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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-05-25 22:30:48  

摘 要










With the development of economy and technology, the development of industrial robots is already quite mature. In manufacturing, the robot has the advantages that it could save costs, improve product quality, improve the working environment and enhance manufacturing flexible, is widely used in various industries. Spraying robot has great utility in coating production. However, at present, the most spraying robot adopts the multi-joint flexible structure, which could be widely used, but the price is expensive, and lacks industry-specific simultaneously.

The purpose of this article is to design a cheap and specific spraying robot to paint wall. Based on the control characteristics and actual environment of the sprayed wall, on the basis of mechanical structure of walkable six degrees of freedom, I design the intelligent spraying robot control system, by the Mitsubishi PLC as the core. At the same time, the Matlab is used to process the image to measure the inch of wall, and obtain the control parameters of the robot. The main research contents of this paper are as follows:

(1)This article describes the history and present situation of the development of spraying robot, finds the problems existing in the wall spraying robot, and puts forward the significance of the new type of spraying robot.

(2)Based on the analysis of the spray environment, combined with the difficulty of the current wall spraying and coating process requirements, the robot walking six axis mechanical structures was established. From the point of view of robot motion positioning control and enterprise cost requirement, the control system scheme of spraying robot is determined.

(3)According to the control system design, complete the analysis work of the controller, motor, driver, sensor selection. According to the requirement of system control, the PLC control circuit and the drive control circuit are designed. According to the system application environment, the design of the power supply circuit system is completed from the angle of the system circuit anti-interference and protection equipment safety.

(4)According to the spray process and spray quality requirements, design the spray process and complete the wall and wall hole spray program design.

(5)This article introduces the method of based on Matlab image processing to get the dimension data of the wall and the communication mode with PLC.

Key Words:Spraying robot, PLC, servo system, control system, image recognition

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外喷涂机器人发展现状 1

1.3 基于PLC控制技术 2

1.4 本文主要研究内容 2

2 智能喷涂机器人总体设计方案 3

2.1 需求分析 3

2.2 整体方案设计 3

2.3 系统组成 4

2.3.1机械系统 4

2.3.2动力及驱动 5

2.3.3控制系统 5

2.3.4传感器系统 5

2.3.5监测系统 7

2.4 本章小结 7

3 智能喷涂机器人控制系统硬件设计 8

3.1 硬件选型 8

3.1.1 PLC选型及配套组件介绍 8

3.1.2 电机选型 10

3.2 电路设计 13

3.2.1 电源电路设计 13

3.2.2 PLC控制电路 15

3.2.3 驱动电机控制电路 17

3.3 数据采集与通信 19

3.4 本章小结 20

4 智能喷涂机器人控制系统软件设计 21

4.1图像处理 21

4.1.1基于Matlab的图像处理 21

4.1.2墙体状况检测方法 21

4.1.3尺寸检测原理 21

4.2上位机组态 23

4.3 PLC程序 24

4.3.1 PLC程序设计方案 24

4.4本章小结 29

5 总结及展望 30

5.1总结 30

5.2 经济性分析 30

5.3 展望 31

参考文献 32

附录A 34

致 谢 44

1 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景及意义

不考虑早期模仿人类动作的简单机械,单从近代历史来看,一系列重大科技进步、生产力革命总是与人们创造性的科学想象密不可分。随着社会的发展,出现越来越多具有危险、危害性,需要长时间做简单重复的劳动,需要高精确度等特点的工作。这时候人们想到,能否做一类机械代替人类去做这些工作呢?自1922年捷克作家Karel Capek写了Rossum’s Universal Robots这本小说引入Robota起,Robot技术在近一个世纪中获得了极大的发展。机器人已不仅是代替人类劳动的机械,而且正在向拥有人类的智慧不断迈进。2016年,人类顶级围棋选手李世石在与goole的人工智能AlphaGo的围棋大战中以1:4落败,更是彰显了机器人技术的喷薄发展[1]


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