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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-04-19 00:19:07  

摘 要

现如今,跟随着城市发展扩张的脚步,城市的人口也在不断增加,人们的出行要求更是逐步提升。轨道交通具有运量大,准时性高,速度快,舒适低碳等一系列优点,这些都使其成为解决发展中城市交通拥堵问题的一个举足轻重的角色。然而,轨道交通的覆盖面积虽会随着城市发展不断扩大,但仍然存在着可及性较低的问题, “最后一公里”的难题仍然有待解决。科学技术突飞猛进的发展,人们日益高涨的出行需求,都促进了共享单车的产生和发展。共享单车具有灵活高效,绿色低碳,价格低廉等优势,可以有效地补足了轨道交通的终端吸引力不足的遗憾,大大提高整个城市交通的运行效率,它也随之成为轨道交通接驳方式的首要选择。但是,目前的共享单车存在着某些地方投放量不足或者剩余,换乘停车场选址不合理,乱停乱放扰乱正常交通秩序等问题,影响了共享单车系统的效益最大化。在轨道交通站点附近选择合适的地点建立共享单车停车场,利用“自行车 轨道交通”的出行模式,提高居民出行效率,扩大轨道交通吸引范围,解决“最后一公里”的难题,也成为当下迫在眉睫的重要课题之一。


关键词: 换乘; 规划选址; 多目标规划模型; 双层规划模型; lingo求解


Nowadays, with the pace of urban development and expansion, the urban population is also increasing, and people's travel requirements are gradually increasing. A series of advantages, such as large rail traffic volume, high punctuality, fast speed, comfortable and low carbon, make rail transit a pivotal role in solving the problem of traffic congestion in developing cities. However, although the coverage area of rail transit will continue to expand with urban development, there are still some problems of low accessibility. Especially when the residents need to walk a long distance to reach the nearest station, the attraction capacity of rail transit will be greatly reduced, and the problem of "last kilometer" remains to be solved. The rapid development of science and technology and the increasing demand of people to travel have promoted the emergence and development of bike sharing. However, the advantages of flexible and efficient, green and low-carbon, low price and other advantages of sharing bicycle can effectively make up for the pity that the terminal attraction of rail transit is not enough, which greatly improves the operation efficiency of the whole urban traffic, and it has also become the primary choice of rail transit connection mode. However, at present, there are some problems such as insufficient investment or surplus in some places, unreasonable site selection of transfer parking lot, disorderly parking and disorderly parking disturbing the normal traffic order, etc., which affect the maximum benefit of sharing bicycle system. It has also become one of the most urgent and important tasks to choose a suitable place to build a bicycle parking lot near the rail transit station, which is used to improve the travel efficiency of residents, expand the attraction range of rail transit, and solve the problem of "the last kilometer".

In this thesis, we've established a bilevel programming model and a multi-objective programming model to solve the problem of the parking lot of the Shared cycle, and using the lingo software to solve the mathematical model, and then to change the previous methods of using the experience to a more scientific quantitative mathematical analysis to solve the problem.

Key words: transfer; planning location; multi-objective programming model;bilevel programming model; lingo

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究的目的与意义 2

1.3国内外研究现状 3

1.3.1国内研究现状 3

1.3.2国外研究现状 3

1.4研究的基本内容与技术路线 4

第2章 共享单车换乘轨道交通换乘系统研究 6

2.1共享单车换乘轨道交通的可行性与必要性 6

2.1.1共享单车系统的特点 6

2.1.2轨道交通系统的特点 6

2.1.3两者换乘的可行性与必要性分析 7

2.2单车与轨道交通的换乘方式 8

2.3共享单车换乘轨道交通停车场的选址原则 8

2.4本章小结 9

第3章 共享单车换乘轨道交通的停车场选址模型 10

3.1常用的选址方法 10

3.1.1重心法 10

3.1.2线性规划法 11

3.2多目标规划选址模型 11

3.2.1多目标规划模型的产生与发展 11

3.2.2多目标规划的数学模型 12

3.2.3多目标规划的求解算法 12

3.3基于多目标规划的停车场选址模型 13

3.3.1模型假设 13

3.3.2模型构造 13

3.3.3求解方法 14

3.4双层规划选址模型 15

3.4.1双层规划模型的产生与发展 15

3.4.2双层规划的数学模型 15

3.4.3双层规划的求解算法 16

3.5基于双层规划的停车场选址模型 16

3.5.1模型假设 17

3.5.2模型构造 17

3.5.3求解方法 18

3.6本章小结 19

第4章 算例 20

4.1问题描述 20

4.2多目标规划选址模型 21

4.2.1实例多目标规划模型构造 21

4.2.2模型求解 22

4.3双层规划选址模型 23

4.3.1实例双层规划模型构造 23

4.2.2模型求解 23

4.4结果分析 24

4.5本章小结 24

第5章 环保影响与经济性分析 25

5.1环境影响分析 25

5.2经济性分析 25

5.3本章小结 25

第6章 总结与展望 26

6.1论文总结 26

6.2研究展望 26

参考文献 27

附录 29

致谢 33

第1章 绪论



图1.1 共享单车严重泛滥 图1.2 共享单车乱停乱放


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