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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-05-22 21:12:33  


摘 要









强化混凝是指在常规处理工艺流程中的混凝处理时投加过量的混凝剂、新型混凝剂、助凝剂或者是其它的药剂并控制一定的 pH 值,通过加强混凝与絮凝作用,从而提高常规处理中有机物的去除效果,最大限度地去除消毒副产物的前体物,保证饮用水消毒副产物符合饮用水标准的方法,以有效提高微污染水的出水水质。常规混凝以除浊为目的,而强化混凝在除浊的同时强调对有机物的去除,以增加有机物的去除率来控制最佳絮凝条件。

关键词: 微污染水源; 生物接触氧化; 强化混凝; 给水处理


At present raw water has been increasing polluted.The conventional water purification system (CWPS) can’t remove the pollutants including the dissolved organic matter, and in the raw drinking source water,especially the disinfection by-products and are becoming unfit to the polluter raw water.Therefore the biological water purification process developed very fast in removing the pollutants in raw water.The biological contact oxidation process (BCOP) has been extensively taken seriously and followed with interest all over the world in that it has a serious of advantages including the low cost of running,high efficiency,stable running and convention management.The pilot research has been conducted in the combination system of the BCOP using elastic stereo packing with the follow-up CWPS in order that the pollutants in the raw water can be removed efficiently.

The biofilm on the packing plays the main role in removing the pollutants in the raw water treatment.The primary microbes in the biofilm adsorption ,biological flocculation,biodegradation of organic and notable nitrification etc.The research results show the option combination of the BCOP with the CWPS is an economical,high-efficient and feasible process in treating the polluted raw water.The combination process has a good application prospect in the pollutant removal of drinking source water in China.

Enhanced coagulation can raise the water fluid matter validly.Normal coagulation aim to get rid of muddy degree,but enhanced coagulation can do away with not only but also organic matter,controlling coagulation condition to increase the rate of organic matter.Doing away with the organic matter of the deliquescence is to absorb metals sediments.Enhanced coagulation is to dose surfeit coagulation,new coagulant or other dose in normal crafts,and to control pH to strengthen coagulation which can increase the rate of organic matter,the biggest limit da away with disinfect the vice-outcome ex-body thing,assurance drinking water disinfect the vice-outcome match the drinking water of the method of the standard.

Keywords: Polluted raw water Bio-contact oxidation enhanced coagulation water supply treatment

第一章 取水头部设计 - 9 -

1.已知设计参数和设计要求 - 9 -

1.1设计规模 - 9 -

1.2城市自然状况 - 9 -

1.3水文及水质资料 - 9 -

2.河床取水构筑物设计计算 - 10 -

2.1河床式取水构筑物 - 10 -

2.2取水头部设计计算 - 10 -

3.取水头部位置设置 - 11 -

4.自流管设计计算 - 12 -

第二章 一泵站计算 - 13 -

1.设计流量的确定和设计扬程的估算 - 13 -

1.1设计流量Q - 13 -

1.2设计扬程H - 13 -

2.初选泵和电机 - 14 -

2.1管道特性曲线的绘制 - 14 -

2.2水泵选择  - 14 -

3.机组基础尺寸的确定 - 16 -

4.吸水管路与压水管路计算 - 17 -

4.1吸水管 - 17 -

4.2压水管 - 17 -

5.机组与管道布置 - 17 -

6.吸水管路和压水管路中水头损失的计算 - 17 -

6.1吸水管路中水头损失 - 17 -

6.2压水管路水头损失∑ - 18 -

7.泵安装高度的确定和泵房筒体高度计算 - 19 -

8.附属设备的选择 - 19 -

8.1起重设备 - 19 -

8.2引水设备 - 20 -

9.泵房平面尺寸的确定 - 20 -

第三章 生物接触氧化预处理源水的设计 - 21 -

1.工艺选择 - 21 -

2.工艺原理 - 23 -

3.设计要求 - 23 -

4.主要参数 - 23 -

5.设计尺寸 - 24 -

5.1有效容积V - 24 -

5.2 总面积A - 25 -

5.3 水力停留时间t - 25 -

5.4 填料总体积V - 25 -

5.5 曝气需氧量D - 25 -

5.6 曝气方式选择 - 25 -

第四章 加药、加氯系统的设计 - 26 -

1.加药量 - 26 -

2.溶液池 - 26 -

3.溶解池 - 26 -

4.溶解池搅拌设备 - 26 -

5.计量投加设备  - 26 -

6.药剂仓库 - 27 -

7.混合设备设计计算 - 27 -

7.1设计参数 - 28 -

7.2设计管径 - 28 -

7.3混合单元数 - 28 -

第五章 栅条絮凝池设计计算 - 28 -

1.工艺原理 - 29 -

2.工艺比较 - 29 -

3.设计参数  - 30 -

第六章 斜管沉淀池设计计算 - 31 -

1.设计参数 - 32 -

2.设计计算 - 32 -

3.进出水系统 - 34 -

第七章 V型滤池设计计算 - 36 -

1.滤池选型 - 36 -

2.设计参数 - 37 -

3.设计计算 - 38 -

3.1滤池工作时间: - 38 -

3.2滤池总面积 - 38 -

3.3 滤池的分格 - 38 -

3.4校核强制滤速v'  - 39 -

3.5 滤池高度的确定 - 39 -

3.6 水封井设计 - 39 -

4.反冲洗管渠系统  - 40 -

4.1 反冲洗用水流量反的计算 - 40 -

4.2 反冲洗配水系统的断面计算 - 41 -

4.3 反冲洗用气量计算 - 41 -

4.4 配气系统的断面计算 - 41 -

4.5气水分配渠的断面设计 - 42 -

5.滤池管渠的布置 - 42 -

5.1 反冲洗管渠 - 43 -

5.2 排水渠和进水管渠  - 43 -

6.V型槽的设计 - 46 -

7.风机选型  - 48 -

第八章 消毒和清水池设计计算 - 48 -

1.消毒工艺 - 48 -

2.加氯消毒系统的设计计算 - 48 -

2.1加氯量 - 49 -

2.2加氯设备 - 49 -

2.3加氯间与氯库的布置  - 49 -

第九章 清水池设计计算 - 49 -

1.清水池的容积计算 - 49 -

2.清水池管道布置 - 50 -

2.1进水管 - 50 -

2.2溢流管 - 51 -

3.通气孔及人孔设计 - 52 -

4.集水坑的设计  - 52 -

5.导流墙的设计 - 52 -

第十章 二泵站设计 - 53 -

1.设计流量的确定和设计扬程的估算 - 53 -

1.1设计流量Q - 53 -

1.2设计扬程H - 53 -

2.初步选泵和电机 - 53 -

2.1选泵的主要依据 - 54 -


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