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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 艺术与科技 > 正文


 2020-04-16 16:00:29  

摘 要






关键词:设计 空间 建筑 特色体验

Image display Design of Luoshu small Town


Graduation design project for Luoshu small town image display design-hidden dust residential design, mainly for the internal space design layout, supplemented by the external space characteristics.In the internal space design, a variety of expression techniques are used to show the local cultural characteristics; In the external image design, the architecture and nature are integrated, the original features are preserved, and a collection of leisure vacation, outdoor leisure experience, rural cultural experience, agricultural sightseeing experience is built. High quality vacation and leisure as one of the new projects.

The design of this scheme is located in Yumenhe Village, Xinghua Township, Luoning County, Luoyang City, Henan Province, with a total design area of 400 square meters. On the basis of Heluo culture, the ecological and dynamic residential style is built, and the attitude of slow life in the countryside is expressed through the spatial design of the internal and external structures of the building, as well as the use of layout techniques, idealistic techniques and so on. At the same time, respect history and local characteristics in design performance, so that residents feel leaving the screen, returning to the wild interest of nature and can fully understand the charm of local folk culture.

Residential accommodation can reflect the local humanities and history, so it can be skillfully designed to give full play to the new brilliance of life, better inheritance. Local materials can not only retain its history, but also enable residents to fully experience the local characteristics, and material selection can also save unnecessary problems, more selection of materials with high degree of natural integration can highlight ecological and cultural.

We usually pay attention to the layout and landscape effect of space, but light is the protagonist of space. In the light layout, the principle can use one does not need two, in the design, one lamp is enough to meet the visual and emotional needs. Through explicit and hidden lighting to give guests a unique experience.

Key Words: Display design;Functional space ;Building ; Characteristic experience

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究的目的与意义 1

1.2民宿研究综述 1

1.2.1国内民宿研究现状 1

1.2.3 总结 2

1.3相关民宿案例分析 2

1.3.1英国Nettlecombe Farm农庄民宿 2

1.3.2日本合掌村民宿 3

1.3.3丽江客栈民宿 3

1.3.4莫干山裸心谷民宿 4

1.3.5 总结 5

第二章 民宿设计分析 5

2.1民宿的类别 5

2.1.1赏景度假型民宿 5

2.1.2复古经营型民宿 6

2.1.3 艺术体验型民宿 6

2.1.4农村体验型民宿 7

2.1.5温泉民宿 8

2.2民宿功能特性 8

2.3民宿的设计要求 9

第三章 洛书小镇民宿设计解析 10

3.1 设计思想 10

3.2 建筑外部设计 10

3.2.1外部环境分析 10

3.2.2外部造型设计 11

3.2.3外部材料运用 12

3.3 建筑内部设计 12

3.3.1内部空间规划 12

3.3.2照明分析 15

3.3.3室内设计材料运用 15

3.4建筑外部与内部空间的统一 16

结 语 16

参考文献 17

致 谢 18



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