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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2022-05-10 20:15:19  


摘 要

第一章 结构选型与布置 2

1.1工程概况 2

1.1.1气象资料 2

1.1.2工程地质资料 2

1.1.3结构和基础的安全等级 3

1.1.4荷载取值 3

1.2施工技术条件 3

1.1.1材料供应 3

1.1.1水、电供应 3

第二章 确定计算简图 3

2.1梁、柱截面尺寸 3

2.2荷载计算 4

2.2.1恒载 5

2.2.2活载 6

2.2.3风荷载 8

2.2.4地震作用 9

第三章 框架内力计算 12

3.1恒载作用下的框架内力 12

3.1.1弯矩分配系数 12

3.1.2杆件固端弯矩 14

3.1.3节点不平衡弯矩 15

3.1.4内力计算 16

3.2活载作用下的框架内力 21

3.3风荷载作用下的位移、内力计算 39

3.4地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 44

第四章 框架内力组合 52

第五章 框架梁柱截面设计 58

第六章 楼梯结构计算设计 69

6.1梯段板计算 69

6.2休息平台板计算 70

6.3梯段梁TL1计算 71

第七章 现浇楼面板设计 72

7.1跨中最大弯矩 72

7.2支座中点最大弯矩 73

7.3 A区格 74

7.4 E区格 75

第八章 桩基础设计 76

8.1 设计荷载计算 77

8.2 柱下独立基础设计 78

8.2.1单桩承载力计算 79

8.2.2桩基竖向承载力特征值 80

8.2.3桩基竖向承载力验算 80

8.2.4承台设计 81

8.2.5承台厚度及受冲切承载力验算 82

8.2.6承台受剪承载力验算 82

8.2.7承台受弯承载力验算 83

8.2.8承台构造设计 83

8.2.9桩身结构设计 83

8.2.10桩身构造设计 84

8.2.11吊装验算 84

8.3 设计图纸 85

8.4 参考文献 85

致谢 86






关键词: 框架 结构设计 抗震设计

Content abstract

This project acts according to the Nanjing University of Technology civil engineering specialized design project description. The project’s name is Hefei XX company’s office building, the construction occupies a land area of 630.08, the floor space is 3150.40.

This project uses the portal frame construction, main body is four floors.In this design, I introduced the details of this office building.And this design includes: Architectural design, structural design computation, foundation design calculation, staircase design calculation and floor design calculation.

This design includes: Overall layout, plane layout, function district and so on.

The most important part is structural design computation, it is composed of three parts: The first chapter of design information,the second chapter of frame structure design and the third chapter of foundation design and conclusions. In the method of computation, using the base shearing force law regarding the horizontal earthquake function; using the delamination regarding the vertical load. In the foundation design part,using precast concrete pile foundation for the requirement of the instructor.

Key word: Frame Structural design Aseismic design

第一章 结构选型与布置

1.1 工程概况


1.1.1 气象资料


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