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IEEE 802.11无线网络公平性能研究毕业论文

 2021-11-06 23:05:54  

摘 要

随着无线网络的普及,无线网络中存在的问题也越来越多。IEEE 802.11标准是当前无线局域网的通用标准,技术已经非常成熟。因此,对IEEE 802.11无线网络中存在的公平性问题进行研究十分重要。





With the popularity of wireless networks, there are more and more problems in wireless networks. The IEEE 802.11 standard is the current universal standard for wireless local area networks, and the technology is very mature. Therefore, it is very important to study the fairness problems in IEEE 802.11 wireless networks.

This paper mainly studies the fairness problem caused by hidden nodes and the fairness problem caused by abnormal performance in wireless networks. Aiming at the two problems studied in this paper, different solutions are proposed, that is, using the RTS / CTS mechanism to solve the fairness problem caused by hidden nodes, and changing the initial competition window to solve the fairness problem caused by abnormal performance. The method adopted in this paper is to set up simulation scenarios of hidden node problems and abnormal performance problems, and use network simulation software NS2 to perform simulation verification. After the simulation, the performance parameters such as throughput are calculated, and the actual effect of the solution strategy on the proposed problem is verified by analyzing the obtained performance parameters. At the same time, we decided to use the Jain fairness index to analyze the fairness of the system and verify whether the fairness of the wireless network has been improved after the problem is solved.

The research shows that the strategy of using RTS / CTS mechanism can solve the fairness problem caused by hidden nodes; the strategy of changing the initial competition window can solve the fairness problem caused by abnormal performance. After these two problems are solved, the fair performance of the wireless network has been improved.

Key Words: wireless network; fairness; hidden node; performance anomaly; Jain fairness index


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的和意义 2

1.3 论文内容和结构 2

第2章 IEEE 802.11无线网络技术概述 4

2.1 引言 4

2.2 IEEE 802.11标准 4

2.3 关键技术 5

2.4 本章小结 6

第3章 无线网络公平性问题分析 7

3.1 隐藏节点导致的公平性问题 7

3.2 性能异常导致的公平性问题 8

3.3 暴露节点导致的公平性问题 9

3.4 本章小结 10

第4章 无线网络公平问题解决策略 11

4.1 隐藏节点问题解决策略 11

4.2 性能异常问题解决策略 11

4.3 本章小结 12

第5章 NS2仿真平台介绍 13

5.1 NS2简介 13

5.1.1 trace跟踪文件 13

5.1.2 nam动画演示文件 15

5.2 分析工具Awk 16

5.3 绘图工具Gnuplot 17

5.4 本章小结 18

第6章 实验验证 19

6.1 传输模型及门槛 19

6.2 隐藏节点问题改进前后实验对比 19

6.2.1 参数设置 19

6.2.2 封包遗失情况 21

6.2.3 吞吐量 21

6.2.4 Jain公平指数 22

6.3 性能异常问题改进前后实验对比 23

6.3.1 参数设置 23

6.3.2 吞吐量 24

6.3.3 Jain公平指数 25

6.4 本章小结 26

第7章 总结与展望 27

7.1 本文总结 27

7.2 工作展望 27

参考文献 29

致谢 30

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景



根据无线局域网市场报告预测,在未来五年,无线局域网市场将取得大幅增长,驱动该市场增长的关键因素是新兴市场以及网络技术的发展。这一份来自市场研究机构的报告表明,2022年无线局域网市场将比2017年增长35%。新的802.11ax Wi-Fi标准的发布将为这一增长提供强力支持。

IEEE 802.11标准是无线局域网的第一代标准,在这之后又不断得到补充,现在已经成为一个成熟完善的体系,随着802.11标准的发展,数据传输速率有了显著提高:从“传统”的2M/s到802.11b的11M/s,802.11a/g的54M/s,802.11n的600M/s,以及最新802.11ac的Gbit/s。这些Wi-Fi速率是通过更快的调制和编码方案,更宽的信道以及采用多输入多输出技术来实现的。

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