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 2022-01-13 21:22:06  


摘 要

Chapter1 Introduction 1

1.1 Research Background 1

1.2 Need for the Study 1

1.3 Research Purpose 2

Chapeter2 Literature Review 1

2.1 Domestication and Foreignization 1

2.2 Previous Studies on Domestication and Foreignization 1

2.2.1 Studies on Domestication and Foreignization Abroad 1

2.2.2 Studies on Domestication and Foreignization Home 2

2.3 Previous studies on News Words Translation 2

2.3.1 Ideology in Translation 2

2.3.2 Culture in Source Language 2

2.3.3 New words in Source Language 3

2.4 Research Gap 3

Chapter3 Research Methodology 5

3.1 Research Questions 5

3.2 Data Collection 5

3.3 Data Analysis 5

Chapter4 Results and Discussion 6

4.1 A Close Look at Hot Words in 2018 China Daily 6

4.2 Strategies of Translating Hot Words to Achieve Domestication 8

4.3 Strategies of Translating Hot Words to Achieve Foreignization 8

Chapter 5 Conclusion 10

5.1 Major Findings 10

5.2 Implications 11

5.3 Limitations for the Study and Suggestions for Future Research 11

References 12


I would like to take this chance to express my heartfelt gratitude to those who in one way or another have done me a favor in the course of writing this thesis.

I am most indebted to my supervisor, Prof. Hu Yuanjiang for his rigorous supervision, insightful comments and intellectual guidance. He has been generous to spend his time on reading and commenting on the drafts of the thesis. And I have drawn great inspiration from our discussions.

Next, I would also like to express my sincere thanks to all the other professors and teachers for their kindness and generous help throughout my life in the campus.

Finally, I would like to thank my roommates and family for their constant care and support, without which this thesis would not have been finished successfully.


China Daily is an official and irreplaceable newspaper that provides an important channel for foreigners to learn the recent conditions both at home and abroad. Hot words in China Daily always reflect the heat of current issues, as well as are reference of other news media. It is of great importance for translators to apply appropriate translation strategies of hot words. Although the previous research studied on the translation strategies and methods applying to translation of words in news, there were still unsettled issues as follows: On the one hand, previous studies analyzed rarely on hot words in China Daily. On the other hand, there were few theses studied on news words translation from theoretical perspective of domestication and foreignization. Based on this, this study tries to explore translation strategies of domestication and foreignization applying to hot words in China Daily, aims to answer the following questions:

1. What hot words are used in 2018 China Daily?

2. What hot words are translated by applying domestication? What are the features of these hot words?

3. What hot words are translated by applying foreignization? What are the features of these hot words?

According to the news sections of the picked hot words, this study generalizes on the structures, features and translation methods of them. The objects of this study are hot words that picked from www.chinadaily.com.cn and language.chinadaily.com.cn.. They are 20 characteristic hot words from five different sections: China, World, Business, Culture and Lifestyle. After reading the theory of Domestication and Foreignization for reference, the picked hot words are formed in two main ways: Translated by applying domestication and Translated by applying foreignization. Social hot words, cultural hot words and politic hot words are analyzed on certain examples in the study. Major findings of this study are listed as follows:

First, most of the social hot words, cultural hot words and politic hot words are with Chinese characteristics. Some of them are rich in meaning and try to bring readers vivid image. They are translated by applying domestication for a better understanding.

Second, for the sake of showing respect for traditional culture and customs, some of the English versions of the hot words hold back pinyin or original meanings, especially cultural hot words with Chinese characteristics, and further explanations are added in the news texts.

Third, exotic hot words comes from the news in the target-language countries, so these words keeps as it is to comply with the principle of target-language countries.

Forth, combinations of known words turn into new compounding words then become hot words.

Owing to these words including social hot words, politic hot words, cultural hot words and exotic words etc., translators are supposed to apply different translation strategies to translate various words. Prudent attitude is necessary for a translator in the translation process. This paper provides different translation methods by giving examples.

The result of this study hopes the study will be helpful for the translators and professors, whom aim to study on translation strategies applying to translate hot words in China Daily. Moreover, it will contribute to the improvement of news C/E translation as well as the application and communication of domestication and foreignization.

Keywords: Hot words; translation; Domestication; Foreignizaiton; China Daily


《中国日报》是一份官方发布且不可被替代的新闻报纸,为国外读者了解中国国内外形势提供了重要渠道。《中国日报》中的热词通常体现了近期大事的热度, 也是作为其他新闻媒体发文的参考。因此,对于译者来说,在翻译热词时运用恰当的翻译策略十分重要。虽然已有很多研究探讨新闻热词的翻译方法与策略,但仍存在一些尚待解决的问题。首先,很少有研究者对《中国日报》中的热词进行研究。其次,从归化异化的理论视角来探讨新闻热词的翻译策略的研究比较少。鉴于此,本研究试图探讨中国日报中热词的归化和异化翻译策略,旨在回答以下问题:

1. 2018年中国日报中出现了怎样的热词?



本研究根据热词所出现在的新闻所属板块,对这些热词进行了分类,总结了这些热词的构成、特点以及翻译方法。本研究的研究对象来自于官方网站www.chinadaily.com.cn和language.chinadaily.com.cn,选取了2018年1月至12月的热词汇总中20个具有特色的热词,筛选时,这些热词分别来自China, World, Business, Culture和Lifestyle五个版块。根据归化异化理论,将选出的这些热词分为使用归化翻译和使用异化翻译两类。进一步研究时针对其中的政治性热词、文化性热词,社会性热词进行了具体举例分析。本研究的主要结果如下:其中的大部分政治性、社会性和文化性热词的英译展现了中国特色,译者运用归化方法翻译热词可便于理解,运用异化方法翻译热词时做到了尊重传统文化保留读音或是汉语本意的同时,在文中也增加了进一步解释。一些西来词语保持原型呈现,一些从新词发展来的热词是由已知词汇组合得来。由于其中包含了社会性热词、政治性热词、文化性热词以及外来词汇热词等,译者在翻译过程中需要在不同情况下灵活使用不同策略,更需要严谨的翻译态度。


关键词: 热词;翻译;归化;异化;中国日报

Chapter1 Introduction

This chapter is considered as the opening chapter of this thesis. Background, need for the study and purpose of research will be presented and at ways in which they might be organized.

