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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 环境设计 > 正文


 2021-10-26 21:58:12  

摘 要

随着社会经济和中国的城市化进程的快速发展,城市人口越来越多,城市范围也在逐步扩大,城市生活无疑给人们带来的生活上的便利,提高了人们的生活质量。但是快速的城市化进程也带来了消极的影响,城市内部空间原有的布局结构和空间功能受到冲击,被迫人为的分解与重组成新的功能布 的设计,对于这些散落在城市边角处的畸零空间往往缺乏合理的规划,在城市用地资源日趋紧张的今天,对于城市畸零空间的设计利用会逐渐成为城市规划需要研究的重要课题。


关键词: 空间;城市微更新;高架桥,畸零空间。


With the rapid development of social economy and China's urbanization process, the urban population is increasing and the urban area is gradually expanding. There is no doubt that the urban life brings convenience to people's life and improves people's quality of life. But rapid urbanization also brings negative effect, the layout of the internal space of the original structure and the urban space features, was forced to artificial decomposition and restructuring into the design of new functional fabric, for these were the corners in the city's lonely space often lack of reasonable planning, the urban land resources increasingly tense today, to the design of the urban space of abnormal use will gradually become a important subject to research on urban planning.

The sporadic plots of dashiqiao in zhengzhou city are formed in the process of urban development due to the needs of urban development, and belong to the type of leftover space around the ramp of viaduct and under the bridge. Based on the understanding and understanding of the leftover space of the city, this paper studies the transformation cases of the deformed null space of the city at home and abroad, and investigates and analyzes the status quo of the sporadic plots near the dashi bridge. In the design of the big stone bridge project, based on the concept of urban micro-renewal, three small pocket parks and the space under the bridge that spread the historical and cultural characteristics of the city are designed, so as to further apply them to the design of leftover space in other cities.


摘要 3

第一章 绪论 7

1.1城市畸零空间的定义 7

1.2城市畸零空间的分类 7

1.2.1按功能类型分 7

1.2.1按空间形态分 8

1.3城市畸零空间的形成原因 8

1.4国内外研究现状 9

1.5 研究的目的和意义 9

第二章 国内外城市畸零空间设计案例 10

2.1成都市高架桥附属空间景观设计 10

2.1.1背景概况 10

2.1.2景观优化策略 10

2.1.3生态环境的改善 11

2.2巴塞罗那口袋公园 11

2.2.1项目背景 11

.2.2.2设计策略 12

2.2.3巴塞罗那空间策略的启发 13

第三章 郑州市金水区大石桥下空间利用现状调研 13

3.1大石桥情况概述 13

3.2大石桥景观现状分析 14

3.2.1大石桥空间现状利用 14

3.2.2大石桥景观现状分析 14

3.3大石桥附近人群行为活动分析 15

3.4现存问题分析及解决措施 15

3.4.1现存问题剖析 15

3.4.2解决措施 16

第四章 基于城市微更新下的大石桥设计改造 16

4.1城市微更新的概念和意义 16

4.2前期调研分析 17

4.2.1区位分析 17

4.2.2历史沿革 17

4.3总体设计布局 18

4.4方案深化 19

4.5设计特色 21

第五章 主要成果与收获 22

参考文献 23

致谢 24

第一章 绪论







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