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Characterization based on ECPT technique for metal surface corrosion任务书

 2020-05-05 20:17:36  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

As the most widely used material, metal has been applied to social and industrial infrastructures. But corrosion induced fatigue and failures cause fatal disaster which costs billions of dollars per year in the U.S. alone, and 40% mechanical failure due to corrosion. Corrosion characterization is meaningful for safety of society and industry. Therefore, many nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDTE) technologies were employed, such as ultrasonic testing (UT), eddy-current testing (ECT), radiographic testing (RT) and electromagnetic methods. Compared to other methods, eddy current pulsed thermography (ECPT), a novel NDTE technique which provides an opportunity for efficient nondestructive scanning, has been applied to defect detection and characterization for conductive material. In this project, the ECPT system will be applied for acquiring IR image sequence for corroded ferro-material. Matlab software will be employed for signal processing, feature extraction and re-structure algorithms. Compared with IR images, the reconstruction algorithms analysis and discussion based on the physics principle will be performed for verifying the reasonability and validity. Furthermore, the limitation and improvement should be discussed as the feature work. 一、Project content: 1、 Literature review(3000 words). 2、 Be up on ECPT system and data acquisition. 3、 IR data procession with Matlab. Data transformation and pre-procession. 4、 Complete the program for feature extraction and image reconstruction. Build up the relationship between corrosion state and extracted features and reconstructed images. 5、 Results analysis and discussion, complete the diploma thesis. 二、Project requests: 1、 All the documents should be checked carefully and good for reading. 2、 The program is required functions as below: 1) Data transformation and pre-procession for a same length and format for subsequent procession. 2) Classify data based on the temperature 3) Select an appropriate algorithm based the physics principles. 4) Programming the function for feature extraction and image reconstruction. 3、Thesis requests: 1) Well organized structure and format, according to the template document from Edu. department. 2) Illustrate the basis of area selection. The principle and method should be checked and right. 3) Focuses on the relationship between reconstructed images and corrosion state, the algorithm and results analysis. 4) Analyze the relations between algorithm and physics principle. Discusses the improvement for the further work.

2. 参考文献

[1] 向云刚,崔益顺,谯康全. 十六烷基二甲基乙基溴化铵在硫酸介质中对Q235钢的缓蚀性能研究[J]. 腐蚀科学与防护技术, 2016,28(1): 77-81. [2] Bin Gao, Xiangqing Li, W. L. Woo et al. Quantitative validation of Eddy current stimulated thermal features on surface crack. NDTE Inter. 85(2017) 1-12. [3] Yunze He, Hong Zhang, Mohammed Alamin et al. Steel Corrosion Characterization Using Pulsed Eddy Current Systems. IEEE Sensors. 12,6(2012) 2113-2120. [4] Ruizhen Yang, Yunze He. Eddy current pulsed phase thermography considering volumetric induction heating for delamination evaluation in carbon fiber reinforced polymers. Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 234103 (2015). [5] Gui Yun Tian, Yunlai Gao, Kongjing Li et al. Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography with Different Excitation Con#64257;gurations for Metallic Material and Defect Characterization. Sensors 2016, 16, 843. [6] He. Y, Yang R. Eddy current volume heating thermography and phase analysis for imaging characterization of interface delamination in CFRP. IEEE Trans. Ind. Inform. 11(2015) 1287#8211;1297. [7] Wang Y, Gao B, Tian GY. Di#64256;usion and separation mechanism of transient electromagnetic and thermal #64257;elds. Int J Therm Sci 102(2016) 308#8211;318. [8] Vavilov VP, Burleigh DD. Review of pulsed thermal NDT: Physical principles, theory and data processing. NDTE Int 73(2015) 28#8211;52. [9] Maldague X, Marinetti S. Pulse phase infrared thermography. J Appl Phys 79,5(1996) 2694#8211;8. [10] Gao Bin, Bai Libing, Yun Tian Gui, Woo WL, Cheng Yuhua. Automatic Defect Identi#64257;cation of Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography Using Single Channel Blind Source Separation. IEEE Trans Instrum Meas 63,4(2014) 913#8211;22.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

2019-1-15~2019-2-28 References review and understanding the background of this project. 2019-2-29~2019-3-13 Writing a literature review. Further understanding this project and build up your research diagram. 2019-3-14~2019-3-27 Select the appropriate method for feature extraction and reconstruction. Understanding the principle and preparing the thesis proposal. 2019-3-28~2019-4-17 Studying the ECPT system and acquiring image sequence for different samples. Programming for data procession and reconstruction. Refine the literature and write the thesis. Presents the main issue of this project and research. 2019-4-18~2019-5-8 Selects the appropriate data area and features for reconstruction. Optimize the parameters of reconstruction model. Prepare the report and PPT for medium-inspection. Thesis writing. Describe the algorithm principle and programming. 2019-5-9~2019-5-29 Plot the features distribution of corrosion samples. Result analysis and discussion, especially on the relationship between the reconstruction and physics principle. Thesis writing. 2019-5-30~2019-6-14 Complete the thesis and prepare the presentation. Bachelor#8217;s defence.

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