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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-03-11 00:35:24  

摘 要




最后本章首先对有限元方法的步骤进行介绍,通过ANSYS 14.5软件对YX20-215-860型屋面板进行三维几何建模、有限元网格划分、载荷约束施加、非线性计算设置,计算出屋面所能承受的最大载荷。可以发现,风荷载作用在屋面时,随着风荷载大小的逐渐增强,屋面板首先从四周连接部分发生破坏,产生塑性变形。然后当载荷施加到波峰时,即屋面板遭受的最大荷载为1.02MPa时,屋面板中心区域也遭受破坏,造成屋面板发生失效。



Compared with the traditional roof, metal roofing has many advantages, sunch as light weight, strong durability, strong appearance adaptability, high economic performance, energy conservation, environmental protection and so on, so its application in variety of large-span space structures becomes more and more common. But this structure is light weight, large flexibility and extremely sensitive to wind load, its main design load is wind load. However in recent years, metal roofing was uncovered, serious leaks and other phenomena due to wind loads occur frequently, these caused serious economic losses and affect people's life. its wind resistance problems far has not been solved. Therefore, further study on the wind resistance of the metal roofing has important significance.

In this paper, the main structure of the large span grid structure is analyzed and summarized, and the mechanism of wind damage is analyzed on the basis of a large number of wind disaster accidents, and some countermeasures are put forward.

Then, through the analysis and analysis of the envelope in the large-span grid structure system, it is found that the wind-induced damage of the envelope is mainly caused by the tearing of the roof panel. Then, based on the above analysis, through the investigation and analysis of the wind disaster accidents under the strong typhoon of a gymnasium, we analyze the causes of the windstorm accident from the aspects of structural wind resistance design, construction and windbreak measures, To conduct an investigation and analysis.

Finally, this chapter introduces the steps of the finite element method, and analyzes the YX20-215-860 roof panel by ANSYS 14.5 software. The geometric modeling, finite element meshing, load constraint application, and nonlinear calculation are carried out to calculate the roof Can withstand the maximum load. It can be found that when the wind load is applied to the roof, with the increase of the wind load, the roof is damaged from the connecting part and the plastic deformation. Then when the load is applied to the peak, that is, the maximum load of the roof panel is 1.02MPa, the roof area of the roof is also damaged, resulting in the roof failure.

Key Words:Large span structure;Grid structure;Enclosure;Wind damage ;Metal roof panel


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 大跨空间结构的发展 1

1.3 网架结构的形式与特点 2

1.4 国内外研究现状 2

1.5 本文的主要工作 3

第二章 大跨网架主体结构风致破坏的分析和对策 4

2.1 大跨网架结构的类型 4

2.2 研究背景 5

2.3 主体结构风致破坏的机理和分析 5

2.3.1 大跨网架结构主体结构风致破坏的机理 5

2.3.2 大跨网架主体结构风致破坏的分析 6

2.3.3 大跨网架主体结构风致安全的措施 8

2.4 本章小结 8

第三章 大跨网架围护结构风致破坏的分析和对策 9

3.1 围护结构的分类和特点 9

3.2 研究背景 9

3.3 围护结构风致破坏的特点和对策 10

3.3.1 大跨网架围护结构风致破坏的形式 10

3.3.2 大跨网架围护结构风致破坏的原因 11

3.3.3 大跨网架围护结构风致安全的措施 12

3.4 实例分析 14

3.5 本章小结 18

第四章 金属屋面板抗风承载力分析 20

4.1 有限元分析的基本步骤 20

4.2 ANSYS有限元建模的前期过程 20

4.2.1 金属屋面板模型中的计算单元的选取 20

4.2.2 材料参数 21

4.2.3 网格划分 22

4.3 ANSYS有限元建模计算过程 22

4.3.1 结构几何模型 22

4.3.2 结构有限元模型 23

4.3.3 载荷和约束 25

4.3.4 非线性设置 25

4.4 ANSYS有限元结果分析 26

4.5 本章小结 30

第五章 结论与展望 31

5.1 本文总结 31

5.2 展望 32

参考文献 33

致 谢 34

第一章 绪论

1.1 引言


风灾是自然灾害的一种。近年来,由于全球气候变暖 ,风灾更加严重。据统计,全球每年起码产生80多个风力达8级以上的热带气旋。这些气旋招致国内外大跨屋盖结构破坏时有发生:英国一座体育馆的主看台的屋盖,在风荷载作用下,导致屋盖石棉板被掀起;2004年,台风“云娜”在浙江温岭登录,温岭市体育馆主馆和副馆的顶部被风撕裂约30多平方米的裂口,丽水市体育馆屋顶被掀;北京首都国际机场的T3航站楼部分屋面的铁皮被风吹翻;深圳机场候机大厅和湛江某体育馆局部屋面被强风撕开破坏;河南体育馆罩棚遭九级强风破坏等,造成的经济损失对社会的负面影响很大。

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