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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 测控技术与仪器 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:21:06  

摘 要


本文主要介绍了立体仓库模拟装置控制系统的设计, 包括软件与硬件设计。该装置基于三菱FX2N系列PLC。本文先对自动化立体仓库进行了全方位介绍,然后说明了本立体仓库模拟装置的硬件设计,对使用到的各个器件进行了详细说明,同时讲述了系统的工作原理,最后阐述了该系统的软件设计部分。该模拟装置实现的功能是,通过计算机模拟自动化立体仓库进行货物搬运的过程。该系统通过FX2N PLC控制信号的变化,并以此来控制机械部分的运动,从而设计要求的功能。最后是对本次设计所涉及的知识进行归纳总结。



In recent years, modern logistics system has developed rapidly, among which automated warehouse is the key component. Compared with the traditional warehouse, it has a lot of advantages, such as saving loss, improving logistics efficiency, etc. At present, automated warehouse is widely used in many aspect s.

This paper mainly introduces the design of the simulation device of the automated warehouse based on Mitsubishi FX2N, including the design of software and hardware. In this paper, the automatic three-dimensional warehouse is introduced in an all-round way; then introduces the components used in the system, and finally the part of PLC programming.The function of the simulation device is to carry out automatic material handling through computer simulation of automatic three-dimensional warehouse,not only can automatically access the necessary goods in the warehouse, but also can be connected to the warehouse beyond organic production processes,and automation warehouse material handling equipment so that production logistics become an important part. FX2N programmable controller as the core control signal input port to complete the acquisition of various arithmetic logic control and data, and then complete the realistic movement of the motor and a variety of signals through the output port. The system should be able to achieve both manual and automatic mode, the device can be controlled via the keyboard. Finally, the design of this project have learned knowledge and summarized.

Key words: warehouse; PLC; FX2N; Stepper motor

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1本课题设计的目的和意义 1

1.2本课题设计的背景 1

1.3 PLC的介绍 2

1.3.1 PLC的主要结构 2

1.3.2 PLC的特点 2

1.4 本文主要研究内容 3

第2章 自动化立体仓库系统控制方案 4

2.1总体结构 4

2.2系统设计流程 4

2.3 立体仓库的功能 6

2.4本章小结 7

第3章 自动化立体仓库的硬件设计 8

3.1 立体仓库具体参数的确定 8

3.2电气控制部件的选择 8

3.2.1步进电机 8

3.2.2步进电机驱动系统 11

3.2.2 传感器的选择 12

3.2.3 微动开关选择 14

3.2.5直流电动机 14

3.2.6并联型开关稳压电源 15

3.2.6 立体仓库系统控制 15

3.3 PLC的选择 16

3.3.1 选择的原则 16

3.3.2 FX2N PLC的介绍 16

3.4 PLC控制系统设计 16

3.4.1系统的结构图 16

3.4.2 I/O分配表 17

3.4.3 电气原理图的设计 18

3.5 本章小结 19

第4章 自动化立体仓库的软件设计 20

4.1高速脉冲的产生和输出 20

4.2 梯形图 20

4.3系统流程图 21

4.4主要程序的设计 23

4.5本章小结 28

第5章 系统仿真 29

5.1 GT Designer 3介绍与使用教程 29

5.2 创建组态画面 30

5.3 软元件和动作设置 31

5.4 运行和仿真 32

5.4本章小结 35

第6章 结论 36

参考文献 37

附 录A 38

致 谢 49





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