.2 国外的研究现状 4

1.4 研究内容及目标 4

1.4.1 研究内容 4

1.4.2 研究目标 5

1.5 技术方案 5

第2章 环境建模 7

2.1 环境建模 7

2.1.1 环境建模的目的及意义 7

2.1.2 环境建模方法的选择 8

2.2 栅格法环境建模 8

2.2.1 栅格法的基本理论 8

2.2.2 实际环境栅格化 10

2.3 环境模型的建立 12

2.4 本章小结 13

第3章 蚁群算法 14

3.1 蚁群算法的基本思想 14

3.2 蚁群算法的原理及流程 14

3.2.1 蚁群算法的原理 14

3.2.2 蚁群算法的流程 16

3.3 蚁群算法的性能评价指标 17

3.4 蚁群算法的改进 17

3.4.1 自适应调整策略 17

3.4.2 信息素更新机制改进 18

3.5 本章小结 19

第4章 模拟仿真及分析 20

4.1 参数的选择 20

4.2 仿真结果分析 22

4.2.1 2020栅格地图仿真结果 22

4.2.2 3030栅格地图仿真结果 25

4.3 改进蚁群算法性能分析 27

4.4 改进蚁群算法适应性评价 29

4.5 本章小结 32

结论 33

参考文献 34

致 谢 35

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

移动机器人是一种智能机器人,它集成了计算机、传感器、机械控制、数据处理以及Artificial Intelligence(人工智能)等多个领域的研究成果,即使在未知或变化的工作环境下,也能够自主进行路径规划、躲避障碍物、机械控制等活动,这充分体现了机电一体化,目前处于智能设备研究最热门的领域中。世界各国都对移动机器人技术的研究投入了大量的人力与资源,机器人性能由此得到日益提升。目前在制造、仓储、医疗、娱乐等生产、生活活动中机器人发挥着巨大的作用,而且在有害与危险场合,例如安全勘探、国防和航天航空等研究探索工程中同样得到广泛应用。因此,我国也愈来愈重视移动机器人事业的研究与应用。


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