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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2020-05-18 21:18:04  

摘 要

本工程位于沈阳市。主体结构总层数为五层,层高为3.9m。建筑总高度为19.5m,建筑平面尺寸为48.2m×23.6m。抗震设防烈度为 7度,基本地震加速度为 0.10g。





Located in ShenYang, this engineering is a steel structure teaching building which has a main body of four floors. All floors of the building are 3.9 meters high. The building has a total height of 19.5 meters with a plan view size of 48.2m×23.6m. In addition,The earthquake fortifying intensity of this engineering is 7 degree, and the basic earthquake acceleration of the design is 0.10g.

The main form of the structure is steel frame structure box-shaped. Splicing nodes were connected by welding bolt. The pressure plate - non-mix concrete floor slab was applied for the floor roof, light-weight aerated concrete block was selected as walls. Meanwhile, steel stairs were selected in the project. the structural design bases on graduation project requests, such as the capacity of resisting the earthquake. In the calculation, the solutions about earthquake computing is according to the aseismic code, which is our national nouns specifically speaking, the process of the structural design are as follows, judge the size of the member of structure, calculate the load, calculate the internal force, design the connection of members, design the single extended foundation under the column. When calculate the internal force, many loads are taken into consideration, such as the wind load, the seismic load, the snow load and etc;when check the steel member and the connections, the normal situation and seismic situation are both considered.

I also compare the results between hand count and software, so that I can know better about the difference between them. When calculate the deformation of the steel-concrete combinated beam, the beam is simplified as a simple supported beam.

Keywords:steel framed structure;the design of connections;the design of steel member


第一章 设计概况 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2 建筑结构等级指标及设计年限 1

1.3 建筑设计相关参数 1

1.4 本工程设计过程中所遵循的标准、规范 2

1.5 设计内容 3

第二章 建筑设计 4

2.1平面设计 4

2.2立面设计 4

2.3剖面设计 4

2.4建筑防火设计 4

第三章 结构选型与结构布置 5

3.1 结构选型 5

3.2结构布置 5

3.3 材料的选用 6

3.4 初估构件截面尺寸 6

3.5 框架计算单元及计算简图 9

第四章 荷载标准值计算 13

4.1 恒荷载标准值计算 13

4.2 活荷载标准值计算 15

第五章 各层重力荷载代表值 16

5.1首层 16

5.2 标准层 17

5.3 屋面层 19

第六章 荷载计算 21

6.1 竖向恒载作用下框架标准值 21

6.2 竖向活载作用下框架标准值 24

6.3 风荷载计算 26

6.4 横向水平地震作用计算 26

6.5 水平荷载作用下结构侧移计算 31

第七章 框架内力计算 34

7.1 恒载作用下的框架内力 34

7.2 活载作用下的框架内力 39

7.3 风荷载作用下的内力计算 42

7.4 横向地震(水平)作用下的内力计算 46

第八章 框架内力组合 51

第九章 构件设计 52

9.1梁柱截面几何特性 52

9.2 基本效应组合下的构件截面验算 52

9.3地震作用组合下的构件截面验算 63

9.4强柱弱梁验算 71

第十章 框架节点设计 73

10.1梁柱刚接节点承载力验算 73

10.2柱与柱的拼接节点 83

10.3柱脚设计 84

第十一章 楼屋盖设计 87

11.1设计资料 87

11.2施工阶段压型钢板的验算 87

11.3非组合楼板使用阶段验算 88

11.4次梁设计 90

11.5施工阶段压型钢板的验算 91

11.6非组合楼板使用阶段的验算 92

11.7次梁设计 93

第十二章 楼梯设计 96

12.1设计资料 96

12.2踏步板计算 96

12.3楼梯斜梁计算 97

12.4平台梁设计 99

12.5平台板设计 100

第十三章 基础设计 102

13.1设计资料 102

13.2荷载计算 103

13.3基础计算 103

第十四章 电算结果 111

参考文献 112

致谢 113

附录 114

第一章 设计概况

1.1 工程概况



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