2022-01-06 21:54:16
摘 要
water supply system is divided into three zones, which are divided into three zones: low, middle and high zones, with a DN400 pipe connected to the water supply network. The water supply system is supplied directly from the first floor to the fourth floor above the ground, the 1-4 floors are low zones, the 5-9 floors are middle zones and the 10-13 floors are high zones. The indoor drainage of the building adopts the system of sewage and waste water separation, while the outdoor drainage adopts the system of waste water confluence and is directly discharged into the municipal sewage pipe. Drainage risers shall be equipped with special ventilated risers. The basement drainage is collected by the drainage ditch and drained to the SUMP, and then lifted by the submersible sewage pump and drained to the inspection well. Outside the building drainage, select gravity semi-pressure flow system, rainwater by roof rainwater bucket after collecting into the storm water pipe. According to the code, the building is a second class high-rise building, the water consumption of indoor hydrant is 20L / s, the fire duration is 2h. The water column height of fire hydrant is 13m, the length of water hose is 20m, the flow rate of water gun nozzle is 5.2 l / S, and the diameter of Fire Standpipe is DN100. A test fire hydrant is arranged on the roof floor, and a button for remote starting fire pump is arranged in each indoor fire hydrant box. The automatic sprinkler system of the project adopts the wet automatic sprinkler system, the alarm valve is set in the basement pump room, the signal valve and the terminal water testing device are set in every section, and the signal is sent to the Fire Control Center for processing. The integrated tank-pump pressurization equipment (including 18 cubic meter effective fire water tank) is selected to store the water consumption of the automatic sprinkler system and indoor hydrant system for 10 minutes at the initial stage of fire, which is located on the roof and supplied by the water tank at the initial stage, later fire fighting by the basement of the fire pump and sprinkler water supply.
Keywords: Water Supply System, drainage system, hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system, rainwater system
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 工程概况及设计任务 1
1.1 工程概况 1
1.2 设计资料 1
1.2.1 建筑设计资料 1
1.2.2 城市给水排水基本资料 1
1.3 工程任务 2
第二章 建筑给水系统设计与计算 2
2.1 给水系统方案设计 2
2.2 给水管网水力计算 3
2.2.1 设计秒流量计算 3
2.2.2 高区给水管网水力计算 5
2.2.3 中区给水管网水力计算 6
2.2.4 低区给水管网水力计算 8
2.2.5 市政供水区管网水力计算 10
2.3 水表的选择 12
2.4 市政供水校核 12
2.5 供水设备选型 13
2.5.1 低区给水系统所需压力 13
2.5.2 低区增压设备 13
2.53 中区供水设备选型 14
2.54 中区给水系统所需压力 14
2.55 中区增压设备 14
2.56 高区供水设备选型 15
2.57 高区给水系统所需压力 15
2.58 高区增压设备 15
2.6 减压阀的设置 16
第三章 排水系统 17
3.1 排水系统的选择 17
3.2 排水系统的组成 17
3.3排水管道选择 17
3.4 排水管道的安装 18
3.5 排水系统水力计算 19
3.5.1 排水横支管水力计算 20
3.6 立管计算 23
3.7 一层单排水横支管水力计算 25
第四章 消火栓给水系统 26
4.1 室内消火栓系统 26
4.1.1 室内消火栓系统的选择 26
4.1.2 系统组成 27
4.1.3 设备及构筑物 27
4.1.4 消火栓的安装 27
4.2 消防水池 28
4.2.1 消防水池的设置 28
4.2.2 体积计算 28
4.3 屋顶消防水箱 29
4.4 消火栓保护半径 29
4.5 消火栓的布置间距 30
4.6 消火栓的确定 30
4.7 消火栓的水力计算 30
4.8 水泵接合器的选用 35
4.9 消火栓减压计算 36
第五章 喷淋系统 37
5.1 自动喷淋系统 37
5.1.1 室内自动喷淋系统的选择 37
5.1.2 系统组成 37
5.1.3 喷头的选择与布置 38
5.1.4 喷淋系统的安装 38
5.2 自动喷淋系统的基本数据 39
5.3 系统的设计流量 39
第六章 雨水系统 40
6.1 雨水排水系统的选择 40
6.2 雨水排水系统的组成 40
6.3 雨水管道的敷设与布置 40
6.4 屋面雨水排水方式 41
6.5 降雨强度 41
6.6 汇水面积 41
6.7 雨水斗的选用 42
6.8 立管选用 43
6.9 排出管计算 43
参考资料 44
致谢 45
1.1 工程概况
广州某医院住院部大楼总建筑面积为20150m2,建筑高度为49.1m。地下室为汽车库和水泵房。首层为大堂和设备用房,二楼为出入院办公场所,3~12层为病房,13层为手术室。市政管网的水头为0.30Mpa。地区最大冰冻深度0.05m。城市排水管网为污、雨分流制排放系统。建筑物污水汇集经化粪池处理后排入城市管网集中送至城区集中污水处理厂,市政排水干管DN400,管底埋深2.5~3.0 m。
1.2 相关资料
第二章. 建筑给水系统的计算
(1) 这种方式不需要设计高位水箱,减少了建筑承载负荷,且避免了二次污染。
(2) 不需要设计水池,同样避免了二次污染。
(3) 启动水泵较为平缓,俗称“软启动”,从而减少了内部机械的磨损,进而延长了水泵的使用寿命。另外,启动的耗能也较少,经济效益高。
(4) 可以实时监测水泵的供水量,从而可以提高机组的运转效能。
(5) 不需要再设立负压设备,从而可以最大化利用市政管网的水压。
通过查阅规范可知,医院的最高日生活用水定额为200L/(人•d),使用时数取T=24,小时变化系数取 =2.5。