2020-04-15 14:45:55
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
literature review
the concept of ”equivalence” in translation is always the focus of attention in academic circles. r.jakobson first puts forward the important concept ”equivalence” in the western translation field, which brought the academic circle a brand new vision. then, the latter scholars, such as mona baker, newmark, they also add many useful potions into the theory. mona baker holds that there are inevitable conflicts between translation and culture, which may cause dilemma when translating. and she mainly focuses on practice and research, for she wants to make translation more pragmatic. newmark systematically studies large amount of theoretical translating information in which he tries to seize the essence of translation. he puts that ”the central problem of translating has always been whether to translate literally or freely” (newmark, 2001, p. 45). however, his opinion is completely different from nida in literal translation and free translation. newmark favors literal translation to convey the exact meaning of texts.
the renowned ”functional equivalence” theory, raised by eugene nida in 1969, presents many linguistic scholars as well as learners a useful translating way to correspond to, that is, to find functional equivalence between two languages instead of rigidly adhering to literal meanings. but ”functional equivalence” is called ”dynamic equivalence” at first. in order to make the definition more accurate, nida changed the wording in 1969. in his language, culture and translating, nida explains ”functional equivalence” as follows: ”what is important is the extent to which receptors correctly understand and appreciate the translated text” (1993, p. 116).
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
this article will analyze the translation of business contracts under the guidance of ”functional equivalence” theory. from lexical, syntactic, and textual levels, the characteristics of business contracts will be revealed and then the ”functional equivalence” theory will be inserted into these characteristics, which can help us to find out the skills used in translation and develop new ways to improve the translated text.
the methodology of this article is as follows:
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