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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:21:01  

摘 要



  1. 开挖过程中,隧道上台阶、下台阶周边岩体在水平方向上有明显的阶段性变形特点,上台阶围岩水平位移值逐渐减小,下台阶水平位移值逐渐增大。
  2. 在隧道施工过程中,上台阶开挖对拱顶围岩的扰动最大,致使得其产生较大的沉降,对于Ⅴ级围岩,应设置不小于40mm的预留变形进行防控,对于Ⅳ级围岩,预留变形应不小于15mm。
  3. 岩体被挖出后,剩余围岩的转角处容易出现应力集中现象,局部围岩整体性较差,容易发生失稳破坏。
  4. 相较于Ⅴ级围岩,Ⅳ级围岩各方面变形值显著减小,实际工程中,在满足使用要求的前提下应尽量避开Ⅴ级围岩区段,保证施工安全。
  5. 仰拱的存在能够限制围岩的变形,减小围岩内部的应力,提高隧道的整体稳定性。



In recent years, with the rapid development of China's infrastructure construction, the number of subway, highway tunnel and railway tunnel has increased significantly, but at the same time, tunnel excavation accidents also occur from time to time. Because of its weak lithology and poor integrity, the risk coefficient of tunnel construction in its section is very large. Therefore, in order to ensure the construction safety and avoid casualties, the deformation and stress characteristics of soft surrounding rock in the process of tunnel excavation have become a major topic for researchers to explore in depth.

This paper introduces the characteristics of soft rock and the research status of soft rock in various aspects at home and abroad, and takes five different types of soft rock sections within a specific tunnel excavation length as the research object, adopts the three step method of reserving core soil for construction, uses ANSYS finite element software to carry out numerical Simulation for each excavation step, analyzes and summarizes the changes of different grades of soft rock in the excavation process Finally, the following rules are obtained from the stress characteristics of shape and the influence of invert on the stability of surrounding rock:

  1. During the excavation process, the rock mass around the upper and lower steps of the tunnel has obvious stage deformation characteristics in the horizontal direction. The horizontal displacement value of the surrounding rock of the upper step decreases gradually, and the horizontal displacement value of the lower step increases gradually.
  2. In the process of tunnel construction, the excavation of the upper stage has the greatest disturbance to the surrounding rock of the arch crown, resulting in large settlement. For grade V surrounding rock, the reserved deformation of no less than 40mm shall be set for prevention and control, and for grade IV surrounding rock, the reserved deformation shall be no less than 15mm.
  3. After the rock mass is excavated, the corner of the remaining surrounding rock is prone to stress concentration, and the integrity of the local surrounding rock is poor, which is prone to instability.
  4. Compared with grade V surrounding rock, the deformation value of grade IV surrounding rock is significantly reduced in all aspects. In the actual project, on the premise of meeting the use requirements, grade V surrounding rock section shall be avoided as far as possible to ensure the construction safety.
  5. The existence of inverted arch can limit the deformation of surrounding rock, reduce the internal stress of surrounding rock and improve the overall stability of the tunnel.

Keywords: weak surrounding rock; tunnel; numerical simulation; stress deformation

目 录

第一章 绪论 5

1.1研究背景和研究目的 5

1.2国内外研究现状 6

1.3本文主要研究内容 8

第二章 隧道岩体和施工方法研究 9

2.1工程地质概况 9

2.2隧道施工方法研究 10

2.3施工步骤 11

2.4施工控制要点 12

2.5本章小结 13

第三章 隧道软弱围岩施工过程数值模拟 14

3.1预留核心土三台阶法在ANSYS有限元软件中的实现 14

3.2数值模型建立 16

3.3本章小结 18

第四章 有仰拱隧道模拟结果分析 20

4.1研究对象 20

4.2隧道断面测点布置 20

4.3Ⅴ级围岩数值模拟结果分析 21

4.4Ⅳ级围岩数值模拟结果分析 33

4.5各围岩总体分析 40

4.6本章小结 43

第五章 无仰拱隧道模拟结果分析 44

5.1隧道模型建立 44

5.2一号围岩结果分析 45

5.3二号围岩结果分析 49

5.4三号围岩结果分析 51

5.5四号围岩结果分析 53

5.6五号围岩结果分析 56

5.7本章小结 58

第六章 结论与展望 59

6.1结论 59

6.2展望 60

参考文献 61

致谢 63

第一章 绪论




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