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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2020-04-08 12:35:13  

摘 要





3.利用Midas Civil 2015软件建立桥梁模型,分析结构内力,进行预应力钢束的估算,然后再布置预应力钢束,进行预应力损失的计算以及次内力的计算;


关键词:连续梁;悬臂挂篮施工;预应力钢筋;Midas Civil 2015

导师签名: 年 月 日


In recent years, China has made great achievements in the field of bridge engineering, and the level of bridge design and construction technology has been greatly improved. Among them, the development of prestressed concrete continuous beam bridges is particularly prominent. The prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge has large span capability, flexible construction method, strong adaptability, large structural rigidity and small deformation, good dynamic performance, and is conducive to high-speed driving. Compared with other bridges, it has greater advantages. Therefore, the prestressed Concrete continuous beam bridges are widely used in China.The subject of this graduation project is the design and calculation analysis of the superstructure of Bian River Bridge. The bridge spans Bian River and is a 48 78 48m prestressed concrete variable-section continuous box girder bridge with main beam. Cantilever casting method, the use of basket symmetrical balanced cast concrete, the use of full-span bracket construction method.

The procedure of the design is listed below:

First, check the relevant data to understand the structural characteristics, stress characteristics and construction process methods of prestressed concrete continuous girder bridges. Through the comparison of the bridge type scheme, it is determined that the best plan is the design of prestressed concrete continuous girder bridges;

Second, Formulating the size of the superstructure, mainly determining the dimensions of the detail structure of the box girder, the height of the beam, the thickness of the bottom plate changes according to the second parabola, and the thickness of the web adopts a linear change;

Third, Using Midas Civil 2015 software to establish a bridge model, analyze the internal forces of the structure, estimate the prestressed steel bundles, and then arrange the prestressed steel bundles to calculate the prestress loss and calculate the secondary internal forces;

Forth, Check the strength of section .

Key words : Pre-stressed concrete continuous girder bridge; Cantilever constructed ; prestressed steel;Midas Civil 2015

目 录

第1章 绪 论 1

1.1预应力混凝土连续梁桥的概况 1

1.2施工工艺方法 1

1.3毕业设计主要内容 2

1.4 毕业设计的目的和意义 2

第2章 桥型方案比选 3

2.1桥梁设计原则 3

2.2方案比选 5

2.3主梁截面形式探讨选定 6

2.4桥墩桥台方案确定 7

第3章 上部结构尺寸拟定 8

3.1桥梁立面布置 8

3.1.1桥梁总跨径的确定 8

3.1.2桥梁分孔 8

3.1.3梁高 8

3.1.4 桥面标高的确定 9

3.2 横截面设计 9

3.2.1 桥面宽度 9

3.2.2 箱形截面细部尺寸 9

3.3 主梁的施工分段 12

第4章 主梁内力计算 13

4.1 MIDAS模型建立 13

4.1.1 计算单元的划分 13

4.1.2 荷载信息 13

4.2毛截面几何特性 14

4.2恒载内力计算 15

4.3活载内力计算 18

4.4 恒活载内力短期效应组合 19

第5章 预应力钢束的估算与布置 22

5.1预应力钢束的估算方法 22

5.3预应力钢束的估算 24

5.3.1截面的几何特性 24

5.3.2正常使用极限状态下的内力表 25

5.3.3预应力钢束的估算 26

5.4预应力钢束的布置 27

5.4.1预应力钢束布置原则 27

5.4.2纵向预应力钢束的布置 28

第6章 预应力损失及有效预应力计算 31

6.1预应力损失的计算原理 31

6.1.1预应力钢筋与管道壁之间的摩擦引起的应力损失 31

6.1.2锚具变形、钢筋回缩和接缝压缩引起的应力损失 31

6.1.3 混凝土的弹性压缩引起的应力损失 31

6.1.4 预应力钢筋的应力松弛引起的应力损失 32

6.1.5 混凝土的收缩和徐变引起的应力损失 32

6.2 有效预应力值计算 32

第7章 次内力计算 37

7.1 收缩、徐变次内力 37

7.2 温度内力计算 39

7.2. 1 温度对连续梁结构的影响 39

7.2.2系统温度内力计算结果 40

7.2.3温度梯度内力计算结果 42

7.3 预加力引起的次内力 44

7.3.1 预加力次内力计算原理 44

7.3.2 先期预应力束产生的徐变次内力 44

7.3.3 后期预应力束产生的弹性次内力 44

7.4 支座不均匀沉降引起的次内力 46

第8章 截面验算 48

8.1 内力组合与截面验算 48

8.2 承载能力极限状态计算 49

8.2.1 正截面抗弯承载能力计算 49

8.2.2 斜截面抗剪验算 53

8.3 正常使用极限状态计算 54

8.3.1 使用阶段正截面抗裂验算 55

8.3.2 使用阶段斜截面抗裂验算 57

8.4 持久状况和短暂状况构件的应力计算 58

8.4.1 使用阶段正截面压应力验算 58

8.4.2 使用阶段斜截面主压应力验算 59

8.4.3 施工阶段正截面法向应力验算 59

8.4.4 受拉区钢筋的拉应力验算 62

第9章 总结和讨论 66

参考文献 67

致 谢 68

第1章 绪 论











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