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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2022-04-14 20:56:30  


摘 要




In recent years, continuously push forward the process of industrialization, the problems of environmental pollution have become increasingly serious, frequent fog and haze, which gradually pose a threat to human health. Environmental Technology Research and Treatment to solve the problem of environmental pollution as an important research topic. This paper proposes a new air purifier to solve the problem of environmental pollution, the new air purifier can absorb, decomposition or transformation of various pollutants in the air, improve air cleanliness.

This topic designed air purifier using STM32F103RCT6 microcontroller as the control processor, intelligent detection system according to the various sensors of the detected Air Quality, control the operation of the electric motor to achieve air purification function. This paper introduces the air purifier research background and significance, and then elaborates the purifier works and selection of the various parts of the device proposed hardware design control system according to the design requirements. Finally, to complete the detailed design of each control module by modularization and draw the relevant circuit schematic and printed circuit boards. In this design, hardware design’s modules include PM detection circuit, VOC detection circuit, temperature and humidity detection circuit, motor drive circuit, the liquid crystal display circuit, etc. the New air purifier’s control system successful to achieve the detection of air cleanliness, and realize the absorption or decomposition of pollutants, and also get the clean air’s goals.

Keywords: air purifier, intelligent detection systems, control systems, modular


第一章 绪 论 1

1.1课题的研究背景 1

1.1.1空气污染的现状 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.1.3室内空气净化器的发展历程 2

1.1.4国内空气净化器的发展情况 2

1.2课题研究的意义与内容 4

1.2.2研究内容 4

1.3 本章小结 4

第二章 空气净化器的原理与结构 6

2.1 空气净化器的工作原理 6

2.2 空气净化器的结构 6

2.3空气净化器各部分器件选型 7

2.3.1主控制芯片 7

2.3.2智能检测系统 7

2.3.3电动机 8

2.3.4显示面板 11

2.3.5空气过滤网 12

2.3.6空气净化器控制系统硬件框图 12

2.4 本章小结 13

第三章空气净化器系统硬件设计 14

3 .1 最小系统电路 14

3.1.1芯片供电电路与USB串口电路 14

3.1.2晶振电路 15

3.1.3复位电路 15

3.1.4最小控制系统 16

3.2 PM2.5颗粒物检测传感器 16

3.3 CO₂浓度检测传感器 18

3.4温湿度传感器 20

3.5电机驱动模块 24

3.6 显示面板 25

3.7 本章小结 26

第四章 结束语 28

参考文献 29

致谢 30

第一章 绪 论






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