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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 环境设计 > 正文


 2022-03-02 21:36:57  


摘 要

在城市飞速进步的道路上,很多重工业企业一个个倒闭,许多旧工业建筑沦为了工业废弃地。所以,为了城市更好的发展,工业废弃地的改造成为了每个城市不得不面对的问题。由于传统工业的不断衰败,以及人们对可持续发展的意识不断加强,许多城市工业废弃地急需改造重生。在当今“既要金山银山,又要绿水青山的”在中国特色社会主义以生态位主导思想的情况下生态化,怎样通过绿色设计理念的景观设计手法来重新开发这些工业废弃地,使其从有害于城市景观的境地转变为为有益于城市景观,将“荒地”变 为“宝藏地”,在日新月异的城市中重获新生,这一重大问题得到了世界上许多国家的重视。



Abstract:In the rapid development of the city, the traditional industry declining, the city a large number of industrial waste. Therefore, in order to better the development of the city, the transformation of industrial waste has become a city to have to face the problem. As the traditional industry continues to decline, and people continue to strengthen the awareness of sustainable development, many urban industrial waste in urgent need of rebirth. Under the guiding ideology of "ecology of ecology of Chinese characteristics and socialism", how to adopt the landscape ecology landscape design approach to transform these industrial wasteland in the present The landscape has changed to the benefit of the city landscape, the "wasteland" into "treasure", in the ever-changing cities to regain new life, this major problem has been the world's many countries attention.

The main object of this paper is urban industrial waste land, in order to more intuitive research, I will be divided into three parts from the significance of transformation to a specific case to make a series of analysis. The first chapter mainly elaborates the significance of the transformation of industrial waste land, and then introduces the present situation of industrial waste land and the status quo of landscape reconstruction. At last, the future development trend of landscape design is described. First of all, the concept of landscape design is summarized, and then several landscape development models of waste land are put forward, and the excellent case of Shanghai Houhai Park is analyzed emphatically. The third chapter is the focus of this paper, which discusses the design of industrial landscape The content, methods, as well as the design concept and basis, through a specific case study to be demonstrated.

Keywords:Urban industrial waste land; rebirth; reuse; landscape transformation;

目 录

目 录 3

第一章 工业废弃地的相关意义、现况及发展趋势 5

1.1对工业废弃地景观改造的意义 5

1.2改造城市工业废弃地的现状 5

1.2.1工业废弃地改造中所存在的问题及原因 5

1.3国内外的发展现状 6

1.3.1国外城市废弃地改造概况 7

1.3.2国内城市工业废弃地改造的现状分析 7

1.4未来的发展趋势 8

1.4.1强化感知意识和认识自然 8

1.4.2尊重自然生态 8

1.5本章小结 9

第二章 工业废弃地的景观改造设计 10

2.1废弃地景观改造设计 10

2.1.1“城市工业废弃地”的解释 10

2.1.2景观的概念和内涵 10

2.2城市工业废弃地及遗址 11

2.3改造的意义 11

2.4延续文化价值和历史记忆 11

2.4.1历史价值和情感价值 11

2.4.2经济价值和环境价值 11

2.4.3技术美学价值 12

2.5合适的景观改造形式 12

2.6优秀案例分析 13

2.6.1项目背景 13

2.6.2设计理念 14

2.6.3设计手法 14

2.7本章小结 15

第三章 重生——南通明德船厂景观改造设计 17

3.1对场地的前期调研 17

3.2景观构想 17

3.3遵循原则 17

3.4设计理念 18

3.5功能划分 18

3.6绿化规划的原则 19

3.7具体植物配置 20

3.8本章小结 20

总结 22

参考文献 23

致谢 24

第一章 工业废弃地的相关意义、现况及发展趋势







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