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苏轼词英译策略对比研究——以《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》为例A Contrastive Study of Translation Strategies of Su Shi’s Ci—A Case Study of “Nian Nu Jiao-Memories Of The Past At Red Cliff”文献综述

 2020-04-14 16:29:59  


Su Shi (1037-1101)is one of the most outstanding Chinese literati in Song Dynasty. He enjoys ahigh reputation for his prose, ci, fu and poetry. “Nian Nu Jiao -memories ofthe past at red cliff” is one of his representative works featured byunconstrained words. It was written when Su Shi took a journey in Chibi, ahistoric city where heroic figures had fought with valour and bravery. Standingon the edge of this red cliff and facing the torrential Yangtze River, helamented about the past heroes and thought of his own sadness and sorrow. Shortas it is, “Nian Nu Jiao -memories of the past at red cliff” enjoys a high statusin the literary world and attracts the attention of scholars all around theworld. It was Lin Yutang who wrote The Guy Genius: The life and times of SuTung-po (《乐天知命的天才: 苏东坡的生平与时代》)in 1937which made Su Shi known to the western world. The book served as a rich andvaluable resource for western scholars to study Su Shi’s works. Among thoseinterested westerners, some read and translated Su Shi, and the other did someresearch about him and his works. In recent ten years, the quantity of Americanscholars who studied Su Shi and his literary works increased, such as RonaldEgan, Beata Grant, Peter Bol and so on. Their studies were mainly about SuShi’s life experiences and his literal style, forms, technique analysis, so asto study the status in and contribution of Su Shi’s poetry to the history ofChinese literature.

In China, theresearchers pay much attention to the activities of translating Su Shi’sliterary works as part of introducing Chinese classical literature to theoutside world. The research touched upon the subjectivity of translators, theanalysis of the translation of Su Shi’s works from various translationframework, the comparison of different translation versions, and a discussionabout the art of translating Su Shi’s works. Based on the preliminary findingsin the literature review, very few researchers took a contrastive study of thetranslation strategies of Su Shi’s Ci. Therefore, the present research isdevoted to examining translation strategies in two different versions.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案


This paper mainlyfocuses on Su Shi’s “Nian Nu Jiao-Memories Of The Past At Red Cliff” to analyzetranslation strategies adopted respectively by two translators ——Xu Yuanchongand Yang Xianyi. With the purpose of analyzing translation strategies, thepaper compares two translation versions word by word, phrase by phrase, line byline. Along with the analysis about translation strategies, the paper shedslight upon their understanding about the nature of translation and task of literarytranslation.

The whole thesis canbe divided into five chapters. The first chapter covers a brief introduction toresearch background, research purpose and research methodology as well asthesis structure. The second chapter exhibits a literature review of the wholethesis, which includes the English translations and previous studies of Su Shis Ci both at home and abroad. The third chapter is the main body of theresearch. With careful reading of the two translation versions, the thesismakes a contrastive study on the two English versions by metric system,stylistic features and cultural images. The fourth chapter discusses thetranslation strategies of domestication and foreignization in differenttranslation versions. The fifth chapter is a conclusion of the thesis,itconcludes the major findings of the thesis and points out limitations of thestudy as well as offers further expectation for future studies.

3. 参考文献

[1]Burton Watson.Selected Poems of Su Tung-p’o.Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, 1994.

[2]Herbert AllenGiles, A History of Chinese Literature.BiblioBazaar, LLC, 2010.

[3]Hu, Jing. AStudy into the Translations of Su Shi’s Ci-poems from the Perspective ofManipulation Theory [D].复旦大学,2010.

[4]Reiss,Katharina. Translation Criticism-The Potentials and Limitations [M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2004.

[5]Xu, Yuanchong.Selected Poems of Su Shi.Changsha: Human People’s Publishing House, 2007.

[6]Xu, Yuanchong.Song of the Immortals: An Anthology of Classical Chinese Poetry. Beijing: NewWorld Pr, 1994.

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