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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 产品设计 > 正文


 2021-10-22 21:43:32  

摘 要


而材质由其本性而获得价值,而它的内容则使空间更具有意义,空间会因为材质的表现力而获得不同的亲身体验感。材质的真相,是光,光,明也。没有光,该材料将不会反射光, 但当光照射后,颜色,纹理,柔软度,透明度,反射系数,折射率,亮度等都会凸显出来。例如,在图书区域,使用温暖的木质材料体现图书区的舒适安静。




One of the purposes of the existence of children's play space is to let children feel the "existence" of this space and remember this space. This kind of personal experience in the environment is called space experience. Of course, children's perception is more complicated than that of adults. If children are to interact and communicate with the space environment, the most important thing is to satisfy their psychological needs and their behavioral characteristics.

The material gains value by its nature, and its content makes the space more meaningful. The space will get a different sense of personal experience because of the expressiveness of the material. The truth of the material is light, light, and light. Without light, the material cannot be reflected. Only with light can the color, texture, smoothness, transparency, reflectivity, refractive index, and luminosity of the material be better reflected. For example, in the book area, the use of warm wood materials reflects the comfort and quietness of the book area.

This article discusses the children's sensory perception (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) of the material and their emotional needs and age-appropriate design .And different techniques and forms are used to express different materials in children's play spaces, so that people can deeply feel the changes of different materials and discover their significance and value, as well as children's needs and responses to different materials. The functions of different play areas are different, and different materials can better reflect the needs and displays of different areas. In modern society, a single material can no longer meet people's demand for higher-level design. The combination of different materials makes the layered material design more extensive, and it also makes people find their beauty from different forms of materials Children and parents enjoy themselves in a play space with a strong sense of experience.

Keywords: children, psychological needs, play space

目 录

摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

目录 Ⅲ

第一章 论绪 1

1.1 课题研究背景 1

1.1.1 现实背景 1

1.1.2理论背景 1

1.2 课题研究目的及意义 1

1.2.1 课题研究目的 1

1.2.2 课题研究意义 2

1.3 国内外儿童游乐空间研究现状 2

1.3.1 国内研究概况 2

1.3.2 国外研究概况 3

1.3.3 国内外研究总结 4

1.4 课题研究对象与方法 4

1.4.1 课题研究内容 4

1.4.2 课题研究方法 4

第二章 儿童游乐空间与儿童行为特点的相关概述与特征 6

2.1 儿童游乐空间的概述与特征 6

2.1.1 儿童游乐空间在相关文献中的定义及特征描述 6

2.1.2 儿童游乐空间的发展进程 6

2.2 儿童行为特点的概述与特征 7

2.2.1 不同年龄段儿童的心理、行为特征 7

2.2.2 不同年龄段儿童的需求与活动分析 8

2.3 本章小结 8

第三章 儿童游乐空间设计之材质概述 9

3.1 材质的基本概念 9

3.1.1 材质的界定范围 9

3.1.2 不同材质的特性分析 9

3.2 材质在儿童游乐空间中使用的价值与原则 10

3.2.1 材质在儿童游乐空间中的价值和变化可行性 10

3.2.2 材质在儿童游乐空间中遵循的设计原则 10

3.3 材质在现有儿童游乐空间中的案例分析 11

3.3.1 不同案例相关材质使用的分类处理 11

3.3.2 分析总结 12

第四章 对儿童游乐空间设计进行构思与定位 13

4.1 基于理论基础对儿童游乐空间提出相关设计观点 13

4.1.1 儿童游乐空间设计分析 13

4.1.2 基于儿童行为心理需求进行材质分配设计研究 13

4.2 基于理论基础对儿童游乐空间进行定位 13

4.2.1 材质使用定位 14

4.2.2 色彩搭配定位 14

4.2.3 目标人群定位 14

第五章 儿童游乐空间构成要素设计 15

5.1 游乐设施设计分析 15

5.1.1 游乐设施造型及材质 15

5.1.2 游乐设施功能 15

5.2 功能设计分析 15

5.2.1 根据年龄阶段不同的功能分区 15

5.2.2 根据使用目的不同的功能分区 15

第六章 儿童游乐空间设计实践 17

6.1 设计灵感 17

6.2 设计分析与说明 17

结论 18

参考文献 18

致谢 19

第一章 绪论






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