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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给排水科学与工程 > 正文


 2020-06-20 18:54:52  

摘 要






The development of urbanization and industrialization has been further deepened, and the construction has been demolished or newly built, leaving behind a lot of construction waste, the ground is covered by a large number of concrete, make the urban rainwater, road surface water infiltration, destroyed the city water cycle, serious environmental pollution. With the increase of human environmental protection consciousness, most main building materials, concrete on its performance in the aspects of resource and innocuity research unceasingly thorough, the vegetation type concrete also received more and more attention.The development of national economy, urban population, urban daily water and the rising trend of displacement, the sewage treatment process of sludge quantity is constantly increasing, the traditional methods such as incineration and landfill treatment sludge, easy to cause secondary pollution to the environment, can not meet the requirements of its disposal. What kind of technology can be used to deal with such solid waste, and make it less harmful, and can be used for a second time, is the requirement of the development of The Times.In addition, with the sponge city, river and lake ecological environment management in depth, the production of ecological concrete has a wider use of prospects.

This experiment based on the early stage of the development of multiple source sex waste clay ceramsite (desilting sea mud, municipal sludge, urban river silt), on the basis of ceramsite and crushed stone as aggregate, for different aggregate ratio (ceramsite: gravel) vegetation type concrete performance comparison, and under the premise that meet the goal of plant growth, vegetative the compressive strength of concrete and permeable coefficient and so on a series of indicators, further discusses resource comprehensive utilization preparation plant ecological concrete method.

In this experiment considering compressive strength, porosity, plant germination rate, degree of purification of water quality, determine the group C (ceramsite:gravel) preparation of ceramsite vegetation concrete as the equipping of the experiment, the optimal ratio.Its porosity is 36.90%, the compressive strength of 3.23 Mpa, the germination rate was 80.77%, he removal rate of CODcr, TN and TP were 36%, 31% and 64% respectively.

Key words: Vegetation - type concrete, Configuration, Compressive strength, Permeability coefficient, Vegetation


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1背景 1

1.2植生型混凝土的概念及分类 2

1.2.1植生型混凝土的概念 2

1.2.2植生型混凝土的分类 2

1.3国内外对植生型混凝土的研究现状 3

1.3.1国外研究现状 3

1.3.2国内研究现状 3

1.3.3现状分析 4

1.4植生型混凝土的应用 5

1.4.1河道护坡 5

1.4.2城市停车场、人行道、休闲绿地、住宅小区等基础设施铺装 5

1.4.3湿地保护工程 6

1.5研究的目的及内容 6

1.5.1研究的目的及意义 6

1.5.2研究的内容 7

1.6本试验的创新点以及技术路线 7

1.6.1本试验的创新点 7

1.6.2本试验的技术路线 7

第二章 材料与方法 9

2.1试验材料 9

2.2试验方法 9

2.2.1植生型混凝土的制备与养护 10

2.2.2植生型混凝土的堆积密度测定 12

2.2.3植生型混凝土的孔隙率测定 12

2.2.4植生型混凝土的吸水性 12

2.2.5植生型混凝土的抗压强度测定 13

2.2.6植生型混凝土的植生性 15

2.2.7种植系统对雨水的滞蓄及净化 16

第三章 结果与分析 18

3.1堆积密度 18

3.2孔隙率 18

3.3吸水率 20

3.4抗压强度 21

3.5植生试验 23

3.6种植系统对雨水的滞蓄及净化试验 28

3.6.1种植系统对雨水滞蓄效果的分析 28

3.6.2种植系统对初期雨水的净化的分析 31

第四章 结论与展望 33

4.1结论 33

4.2展望 33

参考文献 35

致谢 37

第一章 绪论


在城市社会经济、科学技术飞速发展的背景下,加快了城市建设与更新的步伐,造成地面不断地被大型建筑物覆盖.混凝土作为建筑的常用基材,在建筑翻新修建过程中,成为产生的主要建筑固体废弃物之一,与此同时,大量的地面被多为硬质不透水材料覆盖,城市绿地空间也因此大大减少,地表径流减少,部分河道遭到破坏,是城市自然灾害如洪涝、热岛效应等频繁发生;城市化的程度的提高,经济建设的加快,城市聚集人口的增加,使城市日用水量不断地增多,这使污水厂每日新增的污泥量也随之增多,污泥大多含有有毒有害物质,且部分物质较难降解处理,如果不及时采取措施进行处置,长期堆积的污泥,散发臭味的同时甚至污染地下水,严重影响环境质量;此外,每年我国一些江河湖海都会产生大量的淤泥沉积,并且分布点多面广处理工程量大,不过这类沉积淤泥可替代粘土作为新型原料。因此,建筑垃圾、污泥等固体废弃物如何有效的被处理与利用已成为社会关注的环境热点之一。传统的废弃泥填埋、堆积、焚烧,虽然操作简单易行,但是处理的过程中易引发二次环境污染,尤其是在固体废 弃物转运堆放的过程中,建筑垃圾的扬尘、散落等极易影响周围的空气质量,所以,以建筑混凝土垃圾为骨料制备的植生型混凝土,随着实验研究不断地走入人们的视野。另外,城市对可持续发展的理念强化,伴随着城市科学技术生活水平等各方面的提高,各城市生态环境质量在发展中的地位也越来越高,这也就促进了海绵城市、河湖生态治理发展的进程不断地加快和深入,而具有透水植生性功能的植生型混凝土作为可替代海绵城市、河湖生态治理中的基建材料,对其研究的步伐也随之加快。



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