2020-07-24 01:13:57
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
自来水深度处理工艺探讨 摘 要:随着我国饮用水水质标准日益严格和饮用水污染的日益严重,采用常规处理工艺难以达到现行的水质标准,深度处理工艺日渐凸显出它的必要性。
关键词:给水厂;深度处理;活性炭;膜技术;臭氧氧化;光催化氧化 abstract : as the drinking water quality standards in our country is becoming more and more strict and drinking water pollution is increasingly serious, the conventional treatment process to meet the current standard of water quality, depth treatment technology increasingly highlight the necessity of it. this paper mainly introduces the types, principles and characteristics of deep processing technology for water plants, as well as some specific cases that have been used in depth treatment process. key words : water plant;depth treatment; activated carbon;membrane technology;ozone oxidation; photocatalytic oxidation 随着社会经济的发展和人们生活水平的提高,饮用水源中有毒有害物质含量含量和种类明显增加,水污染问题日益严重,饮用水的水质安全问题已经受到了人们的普遍关注。
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
题目:河北临漳县给水工程设计 1.工程概况 河北临漳地区极端最高气温为42.5℃,极端最低气温为-21℃,多年平均温度为13.39℃。