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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-03-10 20:25:25  


摘 要

伴随着经济增长和人口增加以及人们生活水平的提高,湖北省松滋市到2020 年中心城区总人口将达到20 万人,现有的供水工程无法满足日常供水需求,需新建供水工程——松滋新江口供水工程。研究内容及主要成就如下:

(1)工程由取水设施、净水厂和配套的供水管网组成,近期设计规模为 5万 m3/d,远期规模10万 m3/d该工程建成后,将与现有的 5万 m3/d水厂一起承担松滋市中心城区供水任务。

(2)国家标准委和卫生部联合发布的最新《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006) 已于2012年 7月 1日起实施。与此同时,新发布的《室外给水设计规范》(GB50013-2006)对供水系统工程的设计施工提出了更高的标准。根据新规范的设计标准,在松滋新江口净水厂工艺设计中,尝试采用更多新技术、新工艺、新材料和新设备,并以在设计中体现行业技术进步为原则,力求新建水厂不仅可满足人民群众的供水需要,而且能有效提高水质、降低水厂运行成本。

(3)分析净水主体工艺的各个单元的功能和作用。根据净水处理厂的设计条件 和原则,经过选取合适设计参数后计算各个处理单元的构筑物的尺寸和占地面等。 在此基础上,对净水厂的工艺平面布置和竖向设计、净水厂总平面设计进行设计。进而完善湖北省松滋市净水厂的设计方案 。

(4)通过探讨现阶段单纯用水反冲洗和气水反冲洗 、v型滤池和翻板滤池,了解各自工作原理和工艺特点,结合相关文献了解国内外相关技术,进而说明了气水反冲洗具有造价低,冲洗强度小,滤池使用周期长,操作方便、适用范围广等优点,从而选择气水反冲洗。V 型滤池具有反冲洗设备装机容量小,电气设备后期维修量少的特点,故而选择V型滤池。

关键词:净水厂 工艺设计 方案比较 反冲洗方式 滤池


With the increase of economic growth and population increase and the improvement of people's living standard, the total population of Songzi City in Hubei Province will reach 200,000 by 2020. The existing water supply project can not meet the daily water supply demand, Zixin Jiangkou Water Supply Project. The research contents and main achievements are as follows:

(1) The project consists of water abstraction facilities, water purification plants and supporting water supply network. The recent design scale is 50,000 m3 / d. The long-term scale of 100,000 m3 / d will be completed with the existing 50,000 m3 / D water plant together to undertake Songzi city center city water supply task.

(2) the national standard and the Ministry of Health jointly issued the latest "drinking water health standards" (GB5749-2006) was July 1, 2012 onwards. At the same time, the newly issued "Outdoor Water Supply Design Code" (GB50013-2006) on the water supply system design and construction of a higher standard. According to the new standard design standards, in the Songzi new Jiangkou water purification plant process design, try to use more new technologies, new processes, new materials and new equipment, and in the design of the industry to reflect the principle of technological progress, and strive to create new water Plant not only to meet the needs of the people's water supply, but also to effectively improve water quality and reduce water plant operating costs.

(3) Analyze the function and function of each unit of the main water purification process. According to the design conditions and principles of the water treatment plant, after selecting the appropriate design parameters, calculate the size of each structure of the processing unit and the ground and so on. On this basis, the design of the total layout of the water treatment plant and the vertical design of the water purification plant. And then improve the design of Songzi City, Hubei Province water purification plant.

(4) through the discussion of the current stage of pure water backwashing and gas

backwashing, v-type filter and flap filter to understand their working principle and process characteristics, combined with relevant literature to understand the relevant technology at home and abroad, and then explained the gas backwash With low cost, small flushing intensity, long life cycle of the filter, easy operation, wide range of advantages, so as to choose air and water backwash. V-type filter with backwashing equipment installed capacity is small, the latter part of the electrical equipment maintenance features less, so the choice of v-type filter.

Keywords:Water purification plant technological design compare plan air-water backwashing filter

目 录

第一部分 设计资料 1

1.1 课题研究的背景及工程概况 1

1.2 研究内容与研究方法 1

1.3 拟采用的研究手段 2

1.4 水质资料 2

1.4.1 进水水质 2

1.4.2 出水水质 5

1.5 水位资料 5

第二部分 总体设计 5

2.1 设计用水量 5

2.2.1 设计原则 6

2.2.2 设计规模 7

2.2.4 水厂工艺流程的选择 8

2.3 给水构筑物的工艺选择 9

2.3.1 投药单元 9

2.3.2 混合单元 13

2.3.3 絮凝单元 14

2.3.4 沉淀单元 15

2.3.5 过滤单元 16

2.3.6 消毒单元 17

第三部分 净水构筑物的设计 18

3.1 取水工艺的设计计算 18

3.1.1 设计流量 18

3.1.2 自流管设计 18

3.2 配水井设计 19

3.3 混凝剂投配设备的设计 19

3.3.1 溶液池 19

3.3.2 溶解池 20

3.3.3 投药管计算 21

3.3.4 投加泵的选择 21

3.3.5 药库 21

3.4 混合设备的设计 22

3.4.1 池体尺寸的计算 22

3.4.2 桨板设备的计算 22

3.5 絮凝反应设备的计算 24

3.5.1 往复式隔板絮凝池设计要点: 24

3.5.2 往复式隔板絮凝池设计参数 25

3.5.3 絮凝池容积及尺寸 25

3.5.4 廊道宽度和流速 25

3.5.5 水头损失 27

3.5.6 GT值计算 29

3.5.7 池底坡度 29

3.5.8 排泥方式 29

3.6 沉淀池设计计算 29

3.6.1 平流沉淀池尺寸计算 29

3.6.2 沉淀池进水设计 30

3.6.3 沉淀池集水系统设计 31

3.6.4 沉淀池排泥 31

3.7 V型滤池设计计算 33

3.7.1 设计参数 33

3.7.2 设计计算 33

3.8 消毒单元 51

3.8.1 加氯量 51

3.8.2 储氯量 52

3.8.3 储瓶数量 52

3.8.4 加氯间、氯库 52

3.9 清水池的设计与计算 52

3.9.1 清水池容积计算 52

3.9.2 尺寸计算 53

3.9.3 管道系统 53

3.9.4 清水池的附属设施 54

3.10 二级泵站设计 54

3.10.1 二泵站流量和扬程 54

3.10.2 初选泵机组 54

3.10.3 选配电机 55

3.10.4 水泵机组布置 55


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