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 2022-08-06 10:09:56  



Gaussian graphical models have two advantages compared to common exploratory analysis that typically study bivariate correlations between items and variables. First, while bivariate correlations are useful in small datasets, correlational tables can become overwhelming in large datasets. Second, bivariate correlations between two variables can be spurious, i.e., caused by a third variable present in the dataset (a so-called common cause). In contrast, relationships estimated by Gaussian graphical models can be interpreted as partial correlation coefficients that reduce the risk of finding spurious relationships.

In addition, Gaussian graphical models have recently been applied in some fields in psychology, such as psychopathology and personality research (Cramer et al., 2012; Borsboom and Cramer, 2013) and its technical origins can be traced back to Dempster (1972). However, to the best of our knowledge, these models have not been applied in problem-based fields such as environmental psychology, where they would have clear added value as stated above. Below, we briefly describe the Gaussian graphical modeling approach in an accessible manner and illustrate how it can be applied in environmental psychology research.

1. The Gaussian Graphical Model

A Gaussian graphical model comprises of a set of items or variables, depicted by circles, and a set of lines that visualize relationships between the items or variables (Lauritzen, 1996; Epskamp et al., 2018). The thickness of these lines represents the strength of the relationships between items or variables; and consequently, the absence of a line implies no or very weak relationships between the relevant items or variables. Notably, in the Gaussian graphical model, these lines capture partial correlations, that is, the correlation between two items or variables when controlling for all other items or variables included in the data set. As mentioned above, a key advantage of partial correlations is that it avoids spurious correlations.

While this visual representation of relationships can facilitate getting a first feel of the data, Gaussian graphical models can still be hard to read when the estimated graphs are dense and contain a large number of lines. In fact, due to sampling variation, truly zero partial correlations are rarely observed, and, as a consequence, graphs can be very dense and consist of spurious relationships (Epskamp et al., 2018). To this end, in Gaussian graphical models, the glasso algorithm is a commonly used method to obtain a sparser graph (Friedman et al., 2008). This algorithm forces small partial correlation coefficients to zero and thus induces sparsity. The amount of sparsity in the graph is controlled by a tuning parameter and different values of the tuning parameter result in different graphs (see Figure 3). Low values of the tuning parameter will result in dense graphs and high values of the tuning parameter will result in sparse graphs. Typically, the extended Bayesian information criteria (EBIC) is used to select an optimal setting of the tuning parameter (Foygel and Drton, 2010) such that the strongest relationships are retained in the graph (maximizes true positives). It is beyond the scope of this paper to describe the technical aspects of the Gaussian graphical model in detail, readers are guided to Epskamp et al. (2018) to understand the estimation of these models with a particular emphasis on their applications in psychology.

2. Similarity and Differences With Other Existing Models

The Gaussian graphical model is theoretically related to other exploratory modeling approaches in psychology, in particular with exploratory factor analysis to explore relationship between items included in a study. At the item level, there is indeed a similarity between the Gaussian graphical model and a uni-dimensional factor model (Lauritzen, 1996; Whittaker, 2009; Epskamp et al., 2018). A uni-dimensional factor model is a one factor model where the observed variables are independent conditional on the latent variable. This means that the correlations between items should tend do zero once we account for the latent variable. Consequently, a cluster of fully connected items indicates that these items measure a single latent construct. Hence, at the item level, this equivalence can be exploited to obtain insight into the factor structure of the questionnaire, which is recommended by methodologists (Schmitt, 1996; Crutzen and Peters, 2017).

The Gaussian graphical model differs from typical exploratory analysis based on partial correlational coefficients. Notably, a Gaussian graphical model shows relationships between items and variables in a graph, which is more easy to interpret than a large partial correlation table, particularly when small correlations are forced to zero via the glasso algorithm as we illustrate in the following application.

