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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 产品设计 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:16:50  

摘 要

国内目前与幼儿相关的产品市场一直在不断扩大,80 90后来到生育高峰期,并且成为为幼儿产品市场的主力军。作为千禧一代的年轻父母们,他们的消费观念生活模式都会给产品带来改变,并且影响着其他消费者的选择。高效,便捷,新颖是这一代年轻父母们的需求特征,同时也是产品需要被赋予的新的特点。本设计课题研究内容为幼儿辅食产品情感化设计。内容涉及幼儿辅食产品的种类、功能、技术、工作原理,材料等。在产品设计中,我们需要关注产品的易用性和可用性,同时对于情感之于产品的影响也需要重点考虑。所以该设计的组成部分包括用户需求分析和产品的安全性分析,幼儿辅食添加的规范性以及使用场景和使用过程推演。其中前两点分析在幼儿产品中尤为重要。幼儿辅食产品具有使用者和受用者两种群体,因此,我们设计的重点在于幼儿产品设计的定位和用户需求分析的过程。将用户分为使用受用两种群体,通过对两种群体的心理,行为,各方面需求展开分析研究,提高产品的针对性。幼儿辅食产品的设计宗旨以幼儿健康成长为前提,分析研究的目标是幼儿,父母与产品设计之间的相互协调,需要服务到用户的整个制作流程,所以本文从幼儿辅食制作,幼儿心理学理论出发,在现有产品的基础上进行设计创新。



At present, the domestic product market related to children has been continuously expanding. From 80 to 90, it reached the peak of childbirth, and has become the main force for the market of children's products. As young millennial parents, their lifestyles of consumption will bring changes to the products and affect the choices of other consumers. High efficiency, convenience, and novelty are the characteristics of this generation of young parents, but also the new characteristics that products need to be endowed with. The research content of this design topic is the emotional design of infant food supplement products. The content relates to the types, functions, technologies, working principles, materials, etc. of infant food supplement products. In product design, we need to pay attention to the ease of use and usability of the product, and we also need to focus on the impact of emotion on the product. Therefore, the components of the design include user needs analysis and product safety analysis, the standardization of supplementary supplements for young children, and use scenarios and process deduction. The first two points of analysis are particularly important in children's products. Children's food supplement products have two groups of users and recipients. Therefore, our design focuses on the positioning of children's product design and the process of user needs analysis. The users are divided into two groups of users and users. Through the analysis and research on the psychological, behavior and needs of the two groups, the targetedness of the products is improved. The design purpose of infant food supplement products is based on the premise of healthy growth of infants. The goal of analysis and research is the coordination between infants, parents and product design, which needs to serve the entire production process of users. To proceed, design innovation based on existing products.

Key words: Children's food supplement products; user behavior; user psychology; product safety; emotional design

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的背景与意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究目的 1

1.1.3 研究意义 1

1.2 幼儿辅食产品研究现状及发展趋势 2

1.3 本文研究主要任务 2

第2章 有关幼儿辅食产品调研 3

2.1 幼儿辅食产品种类调研 3

2.2 现有幼儿辅食产品在使用过程中存在的缺陷 4

第3章 幼儿辅食产品使用过程分析 4

3.1 幼儿辅食产品制作规范 4

3.1.1 幼儿辅食产品的添加标准 5

3.1.2 幼儿辅食产品的制作流程 5

3.2 幼儿食用辅食过程分析 5

3.2.1 幼儿食用辅食行为分析 5

3.2.2 幼儿食用辅食心理分析 6

3.3 辅食产品的用户需求分析 6

3.3.1 情感需求 6

3.3.2 环境需求 7

3.4 幼儿辅食产品使用过程推演 7

3.5 本章小结 7

第4章 幼儿辅食产品的设计规律分析 8

4.1 幼儿辅食产品的安全性要素分析 8

4.2 幼儿辅食产品的材料工艺分析 8

4.3 创新点 9

4.4 本章小结 9

第5章 幼儿辅食产品设计与方案展示 10

5.1 设计思路 10

5.2 方案展示 11

5.2.1 草图阶段 11

5.2.2 效果图展示 12

5.2.3 细节展示 13

第6章 总结 14

参考文献 15

致 谢 16

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的背景与意义

1.1.1 研究背景


1.1.2 研究目的



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