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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 文学教育类 > 英语 > 正文

教师支持对大学生英语自我调节学习的影响:自我效能感的中介作用Research on the relationship between Teacher Support and Self-regulated English Learning of College Students—Evidence of Mediated Effects with Self-efficacy开题报告

 2021-02-25 13:14:42  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

university is an important stage for students where they step half into the community, making independent arrangements for their learning without the supervision of their parents. after the strict management in high school aiming at the specific goal- college entrance examination, this is the first time for students to re-explore the meaning of learning and to plan for the future.

first of all, english as an important tool to meet the need of english grading test, job requirement or even postgraduate exam, is definitely a ridge which every college student should cross. secondly, under the fact that english is a compulsory course in the university, students perceived teacher support behavior will affect their academic self-regulation of development, and will thus affect their academia performance. in addition, self-efficacy is another factor influencing self-regulated learning. students with higher self-efficacy are more involved in learning english with more confidence, taking a proactive approach as well as setting high learning goals for themselves, while those with lower self-efficacy are more likely to take english learning as a heavy burden, avoiding the challenge learning tasks as much as possible.

the research on self-regulated english learning of college students can provide educational practitioners with theoretical support on teaching practice and activity management. in this way, they can take appropriate measures to enable the teaching activities and school management to proceed smoothly. also, the research can help teachers better understand the teaching activities and how students can participate better in study activities, in other to help students form a positive learning attitude.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

this paper is to explore whether, for students perceiving different level of teacher support, differences exist between their english self-efficacy and self-regulation and how the former affects the latter. it also deals with whether and how self-efficacy can be a mediated effect on the way teacher support affecting self-regulated english learning of college students.

300 non- english majors form wuhan university of technology varying from freshmen to seniors are selected randomly with the unit of college english class to answer the questionnaire anonymously.

three sets of online questionnaires are used with relatively high reliability and validity, which are respectively: students-perceived teacher behavior support questionnaire, english self-efficacy questionnaire and self-regulated english learning of college students questionnaire. time limit is about 10 minutes. data will be analyzed by using spss system.


3. 研究计划与安排

before 26th, december settlement of the title

before 25th, february submission of the outline

before 25th, april submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] cotterall s. key variables in language learning: what do learners believe about them?[j]. system, 1999, 27(4):493-513.

[2] dietrich j, dicke a l, kracke b, et al. teacher support and its influence on students' intrinsic value and effort: dimensional comparison effects across subjects[j]. learning amp; instruction, 2015, 39:45-54.

[3] kim d h, wang c, ahn h s, et al. english language learners' self-efficacy profiles and relationship with self-regulated learning strategies[j]. learning amp; individual differences, 2015, 38:136-142.

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