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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 管理学类 > 工商管理 > 正文


 2022-03-02 21:37:11  


摘 要


关键词:现代服务业 产业集群 竞争优势 对策

The research of the tertiary industry’s competitive advantages and courtmeasures based on the industrial cluster


With the deepening of social system reforms and the improvement of economic level,the service cluster is playing a more and more important role.Meanwhile,the perfection of the theory of cluster plays a supportive role in growing the tertiary industry.In a word,cluster development is becoming a vital method to increase the standard of the service cluster. The point of this paper is to study the competitive advantages and courtmeasures of service cluster.On the one hand,with theore tical analysis and thought,the thesis will prove the importance of establishing the service cluster projects by listing the advantages in terms of the single company and the whole system,including cost optimization,sharing human resource,information interaction,increasing competitive force,making the enterprise develop diversified,taking the advantage of brand effect and promoting innovation.On the other hand,according to existing weakness,this paper will come up with different kinds of suggestions.For instance,on the macro level, the government should coordinate the balanced development between regions and industries, focus on the balance of second and third industry, provide policy support and supervise the enterprise behavior.On the medium level,industry location problem should be carefully considered,and the whole industry bussiness should focus on the development of industry standards,guiding enterprises to play an exemplary role and building related associations.On the microcosmic level,the enterprise should cultivate talents, strengthen cooperation and internal innovation.

Key Words:Modern service industry;Industrial cluster;competitive advantage;courtmeasure

目 录



第一章 前言………………………………………………………………………1

1.1 研究背景……………………………………………………………………1

1.2 研究意义……………………………………………………………………2

1.3 研究内容及方法……………………………………………………………2



第二章 服务产业集群理论概述 ……………………………………………4

2.1 产业集群概念的产生与流派划分…………………………………………4

2.2 现代服务业的内涵及类别…………………………………………………4

2.3 服务业产业集群的定义和类型……………………………………………5

2.4 服务业集群的发展机理……………………………………………………5





第三章 服务业产业集群的竞争优势 ………………………………………8

3.1 为整个集群带来的竞争优势………………………………………………8

3.1.1 提升集群市场竞争力………………………………………………8

3.1.2 促进企业服务竞争差异化…………………………………………8

3.1.3 增强集群内部的品牌效应…………………………………………9

3.1.4 推动同类服务业不断创新…………………………………………9

3.2 为单个企业带来的竞争优势………………………………………………9

3.2.1 发挥资源集聚及成本优势…………………………………………9

3.2.2 共享人才引进与科研优势…………………………………………9

3.2.3 加深企业间信息交流程度 ………………………………………10

第四章 国内外服务业集群现状的比较及问题分析……………………11

4.1 国内外服务业集群发展模式的比较 ……………………………………11

4.2 国内外服务业集群现状的归纳和对比 …………………………………11

4.2.1 国外产业集群的现状和特征 ……………………………………11

4.2.2 国内产业集群的现状和特征 ……………………………………13

4.3 我国服务业集群的现有问题 ……………………………………………13

4.3.1 产业集群地域及行业分布不均 …………………………………13

4.3.2 服务业集群与制造业联系不紧密 ………………………………14

4.3.3 集群内部保护主义和“模仿”现象盛行 ………………………14

4.3.4 集群过度引发的负外部性 ………………………………………14

4.3.5 发展偏重“下层道路”,忽视对“高架道路”的建设…………15

4.3.6 集群缺乏相关政策的引导 ………………………………………15

第五章 现代服务业集群发展的对策研究 ………………………………16

5.1 微观方面…………………………………………………………………16

5.1.1 培育和吸引高素质人才 …………………………………………16

5.1.2 建立和推动合作联盟的发展 ……………………………………16

5.1.3 培育集群文化和创新文化 ………………………………………16

5.2 中观方面…………………………………………………………………16

5.2.1 注重产业区选址的特色性和因地制宜 …………………………16

5.2.2 制定相关的行业行规和原则 ……………………………………17

5.2.3 发挥龙头企业的带动作用 ………………………………………17

5.2.4 建立协会对行业内经营活动发挥监督作用 ……………………17

5.3 宏观方面…………………………………………………………………17

5.3.1 利用宏观调控能力解决产业集聚地域和行业分布不均问题 …17

5.3.2 在发展服务业集聚的同时注重与制造业的匹配性 ……………18

5.3.3 加快基础设施的建设和相关政策支持 …………………………18

5.3.4 强化秩序监督者的角色 …………………………………………18

第六章 结束语 …………………………………………………………………19

6.1 结论 ………………………………………………………………………19

6.2 展望 ………………………………………………………………………19

参考文献 …………………………………………………………………………20



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