An Analysis of Cultural Differences Between China and America in The Joy Luck Club 论《喜福会》反映的中美文化差异任务书
2020-04-21 16:58:03
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
《喜福会》是美国当代华裔女作家谭恩美(amy tan)最为成功的代表作。
2. 参考文献
dai, h. y. (2018). the conflict and integration between american and chinese cultures- an intercultural approach to the joy luck club. science & technology vision, 9, 239-240. deng, j. (2013). dining culture difference between china and america in the joy luck club. overseas english, 5, 228-229. qian, q. y. (2015). an analysis of different family education values between america and china in the joy luck club. science & wealth, 11, 108. samovar, l. a. (2001). communication between cultures. new york: clark baxter. shi, h. (2014). mother-daughter cultural conflicts in the joy luck club. overseas english, 2, 178-179. tan, a. (1989). the joy luck club. new york: ivy books. wang, h. y., &shen, j. l. (2016). analyses on cultural differences and fusion between chinese and ameri-cans in the joy luck club. overseas english, 11, 193-194. wang, q. l. (2015). different role awareness between chinese and western women in the joy luck club. english on campus, 2, 248-249. wu, t. (2016). on the differences between chinese and american dinning cultures in the joy luck club. literature life, 10, 60-61. yang, y. b. (2014). cultural differences reflected by language-the joy luck club by amy tan as a case. overseas english, 9, 207-208. yi, m. (2016). review of the joy luck club- from a cross-cultural perspective. english on campus, 11, 250-251. 承梦姣(2014), 从《喜福会》看中美文化的冲突与融合, 《闽西职业技术学院学报》, (3): 85-88。
高艺峰(2018), 浅析《喜福会》中美文化差异, 《青年文学家》, (23): 104-105。
李丰芮(2013), 中西方文化冲突在小说《喜福会》中的体现, 《佳木斯教育学院学报》, (2): 305-306。
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