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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-10-24 16:30:01  

摘 要





关键词:污水管道 雨水管道 污水处理厂 A2O生化池


At present, environmental pollution has been widely concerned, and the problem of sewage collection, treatment and discharge is also urgent to be solved. the treatment rate of domestic sewage in most cities and towns is still relatively low, which aggravates the burden and pollution of the receiving water.

This design is the drainage engineering of Huangzhou District, Huanggang City. The contents of the design mainly include the design of sewage pipeline system, the design of rainwater pipeline system and the design of sewage treatment plant. The design has adopted the latest national regulations, standards and design specifications.

The drainage system adopts the distributary system, and the drainage pipe network is designed according to the long-term population. The water bodies available for discharge include santai river and yujiatan

The treatment scale of the sewage treatment plant is designed according to the recent flow rate and reserved in the long term. The main process of the sewage treatment plant is A2O biochemical tank to achieve the effect of denitrification and phosphorus removal. At the same time, it is also equipped with the corresponding three-stage treatment process to make the treated water reach the first-stage A discharge standard.The last treated water is discharged into santai river. The residual sludge is stabilized, reduced and made harmless by sludge concentration and dehydration, and then transported abroad for other purposes. The sewage treatment plant covers an area of about 2.5 hectares.

Keywords: sewage pipeline, rainwater pipeline, sewage treatment plant, A2O biochemical pool

目 录

第一章 绪论 5

1.1设计项目目的、背景、意义 5

1.2国内外研究现状 5

1.2.1国外排水现状分析 5

1.2.2国内小城镇排水现状分析 5

1.3设计要求与预期目标 6

第二章 设计任务及原始资料 7

2.1设计原始资料 7

2.1.1自然条件 7

2.1.2城市概况 7

2.1.3黄州新城区排水现状简述 7

2.1.4工业废水情况 7

2.2设计任务 8

2.2.1设计任务与内容 8

2.2.2设计成果 8

第三章 城市管网的设计与计算 9

3.1排水体制 9

3.2排水系统的确定 9

3.2.1排水系统的布置方式 9

3.2.2排水规划 9

3.2.3布置原则 10

3.3污水管道系统的设计与计算 10

3.3.1确定排水区界及划分排水流域 10

3.3.2街区编号并计算其面积 10

3.3.3划分设计管段 12

3.3.4黄州新区污水管网设计总流量的计算 13

3.3.5比流量计算 14

3.3.6设计管段流量计算 14

3.3.7污水管道水力计算 15

3.3.8污水管道的衔接 16

3.4雨水管道系统的设计与计算 16

3.4.1管道的定线 16

3.4.2划分汇水面积 16

3.4.3划分设计管段 18

3.4.4雨水管道的设计流量 20

3.4.5雨水管道的水力计算 20

第四章 城市污水处理厂设计 22

4.1设计依据  22

4.1.1自然资料  22

4.1.2设计原则  22

4.2污水厂选址 22

4.3污水厂处理规模、处理程度  22

4.4城市污水来源、水量及水质特点分析 23

4.4.1城市污水来源 23

4.4.2城市污水水量 23

4.4.3城市污水水质特点  23

4.5污水处理方案比选 24

4.5.1城市污水主要处理方法 24

4.5.2污水处理方案的选择 25

4.6构筑物的设计计算 25

4.6.1中格栅间 25

4.6.2污水提升泵房 27

4.6.3泵后细格栅 28

4.6.4沉砂池 30

4.6.5生化池 31

4.6.6二沉池 38

4.6.7高密度沉淀池 40

4.6.8转盘滤池 45

4.6.9接触消毒池 47

4.6.10巴氏计量槽 49

4.6.11剩余污泥处理 50

4.6.12辅助构筑物设计计算 52

4.6.13平面布置和高程设计 53

第五章 投资估算 56

5.1 污水厂处理工程投资估算 56

5.2 管道工程投资估算 57

第六章 结论 60

参考文献 61

附录 62

致谢 79

第一章 绪论





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