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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-03-10 20:22:06  


摘 要







This design is the design of water supply and drainage for Nanjing health school. It mainly includes five systems: domestic water supply system, fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, drainage system and roof rainwater drainage system

The water supply system of water supply pipe is connected with the partition, online introduction of DN100 from the municipal pipe, floor to three layers on the ground for the municipal pipe network direct supply, four to eleven non negative pressure water supply equipment pressurized water. Underground fire pool adopts steel reinforced concrete structure in the basement pump room side, effective volume of 214 cubic meters. The indoor use of drainage sewage drainage system, directly into the municipal sewage pipe. Vertical drainage pipe with special ventilation riser, part of the use of annular ventilation tube. The basement drainage drainage ditch pool drained to the sump, the submersible sewage pump up and drained to check well. Outside the building gravity drainage, half pressure flow system, side discharge to outdoor The ground around the scattered row, the roof rainwater rainwater hopper collect back into the rain water pipe.

According to the specification, the building is two tall buildings, outdoor fire hydrant water 30L/s, indoor water hydrant fire duration 20L/s, 2h. hose length is 25m, the radius of protection 23m, water gun nozzle flow 5.42L/s, riser diameter DN100. test on the roof layer a fire hydrant, fire hydrant box are equipped with each distance start the fire pump button.

The system is divided into four zones of vertical automatic sprinkler fire. The construction of this project adopts wet automatic sprinkler system, alarm valve 16L/s. system design flow in the basement pump room, each layer shall be provided with flow indicator and signal valve end testing device, the signals are sent into the fire control center for processing. The fire pressure stabilizing equipment (including the effective volume of 24 cubic meters of water tank) storage early fire sprinkler 10min fire extinguishing system, water, indoor fire hydrant system is arranged in the roof, the early fire from a water tank, the late fire by the fire pump and spray pump water in the basement.

Key words: water supply and drainage system, fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, storm water system

目 录

第一章 设计说明书 3

一、给水系统 3

1.1方案比选 3

1.2室内给水系统的组成 4

1.3给水管道的布置与敷设 4

二、消防系统 5

2.1消火栓系统 5

2.2自动喷水灭火系统 6

三、排水系统 7

3.2排水管道的安装 8

四、雨水系统 8

4.1雨水排水系统的选择 8

4.2雨水排水系统的组成 8

4.3雨水管道的敷设与布置 8

第二章 设计计算书 9

一、给水系统计算 9

1.1用水量计算 10

1.2给水管网水力计算 10

二、 消火栓系统 24

2.1消防水池 24

2.1.1消防水池的设置 24

2.1.2体积计算 24

2.2屋顶消防水箱 25

2.3消火栓保护半径 26

2.4消火栓布置间距 26

2.5消火栓的确定 26

2.7水泵接合器选定 30

2.8消火栓减压计算 30

三、 自喷系统 31

3.1自动喷淋灭火系统的基本数据 31

3.2管道与报警阀布置 31

3.3系统的设计流量 33

3.4水力计算(作用面积法) 37

3. 5 室外消火栓与水泵接合器的选择 41

3.6消防泵房布置与管材选择 41

3.6.1管材 41

3.6.2泵房布置 42

四、排水系统计算 42

4.1确定排水体制 42

4.2排水水力计算 42

4.3地下室排水系统计算 54

4.4化粪池设计计算 55

五、 雨水系统计算 56

5.1暴雨强度公式 57

5.2雨水设计流量公式 57

5.3雨水水力计算表 57

5.5雨水斗 58

5.4排出管计算 58

第一章 设计说明书








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