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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-04-25 23:33:09  

摘 要

本工程是贵州安顺市绿地房地产公司办公楼设计,为现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构。共有五层,其中底层的层高为4.4米,其它层层高均为3.3米,建筑总高度为17.600米,建筑面积约为4000m2。地震烈度为6级 ,属二级框架乙类建筑。本工程以手算为主。





关键词 钢筋混凝土;框架结构;结构设计


This construction object,Which is Design of office building of green city real estate company in Anshun City, Guizhou Province,is a multi-storey reinforced concrete frame structure.This building has five floors.The story height of the first floor is 4.4 meters,and the others 3.3 meters.So the overall height of the Building is 17.600 meters。This design is mainly calculated by hand.

First of all, the building structure design, follow the first building, after the structure, and then the basis of the design process. Seeking the help of teachers, under the guidance of the teacher, the flexibility to use the specification requirements, do not rigidly adhere to the rules and regulations, making the whole building more reasonable and economical. With reference to the design specifications, information requirements or recommendations, and through access to information, reference to similar projects in the past design. The building design is mainly based on the architectural design scheme, taking into account the building durability grade, fire resistance grade, waterproof grade, construction requirements, building importance grade, geological conditions, seismic fortification requirements, construction conditions and material supply Aspects of the conditions. The design process should follow the design principles of "applicable, safe, economical and beautiful", and the design of the building layout, structural structure and so on, including the building plane selection, the flat column network layout, the plane traffic organization and the plane function design; Finally designed stairwell.

In the structural design section, the lateral frame of the third axis is first selected for manual calculation, and the force transmission path is determined to determine the load including constant load, live load, wind load, earthquake action, and internal force combination The internal force of each section of beam and column is calculated, and finally the reinforcement of each component is determined according to the internal force.

After the staircase design, we have completed the internal force calculation of the stepping plate, the inclined beam, the platform beam, the platform plate and so on, and the reinforcement calculation according to the obtained internal force and the drawing of the construction drawing. Finally, according to the engineering geological data, the foundation of the foundation design grade is C, the basic form of the use of independent basis, initially determine the basic size, the first check, and then determine the reinforcement.

Structural design process for about 20 days is the building structure design software PKPM on the overall structure of the computer calculation, in the remaining less than a month and a half of the time to select a relatively simple framework for hand count, so Even if you are familiar with the basic use of PKPM software, but also for their past four years to learn something to make a comprehensive review.

Key Word: Reinforced concrete; frame structure; structural design


第1章 绪论 1

第2章 设计资料 2

2.1 工程名称 2

2.2 工程概况 2

2.3 建筑等级 2

2.4 设计荷载 2

2.5 抗震设防 2

2.6 气象资料 3

2.7 地质资料 3

2.8 材料选用 3

第3章 结构选型 5

3.1 柱网布置 5

3.2 框架结构承重方案的选择 7

3.3 计算单元选取 7

3.4 梁、柱截面尺寸的初步估计 7

3.4.1 梁截面初选 7

3.4.2 柱截面初选 8

第4章 侧移刚度的计算 9

4.1 梁线刚度ib的计算 9

4.2 柱线刚度ic的计算 9

4.3 相对线刚度计算 9

第5章 荷载作用下内力计算 11

5.1 恒荷载标准值计算 11

5.2 活荷载标准值的计算 13

5.3 竖向荷载下框架受荷总图 14

5.4 风荷载计算 18

5.4.1 集中风荷载计算 18

5.4.2 风荷载作用下的位移计算 20

5.5 水平地震荷载计算 22

5.5.1 重力荷载代表值的计算 22

5.5.2 水平地震作用力的计算(基底剪力法) 23

5.5.3 水平地震作用下框架的侧移验算 25

第6章 内力计算 26

6.1 恒荷载作用下框架的内力 26

6.2 活荷载作用下框架的内力 32

6.3 风荷载作用下框架内力计算 37

6.4 水平地震作用下框架内力计算 41

第7章 荷载和内力组合 47

7.1 梁的内力组合 49

7.1.1 梁的内力组合计算 49

7.1.2 框架梁组合的剪力设计值 56 确定 56 梁的计算跨度 56 梁的剪力设计值 57

7.2 柱的内力组合表 57

7.2.1 柱的内力组合计算 57

7.2.2 柱的剪力设计值 63

第8章 框架梁、柱配筋 64

8.1 框架横梁配筋 64

8.1.1 框架横梁正截面配筋计算 64

8.1.2 框架横梁斜截面配筋计算 67

8.2 框架柱配筋 68

第9章 双向板计算 75

9.1 荷载设计值 77

9.2 内力计算 77

第10章 楼梯设计 83

10.1 设计参数 83

10.2 踏步板(TB-1)计算 85

10.3 楼梯斜梁的计算 86

10.4 平台梁计算 87

10.5 平台板计算 88

第11章 基础设计 90

11.1 地基基础设计等级 90

11.2.1 确定A柱基底尺寸 90

11.2.2 地基承载力验算 91

11.2.3基础受冲切承载力验算 91

11.2.4 基础底板配筋计算 92

11.3.1 确定B柱基底尺寸 94

11.3.2 地基承载力验算 94

11.3.3 基础受冲切承载力验算 95

11.3.4 基础底板配筋计算 96

第12章 PKPM电算结果与手算对比 100

结论 101

致谢 102

参考文献 103

  1. 绪论

此次毕业设计历时近三个月,整个过程包括查阅资料、建筑设计、结构计算、以及翻译英文。首先在建筑学老师的帮助下,我懂得了灵活运用规范,确定了一系列的建施图纸。同时在我的毕设老师指导下,我对土木工程相关规范、流程等内容有了更深刻的理解,对于大学中所学到的专业知识也得到了复习和巩固。在绘图时,我主要采用的是天正建筑,PKPM ,TSSD等专业绘图软件,结合手算结果绘制或是利用电算结果直接出图,基本掌握了这些软件的操作,学习到了新的知识。最后,我手画了梁、柱的配筋图,锻炼了手绘图纸的能力。


第2章 设计资料

2.1 工程名称


2.2 工程概况


2.3 建筑等级


2.4 设计荷载

,根据《建筑结构荷载规范》基本风压一般为规范确定的50年重现期的风压,但不得小于0.30 kN/m2。本建筑并非对风荷载敏感的结构,无需提高,故直接采用贵州安顺市当地50年一遇的风压值 ,办公楼建筑位于市区,在分类中应当属于有密集建筑群的城市市区,故地面粗糙度取为C类。

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