3. Application: Illustrating the Value of the Gaussian Graphical Model

We illustrate the use and value of the Gaussian graphical model for environmental psychologists and other applied researchers, by exploring relationships between items and variables included in a large dataset collected for a research project on community energy initiatives. This project aimed to study the psychological factors that can exp






此外,高斯图形模型最近被应用于心理学的一些领域,如精神病理学和个性研究(Cramer等人,2012;Borsboom和Cramer,2013),其技术起源可以追溯到Dempster(1972)。然而,据我们所知,这些模型还没有应用于基于问题的领域,如环境心理学,在这些领域,它们会有明显的附加值,如上所述。下面,我们将简单介绍高斯图形建模方法,并说明如何将其应用于环境心理学研究。 1.介绍:高斯图形模型








首先,研究人员假设,在社区能源倡议的背景下,已经被证明能够激发可持续能源行为的个人因素也可以预测可持续能源行为。此外,他们假设这些个人因素可能会激发这些倡议的成员资格,因为社区能源倡议的成员资格可以被视为一种特定类型的可持续能源行为(Stern,2000)。特别是,他们认为生物圈价值观是亲环境行为的一般预测因子(Steg et al.,2014),环境自我认同是可持续能源行为的更接近预测因子(van der Werff et al.,2013),以及人们在可持续能源行为中对解释可持续能源行为的个人重要性一般的能源行为和环保行为(见Sloot等人,2018)。此外,他们假设这些个人因素可能会激发这些倡议的成员资格,因为社区能源倡议的成员资格可以被视为一种特定类型的可持续能源行为(Stern,2000)。其次,他们假设成员资格也会激发可持续能源行为(Sloot等人,2018)。特别是,根据社会认同方法(Turner,1991;Tajfel和Turner,2001),他们认为我们所属的群体,如社区能源倡议,可以构成我们如何看待自己(我们的社会认同)的重要部分。当人们认为自己是社区能源计划的成员时,他们可能会将该计划的价值观和目标内化,并相应地采取行动,并与其他成员合作,以推进该集团的目标。鉴于社区能源倡议似乎有促进可持续能源行为的明确目标,这些团体的成员可以促进可持续能源行为,并合作实现可持续能源目标。 第三,他们推断,社会身份视角也可能有助于更好地理解人们是否会成为社区能源倡议的成员(Sloot等人,2017年)。虽然成为一名主动成员可以通过个人因素来理解,这些因素已经被证明能够激励可持续的能源行为,但也可能受到这些群体所处的社会环境的影响。特别是,研究人员推断,社区能源倡议嵌入的社区可以被视为可以影响其成员的群体。具体而言,他们认为这些社区在多大程度上可以被视为具有共同的身份。他们假设,居民越强烈地将其社区视为一个强大的实体,作为一个独特的类别和一个动态的实体(参见Postmes等人,2005年;Jans等人,2011年),该实体重视可持续能源行为,并且个人越认同这个社区(参见Postmes等人,2013年)他们更有可能加入社区的能源倡议,进而参与可持续的能源行为。此外,社会认同方法表明,当存在一个明确的群体时,人们更可能作为一个群体动员起来,他们希望远离这个群体,从而引发负面情绪(Van Zomeren等人,2004年;Postmes等人,2006年)。在社区能源倡议的背景下,特别是基于群体的对政府和大型能源公司糟糕的能源政策的愤怒和不信任,可能会动员人们通过参与社区能源倡议来改变能源系统。接下来,作者认为归属的需要和独特的需要是激励人们参与团体的两个个人因素(参见Brewer,1991;Hornsey和Jetten,2004),这也可能激励社区能源成员。




在荷兰29个社区能源倡议(规模不同)的成员和非成员之间进行了问卷调查研究,这些倡议是Buurkracht(Buurkracht,2018)这一总体网络的一部分。共有568名参与者完成了问卷调查。其中,303人报告称是社区能源倡议的成员,而另外265人是非成员(有关数据收集的更多细节,见Sloot等人,2018年)。 3.2.措施

在这项研究中,我们包括32个反映上述概念的变量,这些变量由68个项目测量。如前所述,我们从个人因素、与社会背景相关的因素、对能源公司和政府的评价(或意见)等方面纳入变量,自我报告的可持续能源行为和参与可持续能源行为的意图(在家庭和社区内)以及其他有利于环境和社区的行为、社会人口变量和社区能源倡议的成员。我们在下面详细阐述这些措施。除非另有说明,否则项目按7分里克特量表进行测量,范围从1“完全不同意”到7“完全同意” 3.2.1.个人因素价值观

16个项目衡量了人们认可利他主义、生物圈、利己主义和享乐价值观的程度(de Groot和Steg,2008)。参与者在一个从-1(=违背我的原则)到7(=非常重要)的范围内指出了每个价值作为他们生活中的指导原则的重要性。环境自我认同

有三个项目衡量了参与者将自己视为环境友好型人士的程度(例如,我是表现出环境友好型的人士类型;van der Werff等人,2013年)。可持续能源行为的个人重要性











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