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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流工程 > 正文


 2021-02-27 14:16:57  

摘 要

第1章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2研究的目的和意义 2

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.4论文内容 4

2.2新型集装箱港口装卸设备概述 8

2.3集装箱港口新型装卸工艺作业系统分析及设备选型 12

2.4本章小结 14

第3章 集装箱港口新型装卸工艺系统设计 15

3.1新型装卸工艺系统设计 15

3.2轨道弯道估算 17

3.3集装箱港口新型装卸工艺系统分析 19

3.4本章小结 19

第4章 码头平面布局设计 21

4.1码头总体平面布置 21

4.2码头平面布局设计参数计算 21

4.3本章小结 24

第5章 经济性与环保性分析 25

5.1经济性分析 25

5.2环保性分析 25

第6章 总结与展望 27

6.1全文总结 27

6.2工作展望 27

参考文献 29

致 谢 31

摘 要







With the gradual integration of the whole world, the close international trade has led to the rapid development of container shipping industry. In order to improve the working efficiency of the container port so as to meet the increasing throughput, we need to adopt new plane layout pattern by improving handling technology, raise the efficiency of container terminal operations by using advanced technology and equipment.And finally effect the high throughput. This thesis studies the planning and design of new handling technology and was done through the following several aspects:

To improve the efficiency of container terminals,there are mainly two ways: one is to adjust the resource scheduling of the terminal, and the other one is to use new process equipment.The research content of this paper is to rely on new technology of transport level to improve port efficiency.The following are the main jobs.

This paper mainly designs the horizontal transportation system of container terminal. The system uses the way of the track type transportation ,and the entire journey uses the rail car to carry on the horizontal operation to the container. The turning radius of the rail in the process system is calculated carefully, and the container could realize 90 degree turn on the rail. Based on horizontal handling design, the calculation and process system design of wharf layout is completed.

The research results provided the ideas and methods for the planning and construction of new container terminal.

Key words: container terminal; inventive handling technology; plane layout; facility planning

第1章 绪论



1993年欧洲鹿特丹港ETC码头投入运行,标志着自动化码头开始发展;2010年印度政府对该国的13个港口投入208亿美元进行大规模改建和扩建;同年8月日本将阪神港和京滨港指定为集装箱战略港,调整了战略港建设国家比例,减免大部分港湾的经营公司的税务,韩国新加坡等更是对集装箱港口投入了大量资金进行发展建设[2]。2015年,迪拜港口1季度处理了1500万个20尺标箱,增长4.4%。阿联酋港口1季度处理了390万标箱,同比增长7.7%。下半年杰布阿里港也将增加200万标箱处理能力,届时该港总处理能力将达1900万标箱。2015年韩国釜山新港(Busan New Port)宣布,为了建造新的用于集装箱船停靠的泊位,会花费将近450亿的韩元,致力于让釜山新港的集装箱吞吐量产生一个飞跃性的增长(1580万标箱)。时间截至到2016年初,韩国的集装箱吞吐量比以往增多了0.033,釜山港则是比以往增多了0.04,也初次跨越了1000标箱的这个里程碑。

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