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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-05-11 21:06:52  

摘 要








With the development of the traffic and more and more vehicles, vehicles has become increasingly difficult to manage. Therefore, license plate recognition technology as the core of the intelligent transportation system, is widely used in important occasions required license plate, such as electronic toll stations, vehicle management of parking etc. Thus improving the parking management level and the vehicle detection capability.

License plate recognition technology refers to the use of image processing, pattern recognition and other technologies to process and analyze the collected vehicle image, in order to obtain the license plate number of the vehicle and identify it. In this paper, the license plate recognition technology is used to detect vehicles, and vehicle license number is extracted as the vehicle ID, thus make more intelligent management, reduce labor costs, and has an important economic value. And it is divided into the following steps:

(1)Vehicle image preprocessing. Image preprocessing including graying, image enhancement, image filtering, binarization and edge detection. First, the original image is transformed into gray image, and the histogram equalization is used to enhance the grayscale image; then using the mean filter to remove noise; finally, utilizing Otsu algorithm to detect edges. The purpose of preprocessing is to highlight the characteristics of the license plate to easily locate the license plate.

(2) License plate location. This paper uses a license plate location algorithm which is based on mathematical morphology and color characteristics. This algorithm pinpoint the location of license plate area image in the complex background, what's more, it improves the accuracy of positioning. First, detecting the edge of the preprocessed vehicle image by using Prewitt operator; then the image is eroded and closed to get a preliminary license plate candidate region; Finally, according to the color features to locate the correct license plate area.

(3) Vehicle license plate character separated and identified. In the character segmentation, combining of projection and clustering analysis method, first divide candidate character regional according to its trough; then make cluster analysis to split character and non-characters character and get independent character; Finally, using the template matching to identify a single character, and obtaining the license plate information.

Key words: vehicle detection;image preprocessing;license plate location;character separation;character recognition

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究的主要内容 2

1.4 论文的组织结构 3

第二章 车辆图像预处理 4

2.1 彩色图像的灰度化 4

2.2 图像增强 5

2.2.1 灰度变换 5

2.2.2 直方图均衡化 7

2.3 图像滤波处理 8

2.3.1 线性平滑滤波 8

2.3.2 非线性平滑滤波器 9

2.4 图像的二值化 10

2.4.1 阈值与二值化 10

2.4.2 Otsu算法 11

2.5 边缘检测 12

2.5.1 边缘检测常用算子 12

2.5.2 边缘检测算子的比较 13

第三章 车牌定位 15

3.1 车牌特征 15

3.2 常用车牌定位方法 15

3.2.1 基于边缘检测的定位方法 15

3.2.2 基于彩色特征的车牌定位方法 16

3.2.4 基于遗传算法的定位方法 17

3.3 基于数学形态和彩色特征的车牌定位 17

3.3.1 数学形态学 18

3.3.2 基于彩色特征的车牌区域选择 21

3.3.3 车牌定位结果 21

3.4 本章小结 22

第四章 车牌字符分割 23

4.1 车牌字符图像特征 23

4.2 常用字符分割方法 23

4.2.1 投影法 23

4.2.2 聚类分析法 24

4.2.3 模版匹配法 25

4.3 基于投影与聚类分析法的字符分隔 25

4.3.1 车牌区域图像预处理 25

4.3.2 字符的分割 26

4.4 分割结果 27

4.5 本章小结 28

第五章 车牌字符识别 29

5.1 常用字符识别方法 29

5.1.1 基于模版匹配的字符识别 29

5.1.2 基于神经网络的字符识别 30

5.1.3 基于支持向量机的字符识别 31

5.2 基于模版匹配的车牌相似字符识别算法 31

5.3 字符识别结果 33

5.4 本章小结 33

第六章 基于GUIDE可视化界面的设计 34

第七章 总结与展望 39

7.1 总结 39

7.2 经济性评价 39

7.3 展望 39

参考文献 41

致谢 43

第一章 绪论

1.1 背景及意义



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