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从创伤理论视角解读亚裔美国小说《无声告白》An Analysis of Asian-American Novel Everything I Never Told You from the Trauma Theory Perspective开题报告

 2021-03-11 00:20:45  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

chinese american literature, with over one hundred and fifty years history, has experienced the twisting and turbulent process from be ignored to be concerned, from been marginalized to gradually enter into the mainstream. since 1990s, in the context of globalization, the development of chinese american literature presents a multi-landscape, beginning to get the accept ion and attention from american literature. meanwhile, a group of outstanding women writers including maxine hong kingston, amy tan,fae myenne ng and gish jen have infused fresh blood into chinese american literature, providing people with lots of materials to analyze and study, which promotes this literature into prosperity. so increasingly scholars at home and aboard engage into researching chinese american literature, from the fields of simple culture into diverse gender, narrative strategy, literature and history. also, more theories have been taken to analyze it, such as feminism, post-colonial theory, new historic ism and so on. the study in this literature presents a diversified trend.

however, few scholars in domestic focus study on the psychological state of the asian immigrant groups, few achievements have been obtained from the field of psychology. therefore, it is extremely important to figure out the connections between asian-americans’ living environment and their psychological conditions. in another aspect, over decades, representative works like the woman warrior by maxine hong kingston, the joy luck club by amy tan, typical american by gish jen and bone by fae myenne ng have been analyzed and appreciated too much. in order to be creative and innovative, this paper chooses everything i never told you from celeste ng for further study. celeste ng, as one newcomer of chinese-american writer, spent six years accomplishing her first long novel everything i never told you. the moment this book came into the public, it became the most powerful and popular dark horse in 2014. as a result, it not only jumped into the new york time’s bestseller, but also been selected as “the best books of the year of 2014” by amazon site and many other medium. to some degree, the novel everything i never told you is deserved to be analyzed and researched.

in short, based on the previous research findings, this paper aims at expounding everything i never told you systematically from the new trauma theory perspective, hoping to elaborate the reasons, symptoms and feasible treatments of the psychological trauma. combined with the content, this paper explores how much lydia has been influenced by her school, family, or community environment, which way she has chosen to confront those conflicts and pains, and who should be responsible for her death as a way to interpret lydia’s psychological trauma comprehensively. finally, under the guidance of the trauma theory, this paper will advance effective and feasible ways to cure trauma to shine the darkness side of trauma victims and help them break through the hazer of soul.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

Since 1990s, Chinese American Literature has been climbing into its prosperity, becoming major research objects in academia both at home and aboard. Everything I Never Told You as one of the representative work of Chinese American Literature written by Asian-American writer Celeste Ng makes a big hit since its publication. It mainly narrates the tragedy of an interracial family where the father comes from China and the mother is a typical American woman. In this novel, almost all major characters are victims of trauma,especially Lydia, the daughter of this family, who finally chooses to suicide herself to confront the trauma. Racial prejudice, identity crisis and cultural collision constitute the major sources of the physical trauma and tragedy of this family. Based on the key points of trauma theory and Asian-American literature, this paper will recur the trauma memory and elaborate trauma symptoms in this story, figure out the deepest reasons behind the tragedy and at last put forward some suggestions for treatment plan.

3. 研究计划与安排

before 20thjanuary : settlement of the title

before20thmarch: submission of the outline

before 25thapril : submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1].derya guliz mert , meral kelleci , esengul yildiz. childhood trauma and general cognitive ability: roles of minimization/denial and gender[j].psychiatry research(if 2.456), 2016.

[2].grice helen, negotiating identities: an introduction to asian american women’s writing[j]. manchester: manchester university press, 2002

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