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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-02-27 14:17:54  

摘 要






With development of science and technology, environmental problems have been increasingly worse, such as fast-growing carbon emission, meanwhile, a series of policies which aim to reduce the carbon emission produced in logistics activities have come into force. As an important part of logistics, distribution is high-energy-consuming and high-carbon-emitting, especially in cold chain logistics, a unique type of logistics. Hence, optimizing distribution routes in cold chain logistics which decrease not only the cost for enterprises, but the carbon emission during the process can promote the sustainable development of cold chain industry.

Optimization of cold chain logistics distribution with carbon emission based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) is studied in this paper. The background and significance of the research are introduced first, as well as the domestic and foreign research status currently on low-carbon cold chain logistics. Second, relevant concepts and theories are introduced, then, the mathematical model is developed to minimize the cost of the distribution which contains transportation cost, carbon emission cost, fuel cost, refrigeration cost, time penalty cost and cost for deterioration. Based on authorized data, the stimulation of the model is programmed with improved particle swarm optimization algorithm on MATLAB. Sensitive analysis is carried out on four factors as carbon tax, average speed, fuel price and penalty cost. And the results of stimulations with different parameter values are compared to drill down the performance. Finally, it is concluded that sensible vehicle routes can lower total cost and carbon emission in distribution.

The distinctions of this paper are as follows. The introduction of environment constraints and a new estimate method of carbon emission in cold chain logistics distribution enrich traditional distribution problem. Combining the statistics of field research and optimized authoritative case of the algorithm, the deviation of predicted result and actual situation would be reduced.

Key Words:low-carbon;cold chain logistics;distribution;route optimization;PSO algorithm

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 冷链物流配送路径研究现状 2

1.2.2 低碳物流配送路径研究现状 3

1.3 研究内容与技术路线 5

1.3.1 研究目标 5

1.3.2 研究内容 5

1.3.3 采用的技术方案及措施 5

1.4 本文创新点 6

第2章 概念界定与理论基础 8

2.1 冷链物流概述 8

2.1.1 冷链物流概念与内涵 8

2.1.2 冷链物流与常温物流对比 8

2.1.3 冷链物流运作流程 9

2.2 车辆路径问题概述 9

2.2.1 车辆路径问题定义 9

2.2.2 VRP的组成要素 10

2.3 VRP求解算法对比 10

2.4 车辆燃料与碳排放测算 10

2.4.1 常用的车辆燃料与碳排放测算方法 11

2.4.2 车辆燃料与碳排放测算模型对比 15

2.5 本章小结 15

第3章 低碳视角下冷链配送路径优化模型 16

3.1 问题描述 16

3.2 模型假设 16

3.3 本研究采用的碳排放测算方法 17

3.3.1 车辆载重与燃料消耗的关系 17

3.3.2 燃料消耗与碳排放的关系 17

3.3.3 本研究采用的碳排放测算方法 18

3.3.4 本研究采用的能源消耗测算方法 20

3.4 低碳视角下冷链配送模型成本因子 21

3.4.1 运输成本 21

3.4.2 碳排放成本 21

3.4.3 燃料成本 22

3.4.4 制冷成本 22

3.4.5 时间成本 23

3.4.6 货损成本 24

3.5 低碳视角下冷链配送数学模型 25

3.5.1 符号说明与决策变量 25

3.5.2 目标函数 26

3.6 本章小结 28

第4章 低碳冷链配送路径优化模型求解 29

4.1 粒子群算法概述 29

4.1.1 基本粒子群算法 29

4.1.2 参数介绍与设定 29

4.2 对基本粒子群算法的改进 30

4.3 算法实现过程 31

4.4 低碳视角下冷链配送路径优化模型算法程序设计 32

4.5 本章小结 34

第5章 算例仿真与结果分析 35

5.1算例概述 35

5.2 模型与数据录入 36

5.3 运行结果与分析 39

5.3.1 最优配送方案与成本分析 39

5.3.2 算法表现与性能分析 40

5.4 灵敏度分析 42

5.4.1 碳税对解的影响 42

5.4.2 车辆速度对解的影响 45

5.4.3 燃料价格对解的影响 46

5.4.4 时间罚数对解的影响 47

5.5 PSO参数对算法表现的影响 48

5.5.1 群体大小对PSO表现的影响 48

5.5.2 学习因子对PSO表现的影响 49

5.5.3 粒子最大速度vmax对PSO表现的影响 51

5.5.4 改进PSO的推荐参数 52

5.6 冷链物流配送存在的问题及对策 53

5.6.1 冷链物流配送存在的突出问题 53

5.6.2 冷链物流配送发展对策 54

5.7 本章小结 55

第6章 环境影响与经济性分析 56

6.1 最优方案的环境影响与经济性 56

6.2 碳税变化时的环境影响与经济性 57

6.3 车速变化时的环境影响与经济性 59

6.4 本章小结 60

第7章 总结与展望 61

7.1 研究工作总结 61

7.2 研究展望 62

参考文献 63

附录A 改进粒子群算法源程序 65

致 谢 76

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