1.1 Research background

Nowadays, China has developed rapidly and attracted worldwide concerns with the Belt and Road Initiative in the times background of global informatization. However, China’s media influence and voice remain to be enhanced in the international news media system. China Daily is a medium for international society to learn about and communicate with China. As well, it has an exemplary and instructional significance regarding fixing political news discourse.

C/E translation of news should meet the requirement of China’s national image construction for avoiding misunderstanding and distortion from other countries. Meanwhile, precise C/E translation of news should be exposed to international attention, to let foreign readers know about China’s current development veritably and directly. Therefore hot words usually represent the trends of current development and common concerns in the domestic society. Hence, on the basis of China Daily News in 2018,this thesis will focus on studying application of domesticating and foreignizating translation of hot words in 2018 China Daily and analyze different translation processes which affected by different expression factors.

1.2 Need for the study

The thesis has both academic and practical meanings. On the one hand, China Daily is an official and irreplaceable newspaper that provides a significant channel for foreigners to learn the current national and world conditions. Therefore, China Daily mainly serves those foreigners who live in China, and it is often used as a guide of Chinese government policy. Therefore, it is necessary for translators to use different translation methods to different sections of news. On the other hand, hot words in China Daily have been sorted out and shared for examinees that are preparing for MTI examination to recite. However there are few studies which intend to analyze on the

translation strategies of the popular words or phrases.

1.3 Research purpose

To start with, the present study will make a literature review on the definition of domesticating and foreignizating translation, translation of news texts and introduce several factors which affected translation processes.

After that, with the assistance of language.chinadaily.com.cn, this study will pick certain characteristic hot words from articles from the China Daily World, China, Business, Culture and Lifestyle sections concerning 2018 hot words. Thus, the translation methods of hot words will be analyzed and dissected in an effort to classify the appropriate translation methods for the hot words in the future.

Chapeter2 Literature Review

To date, domestication and foreignization in C/E translation have been applied into the translation field of news. Despite the extensive study of translation methods and hot words, the study of application of domesticating and foreignizating translation in hot words in news remains almost few analyses. Moreover, conventional analysis for studying translation processes in news words of a whole year is relatively inadequate in face of tremendous quantities of real-life data. This chapter gives some detailed explanation of theoretical framework on which the thesis will be put forward, including the brief introduction of Domestication and Foreignization and news words. Besides, the thesis reviews previous studies on domestication and foreignization home and abroad as well as different factors which affecting translation process of news.

2.1 Domestication and Foreignization

Domestication and Foreignization are the names of two translation strategies. In the field of translational study, Lawrence Venuti is the first user of the technical terms of them. According to Schuttleworth and Cowie(1997:59), Foreignizating Translation (or Minoritizing Translation) is a term to designate the type of translation aims to deliberately break target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original. Venuti views it as the preferred translation stragtegy. He thus sees its role to send readers abroad.

Domesticating translation is a translation strategy that translators help to reduce readers’ opaque and non-fluent feeling when reading foreign language texts.

2.2 Previous studies on Domestication and Foreignization

2.2.1 Studies on Domestication and Foreignization abroad

Domesticating translation can be traced back to 17th-century England. Briefly speaking, in the English translation history and Anglo-American culture, domesticating translation played a leading role in translation strategy. Nida’s translation theories are on behalf of domesticating translation theory. Venuti criticizes on Nida’s translation theory. He insists that the domesticating translation with fluent style engage in cultural aggression and immigration in virtue of cultural communication.

Foreignizating translation became famous in Germany at the beginning of the19th

century. Schleiermacher announces that foreignizating translation is helpful for setting up national culture and absorbing the expression method of foreign language. Venuti suggests in the global condition of that time, foreignizating translation is needed for cultural intervention which aims to be opposed to cultural hegemonism in English-language conturies and unequal phenomenon in cultural communication.

2.2.2 Studies on Domestication and Foreignization home

Some scholars insist on analyzing the dialectical relationship between Domestication and Foreignization as opposite translation strategies. Owing to the previous existence of, professors and scholars have studies on comparison and discrimination of these two big strategy terms, aim to help foreign language major students having a definite understanding. According to ZhuAnbo’s study(2009:12), Domestication and Foreignization, sense-for-sense translation and word-for-word translation are two connective but discriminative terms. Domestication and sense-for-sense translation tend to allow sentences to read smoothly; Foreignization and word-for-word translation pursue to respect target language grammar. However, their differences are obviously. Domestication and Foreignization put emphasis on culture and communication problems; sense-for-sense translation and word-for-word translation lay stress on language forms.

2.3 Previous studies on news words translation

2.3.1 Ideology in translation

Considering different sections of news and inner meanings, translation strategies are used to separated purposes.

International condition is turbulent. In some kind of political situation, translators make translation serve for ideology of target language by revision. Ideology is often enforced by the certain individuals who commission or publish translations. “Translations can be threatening precisely and potentially because they confront the receiving culture from another, separated way of looking at society and lives, a way that can be seen as potentially subversive, and must therefore to be kept out.”(Bassnett amp; Lefevere, 1992:14)


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