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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2022-03-07 22:16:18  


摘 要






关键词:智能机器人 路径规划 强化学习 Q学习


The robot faces a strange environment without a priori knowledge, and inevitably meets all kinds of unexpected obstacles. This requires the robot to be able to study autonomously in a strange environment. Fully explain the importance of robot path research in unknown environment.

The research background of this thesis is the path planning of mobile robot in unknown environment. Using reinforcement learning Q-Learning algorithm, is a kind of reinforcement learning algorithm. Q-Learning algorithm will first build a table of values of Q, Agent in the unknown environment, issued after the action, there will be one on the current status and action of the next step of environmental feedback, thus forming the incentive function of R, the correct action of Q value will continue to increase, wrong, for example to meet obstacles the Agent, or deviate from the right direction, the Q value will be reduced. Through this incentive measure, that is, the robot gets the most positive, the biggest reward, from the starting point to the end point, the robot can avoid obstacles and select the best path.

Firstly, the significance and background of robot path planning are introduced. Combined with the research status of path planning at home and abroad, the main research methods of path planning are introduced. And the main problems existing in current Institute of path planning. Then, the main work of this paper is introduced in general. And detailed arrangements for subsequent chapters.

Secondly, this paper introduces the reinforcement learning algorithm in detail. The development trend and shortages of reinforcement learning algorithm are introduced. The concept, principle, composition and basic properties of reinforcement learning are introduced.

Finally, this paper introduces the application of Q-Learning algorithm to path planning, and gives a brief introduction to the framework of robot system. Path planning strategy. Finally, the simulation analysis and further summary of the work done.

Keywords: intelligent robot;path planning; reinforcement learning;Q learning

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3移动机器人路径规划存在的问题 3

1.4本文主要工作 3

第二章 移动机器人路径规划及强化学习算法 5

2.1 引言 5

2.2 机器人路径规划技术 5

2.2.1 全局路径规划算法 5

2.2.2 局部路径规划算法 6

2.3强化学习算法理论 6

2.3.1 Markov决策过程 7

2.3.2 强化学习算法结构模型 8

2.3.3 强化学习算法组成元素 10

2.3.4 强化学习算法组成元素 10

2.4 Q-Learning算法 11

2.4.1 Q-Learning算法的原理 11

2.4.2 Q-Learning算法的原理 12

2.4.3 Q Learning算法收敛性分析 13

2.4.4 Q Learning算法收敛步数 14

第三章 Q-Learning算法用于机器人路径规划 15

3.1 移动机器人的系统框架 15

3.2 路径规划策略 16

3.3仿真实验遇到的问题及解决办法 18

3.4 仿真实验改进 20

3.5 仿真实验结果 21

3.6 实验结果分析 24

3.7 本章小结 25

第四章 总结与展望 26

4.1 总结 26

4.2 展望 26

参考文献 27

致 谢 29

第一章 绪论


智能机器人,如今在许多的领域得以发展,比如 工业、农业、医疗技术、服务业、国防军事等。然而这离不开当前的技术支持。智能机器人在能够判别当前的环境,还能够自主的判断得到最优的路径。智能机器人技术也是一个多种技术的集合体,它集成了自动化技术、计算机技术、信息处理技术、电子工程技术、传感器技术、人工智能技术等。



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