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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-08-02 21:24:31  

摘 要











A/A/O process combined with suspended biofilm is based on the traditional A/A/O process and then adding a certain filling ratio of suspension filler to the aerobic tanks to improve effluent standard. The study is based on the traditional A/A/O process models and LEVAPOR filler,and design operating conditions according to a preferred process parameters of sludge reduction, and the establishment of A/A/O process combined with suspended biofilm is based on the traditional A/A/O process. In the premise of sludge reduction , analysizing the change of characteristics of microbial populations in the aerobic tanks before and after adding suspension filler,then establish the relationship between the change of characteristics of microbial populations and sludge reduction.

The main test contents are as follows:

(1) When the traditional A/A/O and A/A/O reactor combined with suspended biofilm reactor is operated stably and the effluent quality is up to the first class A standard of Discharge Standard of Pollytants for Municipal Wastewater Treament Plant(GB18918-2002), activated sludge mixture in anaerobic period, anoxic period, aerobic period respectively were taken for microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.

(2) Analysizing the change of characteristics of microbial populations in the aerobic tanks before and after adding suspension filler.

The main results of the test were as follows:

(1) In this test, A/A/O process combined with suspended biofilm,s removal effect of TN in wastewater is better than the traditional A/A/O process 26.8%, while the TP removal efficiency is worse than traditional A/A/O process 3.49 %, in addition, removal effects of COD and NH3-N in two reactors are similar (0.79% and 0.29% difference), presumably , the reason is the substrate concentration gradient is less than the bio-membrane mass transfer resistance, leading to bio-membrane did not play a significant reduction in COD and NH3 –N.

(2) Through the traditional A/A/O process and A/A/O process combined with suspended biofilm system MLSS determination and related analysis, it was found that A/A/O process combined with suspended biofilm compared to traditional A/A/O process does have certain sludge reduction effect.

(3) Through microscopy and scanning electron microscopy,we find,in the A/A/O process combined with suspended biofilm, the amount of protozoa and metazoan with higher trophic level in suspended sludge is more than traditional A/A/O process,and less filamentous bacteria, zoogloea appear broken phenomenon, the sludge structure is loose.And ,in transfer processes, the amount of protozoa,metazoan and filamentous bacteria is more, the types of microorganisms is rich, trophic level of system is high,the food wed is complex,the losses of enrgy in transfer processes is high and SRT of transfer processes is long, the degree of attenuation is high,so A/A/O process combined with suspended biofilm can obtain sludge reduction effect.And a considerable number of nitrifying bacteria exist in the system,so a good nitrogen removal effect can be obtained.

Key Words:A/A/O process combined with suspended biofilm, effluent standard, sludge reduction, characteristics of microbial populations.

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 课题研究现状 2

1.2.1 复合式生物工艺研究现状 2

1.2.2 污泥减量化技术研究现状 3

1.2.3 微生物种群特性研究现状 5

1.3 课题的提出、目的、研究内容及技术路线 6

1.3.1 课题的提出 6

1.3.2 研究目的 7

1.3.3 研究内容及技术路线 7

第2章 试验材料与方法 8

2.1试验装置设计 8

2.1.1试验装置设计参数及工艺流程 8

2.1.2设备与器材 9

2.2 试验用水 10

2.3 试验方法与流程 12

2.4 指标检测及分析方法 12

2.4.1 常规分析项目测试方法 12

2.4.2 光学显微镜镜检方法 13

2.4.3 扫描电子显微镜预处理方法 14

2.4.4 悬浮填料生物量的测定方法 14

2.5 试验工况的选择 15

2.5.1 传统A/A/O工艺的试验工况 15

2.5.2 悬浮填料A/A/O工艺的试验工况 16

2.6 试验装置的启动与悬浮填料的挂膜 17

2.6.1 传统A/A/O反应器的启动 17

2.6.2 悬浮填料A/A/O反应器的启动 18

第3章 悬浮填料A/A/O工艺微生物种群特性研究 20

3.1 传统A/A/O与悬浮填料A/A/O工艺出水水质情况 20

3.1.1 出水中COD的去除情况 20

3.1.2 出水中NH3-N的去除情况 22

3.1.3 出水中TN的去除情况 25

3.1.4 出水中TP的去除情况 27

3.2 传统A/A/O与悬浮填料A/A/O工艺污泥特性 29

3.2.1 污泥沉降特性 29

3.2.2 两个工艺反应器MLSS及污泥量情况 32

3.3 传统A/A/O与悬浮填料A/A/O工艺微生物光学显微镜检检测 33

3.3.1 厌氧段活性污泥镜检情况及对比分析 34

3.3.2 缺氧段活性污泥镜检情况及对比分析 35

3.3.3 好氧段活性污泥镜检情况及对比分析 37

3.3.4 悬浮填料A/A/O工艺填料生物膜镜检情况及分析 40

3.4 传统A/A/O与悬浮填料A/A/O工艺微生物扫描电镜检测 41

3.4.1 两个A/A/O工艺悬浮态污泥扫描电镜情况及对比分析 42

3.4.2悬浮填料A/A/O工艺生物膜扫描电镜情况及分析 43

3.6 本章小结 44

第4章 结论与建议 46

4.1 结论 46

4.2 建议 47

参考文献 48

致谢 50

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义

目前活性污泥法是处理生活污水的主要有效途径,但缺点是容易产生大量的剩余污泥,增加了各污水厂的处理污水的成本。采用活性污泥法来处理生活污水一个最大的坏处是会产生很多的剩余污泥[1]。如果采用传统的活性污泥法来处理生活污水,那么每去除 1kg 的BOD5就会产生 15~100L的,含水率为95%的剩余污泥[2]。早在1998年的时候,我国就已经将废水生物处理过程中产生的剩余污泥收录到了《国家危险废物名录》之中[1]。随着排放污水量的越来越大以及各种各样的污水处理技术的普及,污水处理过程中产生的剩余污泥量将会越来越大。这些剩余污泥之中含有无数的不稳定的物质和许多对人体健康和生态环境有毒有害的物质,不加以妥善的处理的话会对自然环境和人类健康造成巨大的危害。但是对这些剩余污泥进行处理以及处置需要的花费较大,根据相关部门的统计,这些花费几乎占整个污水处理工艺总投资的25﹪- 60﹪[3]。如何正确且经济的解决剩余污泥的问题是国内外污水处理厂面料的难题之一,因此研究原位污泥减量技术具有十分重要的意义[4]-[5]


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