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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 文学教育类 > 英语 > 正文

论威廉•戈尔丁《蝇王》中知识分子的悲剧Intellectuals’ Tragedy in William Goldings Lord of the Flies开题报告

 2020-04-15 14:49:14  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)

in lord of the flies william golding builds up the character, piggy, as a petty-bourgeois intellectual in terms of stereotypical appearance of an intellectual, words and behaviors indicating intellectual properties as well as harsh experiences, the tragic fate of intellectual.

golding writes piggy had a greasy winded-breaker wrapping up his fat and short body with thick spectacles. a picture of a medium-figured intellectual, with heavy nearsightedness seeming to have profound and immense knowledge, has come to mind. he was the symbol of intellectual as well as scientific spirit (xu, 2000; zhang, 2008; wang, 2011). his thick spectacles were essentially the symbol of intelligence, science and civilization throughout the story (rosenfield, 1961; zhang, 2008). rosenfield also analyzes in his essay that piggy's pale and fat body meant he hardly did labor work and lacked exercise, partly because of his asthma (a kind of disease preventing him from moving fiercely) and partly because he was lazy so that he wouldn#8217;t like to do physical job, thus the other boys like ralph and jack looked down upon him and he had less influence in the group of children and became the fun of the majority, although he was among the four "big boys"(ralph, jack, simon and piggy). after living in the island for days, piggy had his hair "in wisps over his head"(golding 70), which makes his image of an intellectual more vivid in accordance to a saying that as so clever that long on brains.

scholar li xin( 2000) has mentioned piggy was good at finding problems and working out solutions. he was of the first boys, who came up the idea of setting up fire and the only person caring about little kids, and asked the question about the life they living. he is an intellectual that of kindness and thought. ”life is scientific.” piggy said. he believed in a material, scientific and rational world and denied the existence of beast. he is the safeguard of civilization and democracy.


2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案

As there has been many studies about the themes and characters of Lord of the Flies, this essay focus on the character, Piggy, his identity as the intellectual and have a brief discussion about the tragic destiny of the intellectual. With the methods of culture studies analyzing the characters in this story, the thesis tries to explore the similarities of Piggy and the intellectual, thus make out some causes to the tragedy of Piggy on behalf of the intellectual.

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