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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 产品设计 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:28:10  

摘 要






This paper mainly discusses the possibility of garbage bin design in community scene based on the new background of garbage classification and disposal. In the face of the imbalance between the increasingly serious environmental problems and the increasingly high demand for environmental protection, there is a lot of systematic work to be done. In this context, the community trash can serves as a bridge and link connecting the front part of the residents‘ garbage classification and the back end of the factories’ garbage disposal. Meanwhile, it will also serve as the public's intuitive cognition of garbage classification in life. At the present stage, there are still many problems in the design of community trash cans and it is necessary to carry out a systematic and complete study on them.

Based on the experience and lessons from the existing garbage classification practices in developed countries and regions, this paper establishes a general design direction based on the specific situation of wuhan city. Then, with the help of specific theoretical methods such as SCAMPER method, competitive product analysis, SWOP analysis, etc., this paper clarifies the relationship between the internal elements of community trash cans and the relationship between them as a whole to external people, things and objects. By doing so, we can have a better understanding of it and find the irrationality of existing products and improve them. Thus, the whole garbage classification work is more smooth and efficient, the user experience is more perfect and reasonable, and the staff workflow is more concise and effective. Finally, the preliminary design draft is formed through specific considerations such as elaboration of the shape, human-machine ratio and CMFP, and then the final design scheme is determined and expressed through iterative optimization after comprehensive consideration.

The research results show that we can systematically optimize the design of community trash cans without significantly increasing the cost after re-sorting and innovative design of the products.

Key Words:; Garbage sorting; Community;trash cans

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究的意义 1

第2章 垃圾分类的调研 3

2.1 3R理念 3

2.2 垃圾分类的门类与说明 3

2.3 垃圾分类的流程 3

第3章 武汉市垃圾分类现状 5

3.1 宏观现状 5

3.2 微观现状 5

第4章 社区垃圾桶设计 8

4.1 设计机会 8

4.2 造型推敲 8

4.3 方案展示 9

4.3.1 效果图 9

4.3.2 细节展示 10

4.3.3 场景图 13

第5章 总结 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 16

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景


1.2 国内外研究现状

国外已实行垃圾分类的国家中,各个国家和地区在各自的实践中有各自的经验和教训。例如日本浩繁的分类条目,是在日本的国民性格上实行的,但并其大幅增加了居民的学习成本和时间成本,但在后端的处理能力并没有完全匹配上。例如一些被先分类后的垃圾在后端处理过程中却被混合处理了。而北欧国家将垃圾焚烧后用于发电和供暖,居民可以通过分类垃圾抵扣相关的费用。这样一来居民有了垃圾分类的动力,垃圾发电厂也更容易被当地居民接受形成了垃圾处理工厂和当地社区的良性互动是在垃圾厂选址屡屡被当地居民抵制的中国值得借鉴的,以避免出现“NOT IN MY BACKYARD”式的公地悲剧。而随着AI和计算机视觉的发展Google的Robert X公司开发了在办公室场景下的垃圾分拣机器人,其可以通过机器视觉自主识别垃圾并将其分类投放但其一次只能处理一件垃圾更适合在办公、居家、商超之类的低频场景使用。但其所展现出的技术可能性对于在后端将垃圾进一步细化分类和前端居民初步分类垃圾时有更为广阔和深刻的应用前景。也是在人工智能的大潮下对于垃圾分类前瞻性的思考。

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