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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2022-01-08 22:00:50  


摘 要






本文使用该BiLSTM 注意力机制模型与传统LSTM模型、BiLSTM模型进行对比。实验发现:在BiLSTM模型中引入注意力机制,对重要的特征增加权重,能有效提高模型训练结果的准确性。对比传统LSTM模型,准确率提高了2.5%,比BiLSTM模型准确率提高了2%左右。

关键词:深度神经网络 注意力机制 双向长短期记忆网络 情感分析

Research on emotion analysis based on deep neural network


With the development of network technology, the number of netizens is increasing. When netizens surf the Internet every day, they will produce a lot of text information. The emotional tendency contained in the information reflects the public's view of an event. So text sentiment analysis has great potential value in the fields of public opinion supervision, business promotion and so on.

In the emotional analysis of text, first of all, we need to preprocess the text, remove the useless information in the text and divide the sentence into a sequence of effective words. In this paper, we use the Jieba word segmentation tool to segment the text, and integrate multiple stoppages to remove the stoppages.

Secondly, the preprocessed sequences are transformed into word vectors. In this paper, word2vec is used to quantize the preprocessed texts. Word2vec can not only transform the sequences into vectors, but also express the relations between these sequences through vectors.

Then, we build a deep neural network model to analyze the emotion of the text. In this paper, the BiLSTM model is used to model and classify the network text, and the two classification method is used to divide the comment text into positive comment and negative comment. LSTM itself can effectively solve the problem of gradient vanishing when RNN model is trained in delayed back propagation, which is widely used in emotion analysis. On the other hand, based on the original LSTM and a layer of reverse LSTM, BiLSTM can capture information from the front to the back, so it has some advantages in feature acquisition. Using BiLSTM can improve the accuracy by about 1% on the original basis.

When using ordinary BiLSTM, when the processed sequence is too long, it is difficult to find the relationship between sequences. This paper proposes to add attention mechanism in the BiLSTM model, directly calculate the importance of each sequence to the emotional polarity of the text, which can greatly improve the accuracy of feature extraction.

This paper uses the BiLSTM attention mechanism model to compare with the traditional LSTM model and BiLSTM model. It is found that the accuracy of training results can be improved by introducing attention mechanism into the BiLSTM model and adding weight to important features. Compared with the traditional LSTM model, the accuracy is increased by 2.5%, which is about 2% higher than that of the BiLSTM model.

Key words: Deep neural network;attention mechanism;Bidirectional Long short-term memory;emotion analysis

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1情感分析的研究背景 1

1.2情感分析的研究意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1情感分析的研究现状 2

1.3.2深度学习的研究现状 4

1.4本文研究内容 5

1.5工作重点 6

1.6文章结构安排 7

第二章 文字预处理与特征提取 8

2.1文字预处理 8

2.1.1分词处理 8

2.1.2词性标注 9

2.1.3去停用词与文本清洗 9

2.2文本表示与特征抽取 9

2.2.1词袋模型 10

2.2.2词向量模型 10

2.3本章总结 12

第三章 基于注意力机制的深度神经网络模型 13

3.1深度学习的相关技术 13

3.1.1前馈神经网络 13

3.1.2卷积神经网络 14

3.1.2循环神经网络 15

3.1.3长短期记忆网络 16

3.1.4双向长短期记忆网络 17

3.2注意力机制 18

3.2.1软注意力机制 18

3.2.2自注意力机制 20

3.3 本章总结 21

第四章 BiLSTM-ATT模型实现 22

4.1实验细节 22

4.2语料介绍 22

4.3 实验基本流程 23

4.4 文字预处理 23

4.5文本向量化 24

4.6模型设计 25

4.7评价标准 26

4.8实验结果 26

第五章 总结与展望 29

5.1总结 29

5.2展望 29

参考文献 31

致谢 34

第一章 绪论




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