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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2022-04-17 22:23:50  


摘 要






People in the production and life, often need to speed of the object is detected, and one ultrasonic detection tool is often used. Doppler velocimetry system described in this article, can basically meet the requirements of various applications, and a simple structure.

Doppler velocimetry system is based on the Doppler effect based on a speed manner, it is widely used in scientific and engineering fields. Its main function is to measure the Doppler shift, which according to the corresponding formula calculated speed of the object. The papers will be the principles and applications of Doppler velocimetry as the center and ordinary moving target as the main test object, combined with the use of technology and other aspects of the system, whereby the promotion for a variety of applications where speed system.

The design consists of two parts, one is the hardware circuit, the other is the software design. Hardware design, mainly by the ultrasonic transmitting circuit, a receiving circuit, filter circuit and signal processing circuit. Ultrasonic transducer transmitter circuit designed primarily continuous sine wave generating circuit, power amplifier circuit. CPLD, and composed by the AD9754. After which continue to produce a sine wave signal, the method of power to drive the ultrasonic transducer. Ultrasonic receiver circuit includes a receiver amplifier, band-pass filter circuit, a mixer circuit, a low-pass filter circuit and the A / D sampling circuit. Ultrasonic transducer receives the echo signal, the receiver after amplification and band-pass filter, the echo signal and the original signal mixing process, the two frequency mixers to get all the way is the sum of the original signal frequency, another way is the difference between the frequency of the original signal. According to Doppler shift formula, we want to get the difference in frequency, so again through a low pass filter circuit to filter out high frequency signal. Finally, FFT processing and A / D conversion, the velocity of the object can be obtained. Software includes DDS subroutine, A / D conversion routine, the FFT subroutine, the speed acquisition program procedures and TFT LCD. In short, the design is based STM32 microcontrollers as the core design of the data acquisition system, the sensor converts the analog signals into electrical signals, and then through the signal conditioning, sampling, quantization, coding and other steps, and finally sent to the controller for data processing, analysis, storage and display.

Key words: The Doppler effect, ultrasound, velocity measurement, STM32

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

目 录 IV

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2 多普勒测速技术综述 2

1.2.1 声波多普勒测速技术 2

1.2.2 无线电波多普勒测速技术 3

1.2.3 激光多普勒测速技术 3

1.3 研究意义 4

1.4 论文主要工作和安排 5

第二章 超声多普勒测速原理 6

2.1 超声波 6

2.2多普勒效应 7

2.2.1多普勒效应简述 7

2.2.2多普勒测速原理 8

2.3多普勒测速系统结构 9

2.4本章小结 10

第三章 超声波测速系统硬件电路设计 11

3.1系统总体设计方案 11

3.2 信号源发生电路(超声波发生电路) 12

3.3 功率放大电路 14

3.4 接收放大电路 15

3.5 带通滤波电路 15

3.6 混频电路 16

3.7 低通滤波电路 17

3.8 JTAG电路 17

3.9 A/D转换电路 18

3.10 本章小结 19

第四章 超声多普勒测速系统软件设计 20

4.1 信号发生器框图 20

4.2 CPLD程序设计 21

4.3 初始化程序 22

4.3.1 时钟定义 22

4.3.2 初始化堆栈 23

4.4 定时中断服务程序 23

4.4.1 定时器相关程序设计 23

4.4.2 中断控制器配置 24

4.4.3 定时器1输5通道入捕获配置 25

4.5 A/D程序 26

4.6 显示程序 27

4.7 本章小结 28

第五章 总结 29

参考文献 31

致谢 33

附录一:硬件电路原理图 34

附录二:主要程序 38

第一章 绪论



多普勒效应最早是在声学领域被人们所熟知,它是在世纪由奥地利物理学家克里斯琴·约翰·多普勒(Christian Johann Doppler)发现的并命名。多普勒效应,即一个观察者,如果相对声源做接近运动,那么他所接收到的频率相比于声波本身的频率会更高,反之,如果做远离运动则接收频率变低,如果其相对声源静止,那么频率不变[2]。事实上,我们在平时生活中也会经常遇到这种现象。只是,我们没有留心观察而已。比如,当火车从远处行驶过来以及逐渐远离,在这一过程中,我们所听到的火车的鸣笛声声调是先高后低的,即声波的频率是先高后低的,这便是多普勒效应在生活中的体现。



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