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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 工程管理 > 正文


 2021-11-15 21:18:52  

摘 要







The prefabricated building has been massively promoted in China since the beginning of the 21st century due to its advantages of low pollution, low energy consumption, and high quality. It not only consistent with the principle sustainability but also promotes the transformation of traditional construction methods into modern construction methods. But now research focus in the industry is mainly concentrated in prefabricated construction quality, progress, technology, and the safety control aspect research are less studied, and most of the studies are a qualitative analysis, this paper discusses the construction process of prefabricated construction. In this thesis, I used the analytic hierarchy process, researching on design and production, transportation, lifting four stages and find out their risk ranks, based on that, proposing the prevention to the high-risk factors.

Security problems of the construction industry are frequent, therefore, for the whole construction industry, safety is the key of the need to be improved, as a way of building of the emerging of prefabricated construction, its craft is more complex, the method is more diverse and higher precision. It also brings a lot of security risks, therefore, more measure is needed at the beginning of the development of prefabricated construction safety.

In the early stages of this thesis, the literature analysis method is used to identify inductive prefabricated construction each link of the possibility of potential safety hazard factors. In order to find out all the detailed safety hazard factors, they are identified from the construction process and security risk aspects of the construction process. Then 4MLE methods are adopted to classify hazard factors. In the middle stage, the key points of safety control of prefabricated buildings are studied by means of a literature survey and comparison. In the later stage, the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to find out the three most likely factors. The results show that the temporary support system is not in place, the hoisting machinery is not up to standard, and the safety risks of on-site storage are the three most likely factors.

Therefore, the research results of this paper can be used as a reference for the control and management of each phase of the construction site, especially when the investment, time and manpower are not enough. This thesis has remarkable value for the study of the safety control of prefabricated buildings.

Key Words:prefabricated building;safety control;influence factors;AHP

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景,目的和意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究目的 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国内研究现状 2

1.2.2国外研究现状 2

1.3研究内容 3

1.4研究方法和技术路线 3

1.4.1 研究方法 3

1.4.2 技术路线 3

第2章 装配式建筑及其安全隐患分析 5

2.1装配式建筑及其特点 5

2.1.1 装配式建筑概念 5

2.1.2 装配式建筑特点概述 5

2.2按施工流程分析安全隐患 6

2.2.1构件堆放和前期准备阶段存在的安全隐患 6

2.2.2装配运输阶段存在的安全隐患 6

2.2.3吊装过程存在的安全隐患 6

2.2.4安装粉刷阶段存在的安全隐患 6

2.3按发生条件分析安全隐患 6

2.3.1构件滑落倾覆的安全隐患 7

2.3.2高空坠物危害公众财产安全 7

2.3.3触电事故 7

2.4按4M1E方法分析总结 7

第3章 装配式建筑安全控制要点分析 9

3.1设计、生产环节控制要点 9

3.1.1设计环节控制要点 9

3.1.2生产环节控制要点 9

3.2构件运输、进场、存放环节控制要点 9

3.2.1运输控制要点 9

3.2.2现场存放控制要点 9

3.2.3预制构件进场检测控制要点 9

3.3吊装环节控制要点 10

3.3.1吊装机械的选择 10

3.3.2人员的培训 10

3.3.3构件吊装的要点 10

3.4安装施工环节控制要点 10

3.4.1高处作业临边围护 10

3.4.2高处坠物防护控制 10

3.4.3临时支撑体系设置 11

3.4.4用电安全管理 11

第4章 基于AHP分析影响因素 12

4.1层次分析法(AHP)及其特点 12

4.1.1 AHP定义及基础运算过程 12

4.1.2 AHP特点 12

4.2采用层次分析法(AHP)的可行性分析 13

4.3 AHP指标的选定 13

4.4采用AHP分析安全隐患的计算步骤 14

4.4.1建立层次结构模型 14

4.4.2构建成对比较矩阵 14

4.4.3用Matlab进行运算 15

4.4.4层次排序 15

4.5三种因素具体预防应对方法 16

4.5.1临时支撑体系不到位具体预防应对方法 16

4.5.2吊装机械设备不达标具体预防应对方法 16

4.5.3现场存放安全隐患具体预防应对方法 17

第5章 结论与展望 19

5.1研究结论 19

5.2论文的不足 19

5.3研究展望 19

参考文献 20

致 谢 22

第1章 绪论


1.1.1 研究背景


1.1.2 研究目的

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