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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 产品设计 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:24:05  

摘 要







The rigid demand for medical services and the number of people going to medical treatment are increasing with the population growth and people's increasing attention to physical health. Moreover, the distribution of health resources in China is unreasonable, and there exists the phenomenon of "going to the north, Shanghai and Guangzhou to see a doctor". Especially in the season of high incidence of diseases, medical equipment and human resources are seriously inadequate, and there is still a big gap with foreign medical conditions.

The psychological need for treatment is no less important than the physical need. However, there is a serious shortage of medical staff in China, which leads to the fact that the number of hospital beds in most hospitals is much higher than the number of hospital nurses. As a result, the patient's need for accompanying care cannot be met, so the family members can only accompany the patient, which makes the situation of domestic family members accompanying care always exist. However, due to the limitation of space conditions in China, the wards can only meet the basic and simple functions, and the humanized design of internal facilities is seriously lacking, which cannot meet the needs of patients and their families to accompany them. The existing hospitals rent folding beds and share nursing beds, so as to solve the basic rest of family members' nursing, but cannot guarantee the sanitary conditions. At the same time, it obstructs the health management and medical inspection of the hospital, seriously disturbs the medical order, and the contradiction between the accompanying family members and the hospital is also increasing day by day.

The design of domestic ward supplies should be optimized according to the characteristics of China's national conditions. This paper starts from the perspective of the needs of three different groups of people in the domestic wards of "patients -- accompanying family members -- hospital", looks for the connections among the three groups and conducts an integrated analysis.

Through the information inquiry on the Internet, I went to domestic hospitals for field research to understand the current situation of the space environment and basic facilities in the existing wards, and at the same time, I observed the behavior characteristics and activity rules of all kinds of people in the wards. On the master of information records, sorting and summary, design analysis and research on the basis of the existing environmental conditions, according to the theory of humanized design and use of ergonomics, aiming at the demand of the patients, the three of the escort, hospital design can make full use of room space resources, convenient transfer and hospital management, can let the patient and family members more comfortable escort escort products combination, fundamentally solve the patient, the escort and hospital the practical difficulties, meet the people's physical and mental needs, reflected the humanities concern of the society. And according to the environmental analysis and the theory of design psychology, the modeling and color design are carried out for the combination of companion care products.

Key words: Companion Articles; Analysis of Different User Needs; Spatial Environment Analysis; Ergonomics; Modular Design

目 录

摘 要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的背景与意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究目的 2

1.1.3 研究意义 2

1.2 住院病房陪护设计的国内外研究现状及发展趋势 3

1.2.1 国外研究现状 3

1.2.2 国内研究现状 4

1.2.3 发展趋势 4

1.3 本章小结 5

第2章 病房陪护用品调研 6

2.1 现有病房内医用家具种类调研 6

2.2 现有医用家具在使用过程中存在的缺陷 7

2.3 本章小结 7

第3章 病房陪护用品的人机系统分析 8

3.1 病人在住院过程中的生理与心理需求分析 8

3.2 陪护的定义 10

3.2.1 陪护家属的活动规律 10

3.2.2 陪护家属的需求分析 11

3.3 医院管理制度分析 11

3.3.1 住院病人转诊转科制度 11

3.3.2 医护人员的个体作业行为分析 11

3.3.3 病房消毒制度与流程 12

3.4 陪护用品使用环境分析 13

3.4.1 病房空间分析 13

3.4.2 医疗设备及医用家具使用环境分析 15

3.5 病房陪护用品使用过程推演 17

3.5.1 使用情境构建 18

3.6 本章小结 18

第4章 病房陪护用品的设计规律分析 19

4.1 病房陪护用品组合的造型设计分析 19

4.2 病房陪护用品组合的色彩与材质设计分析 19

4.3 创新点 19

4.4 本章小结 20

第5章 病房陪护用品组合设计的方案展示 21

5.1 设计思路 21

5.2 方案展示 22

5.2.1 草图阶段 22

5.2.2 效果图展示 23

5.2.3 细节展示 24

第6章 总结 29

参考文献 30

致 谢 30

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景


随着现代经济的快速发展,居民对健康重视程度提高,我国医疗机构诊疗人数与入院人数呈现上升趋势。[1]我国人口基数大,病人居多,而医护人员不足,护床比例低。按国家卫生部要求,到2010年,临床护士与床位比应达到0.4:1的标准,但我国400多家综合医院护士人数严重不足, 目前要求护士和床位比为0.376:1的配备标准,但目前达标医院中三甲医院只占40%,二甲医院占20%。[2]医护人员严重缺编,医护人员不能全方面照顾患者,但有些病人又需要全天陪护照顾,这使得家属留陪护的必要性一直存在。然而病房内部设施单一,缺乏人性化设计,导致陪护家属休息极为不便,经常增加费用租赁医院折叠床甚至在病房地面席地而卧,十分艰苦。且容易造成病房内部拥挤,环境嘈杂,也为医护人员的工作带来极大不便。


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