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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-05-25 22:26:09  

摘 要


  1. 在车辆检测识别方面,采集视频图像,对视频图像进行预处理,包括图像灰度处理、图像差分、差分图像二值化和图像增强等。首先,通过对视频图像预处理,中值滤波,去掉小的噪声;然后通过使用帧间差法来完成运动目标区域的获取。然后对相邻两图像进行差分,二值化和膨胀操作,消除目标的不连续空洞。


(3) 在车型分类方面,通过OpenCV(Open source Computer Vision library)库函数利用支持向量机(Support Vector Machine,SVM)进行训练和测试,得到大型车和小型车两种分类。将车辆检测所得到的运动目标样本进行梯度直方图(Histogram of Oriented Gradient,HOG)特征提取,作为输入向量,最后输出两种车型分类,完成车型的自动分类。

(4)在windows和VC 开发环境下完成系统设计,系统实现。

关键词:视频图像处理;帧间差分法;OpenCV;; 车辆识别;车型分类;


With the rapid development of modern society economic and the technology, the car has become increasingly important in people's lives. With the rapidly growing number of cars, the traffic accidents and the transportation issues are becoming more and more serious. And in the new century, the Intelligent transportation systems have become an essential development direction in the area of transportation information collection, processing, decision-making and command and dispatch needs. And the Vehicle identification and classification is an important research direction of intelligent transportation system. In this paper, the traffic video which is obtained from the fixed camera is studied as the object of study to examine the method of vehicle identification and classification based on video image processing. The main work of this paper is as follows:

  1. In the recognition of the vehicle detection, capture video images, video image pre-processing, including image gradation processing, image subtraction,binary conversion and image enhancement. First,we should do the video image pre-processing,and use median filter to remove small noise; then complete the movement of the target area to obtain by using the inter-frame difference method. Next we should find the difference of two adjacent images, binary and expanded operations to remove the discontinuities empty.
  2. At the aspect of locate moving targets, this paper applies the horizontal and vertical positioning projection method, carried the directly target profile out by using the horizontal and vertical positioning projection method. Using this method obtained moving targets more accurate, and remove the interference of shadows in the experiment,which has a certain practicality.
  3. In terms of vehicle classification, we use the OpenCV library functions to support vector machine (SVM) for training and testing, and get two classifications as large vehicles and small cars. The vehicle motion detection target sample was subjected to HOG feature extraction, as the input vector, the final output of two models classification, complete automatic vehicle classification.
  4. Design the systems in windows and C development environment, finally finished system implementation.

Key words: Video image processing; Frame difference method; OpenCV ; vehicle identification; Vehicle Classification;SVM

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 国外研究现状 2

1.2.2 国内研究现状 3

1.3 本文研究内容与章节安排 4

1.3.1 研究目的 4

1.3.2 研究基本内容 5

第2章 视频监控中的车辆提取 6

2.1 图像的预处理 6

2.1.1 图像平滑 6

2.1.2 图像灰度化 8

2.1.3 图像二值化 9

2.1.4 二值图像形态学运算 10

2.2 运动目标的检测与定位 11

2.3 运动目标的获取 12

2.4 本章小结 13

第3章 车型的分类 14

3.1 OpenCV概述 14

3.2 模式识别 15

3.3 车型分类器的建立与应用 16

3.3.1 建立车辆样本库 16

3.3.2 车辆图像特征提取 17

3.3.3 训练分类器 18

3.4 本章小结 20

第4章 系统的设计与实现 21

第5章 总结与展望 26

5.1 研究工作总结 26

5.2经济性分析 26

5.3 研究工作展望 27

参考文献 28

致谢 29

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义


随着智能交通系统 (Intelligent Transportation System,ITS)在人工控制、计算机技术和自动控制等先进领域的发展。智能交通系统已经被人们所认可并且重视。在众多学者的努力下,其得到了极大的发展。智能交通系统是将各种邻域内先进的技术(如信息技术、通信技术、传感器技术等)和计算机控制处理技术有机组合,综合运用于国家的交通运输体系的一个综合的、多功能的系统。通过智能交通系统,可以在国家范围内建立一个实时、高效、拥有智能调控和监管的交通运输综合管理系统。ITS融合了多种信息化技术,为解决目前存在的复杂的道路交通问题提供了新思路[5]。我们知道智能交通系统的数据来源是车辆检测系统所采集的信息,因此作为ITS基础的视频监控中的车型识别和分类的研究就具有十分重要的地位。作为ITS里的一个重要内容和方向,对视频中车辆信息识别和分类的智能视频监控研究已经引起了人们的注意,被广大学者所重视。

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