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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2020-07-11 18:00:41  

摘 要




关键词:给水厂 供水 深度处理







Hubei Lichuan City (70000) tons of water plant engineering design


As we all know, water supply is essential to the survival of human society. With the development of modern society, the demand for water supply and drainage facilities in cities and towns is increasing. Despite the deterioration of raw water quality, the standard of drinking water quality is constantly improving. This design is mainly the reconstruction and expansion design of a water plant in Lichuan City, Hubei Province. The designed amount of treated water is 70,000 cubic meters per day. The water source of the plant is surface water, and the water quality is poor. The water quality is in Grade IV water all year round. The water plant is located on the banks of Qingjiang River. Upstream. According to the hydrological data and water quality conditions, the water plant needs to adopt conventional treatment plus advanced treatment, namely: raw water → coagulation → sedimentation → advanced treatment → filtration → disinfection → user. The main structures are: grid flocculation tanks, inclined tube sedimentation tanks, ozone contact pools, activated carbon filters, general fast filter tanks, and clear water tanks. This design is a detailed description of the entire project and is the basis for drawing drawings.


Key Words: Waterworks; Water supply; Advanced processing

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 设计题目 1

1.2 工程设计背景 1

1.3 本给水处理厂毕业设计的主要内容 3

1.4 毕业设计的要求 4

第二章 输配水管网设计 5

2.1 输配水管线布置 5

2.2 给水管网布置 5

2.3 管材选择 5

2.4 初始流量分配 7

2.5 管径确定 7

2.6 管网水力计算及管网核算 7

第三章 取水工程设计 10

3.1 取水头部 10

3.2 取水构筑物位置的选择 10

3.3 取水构筑物选型 11

3.4 进水间的设计计算 11

3.5 地表水取水泵房的设计计算 15

第四章 给水处理工艺流程和给水处理构筑物的选择 23

4.1 设计原则 23

4.2 厂址选择 23

4.3 方案类型设计 24

4.4 各种构筑物的对比及选型 24

4.5 备选方案拟定 29

第五章 给水处理构筑物计算确定等 31

5.1 配水井 31

5.2 混合反应 31

5.3 絮凝池 38

5.4 斜管沉淀池 42

5.5 过滤 50

5.6 臭氧化处理 57

5.7 生物活性炭滤池 59

5.8 消毒 64

5.9 清水池 67

5.10 吸水井设计 69

5.11 二泵房 69

5.12 附属建筑物设计 74

第六章 水厂总体设计 76

6.1 平面布置 76

6.2 高程布置 76

参考文献 80

致谢 81

第一章 绪论

1.1 设计题目


1.2 工程设计背景

1.2.1 地理位置


1.2.2 地形地貌及地质概况


1.2.3 水文、气候条件


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