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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-10-26 21:58:08  

摘 要







With the advent of the information age, images have gradually become an significant information carrier in our daily life. Through the effective classification of image data, it can ameliorate the efficiency of information retrieval, preparing for research in the fields of image recognition and machine learning. The deep learning technology represented by the convolutional neural network has good performance in the imaging field. The image data is trained through the feature extraction of the convolutional neural network.

As the foundation of the convolutional neural network, this article focuses on the effect of deep convolutional neural network VGGNet on classifying images. The main research contents are as follows:

(1) Through reading a large number of documents, we have learned the status of image classification at home and abroad, and studied the algorithm and structure of convolutional neural networks, the relevant theoretical characteristics of convolutional neural network are also expounded, and the functions, principles and calculation methods of each level of the VGGNet network model are mainly introduced.

(2) Using the classic VGG-16 convolutional neural network model structure as a reference, a neural network structure of 8 convolutional layers, 5 pooling layers, and 3 fully connected layers is designed. Cifar-10 data set is downloaded and selected as training data in Python, and the image is preprocessed by using TensorFlow deep learning framework, then we use the convolutional neural network to train the image, testing and optimizing the network parameters. Finally, the Softmax classifier is equipped to classify the feature images. After about 80,000 iterations, a high accuracy of image classification is obtained.

Key Words: Image classification; Convolutional neural network; VGGNet

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景以及意义 1

1.2国内外的研究现状 1

1.3本文的研究内容及章节安排 2

1.4本章小结 3

第2章 卷积神经网络原理 4

2.1传统神经网络介绍 4

2.1.1基本概念 4

2.1.2传统神经网络的结构 4

2.2卷积神经网络 5

2.2.1卷积层 6

2.2.2池化层 7

2.2.3全连接层 8

2.2.4分类器 9

2.3VGGNet介绍 9

2.3.1VGGNet结构 9

2.3.2VGGNet的特点 11

2.4本章小结 12

第3章 基于VGGNet的图像分类设计 13

3.1设计准备工作 13

3.1.1整体设计思路 13

3.1.2选择深度学习框架 14

3.1.3开发环境搭建 15

3.1.4数据集准备 17

3.2VGGNet网络实现 20

3.2.1图像预处理 20

3.2.2VGGNet模型设计 20

3.2.3指定迭代次数 24

3.2.4保存模型 25

3.3实验结果分析 26

3.3.1卷积图像数据分析 26

3.3.2训练模型分析 28

3.3.3训练结果分析 30

3.4本章小结 33

第4章 总结与展望 34

4.1本文总结 34

4.2展望 34

参考文献 36

致 谢 38

附 录 39

第1章 绪论



图像分类是通过对原始图像的特征提取,达到区分不同类别目标的图像处理方法,是计算机视觉技术重要研究方向[5]。图像分类的流程主要包括了图像数据处理,图像特征增强,分类提取特征等[6]。传统的图像分类方法对图像分类的精确度并不高,针对性不强,在提取过程中往往会提取到一些没有区分度的无效特征,进而影响到图像分类的准确性,甚至带来负面的影响。对各种图像进行准确的分类识别,是许多高级图像处理领域的基础。新兴的卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network, CNN)[7]图像分类方法,可以训练多个轮次,自主学习图像数据的特征,替代了传统神经网络人工提取目标特征的方法,并且在提取特征方面,卷积神经网络判别能力和泛化性能都得到了提高[8],进而可以更有效地区分图像特征。


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