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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 自动化 > 正文


 2021-11-02 21:11:22  

摘 要

近年来,随着室内移动机器人应用领域扩展与商业化发展,其关联的地图定位构建与路径规划算法吸引了研究者的广泛关注。针对室内机器人接触环境复杂,应用功能繁多的的特点而言,机器人导航与地图构建算法一直是研究重点。本课题基于ROS(Robot Operating System)操作系统进行移动机器人在地图构建与路径规划方面相关技术的研究,主要包括机器人建模、激光雷达建图、路径规划算法研究、SLAM(Simultaneous Localization And Mapping)定位建图算法的研究,论文的主要研究内容为:

1. 对于典型的ROS平台下SLAM激光雷达算法Gmapping和基于视觉的DSO(Direct Sparse Odometry)算法进行了介绍分析,目的是提供代价地图与定位信息给路径规划算法上层。

2. 以ROS导航功能包集与Rviz和Gazebo等综合仿真验证环境为基础,进行机器人导航小车模型的建立、激光雷达定位建图、添加新的功能算法集插件等介绍ROS中机器人导航的基本流程,为后续融合提出的新型路径规划算法做铺垫。

3. 在MATLAB平台下实操了众多路径规划算法的仿真模型,通过学习与改进探索最终比较并得出不同算法的优缺点以及算法的改良方案。具体包括启发式搜索A*算法和典型的改进双向A*算法,基于图的PRM(Probabilistic Roadmap)算法,人工势场算法,粒子群算法。最终经过摸索与思考得出了粒子群路径规划的改良与提升方案,经测试具有很好的效果。



In recent years, with the expansion and commercialization of indoor mobile robot application fields, its associated map positioning construction and path planning algorithms have attracted wide attention from researchers. Aiming at the characteristics of complex indoor robot contact environment and many application functions, robot navigation and map construction algorithms have always been the focus of research. This topic is based on the ROS (Robot Operating System) operating system to conduct mobile robot research on map construction and path planning, including robot modeling, lidar mapping, path planning algorithm research, SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) positioning mapping algorithm research, the main research contents of the paper are:

  1. The SLAM lidar algorithm Gmapping and the vision-based DSO (Direct Sparse Odometry) algorithm on a typical ROS platform are introduced and analyzed. The purpose is to provide cost maps and positioning information to the upper layer of the path planning algorithm.
  2. Based on the ROS navigation function package set and Rviz and Gazebo and other comprehensive simulation and verification environments, the basic process of robot navigation in ROS is introduced, including the establishment of a robot navigation car model, lidar positioning and mapping, and the addition of a new functional algorithm set plug-in. , To pave the way for the new path planning algorithm proposed by the subsequent fusion.
  3. Under the MATLAB platform, many simulation models of path planning algorithms are practiced, and the final comparison is obtained through learning and improvement and the advantages and disadvantages of different algorithms and algorithm improvements are obtained. Specifically, heuristic search A * algorithm and typical improved two-way A * algorithm, graph-based PRM(Probabilistic Roadmap) algorithm, artificial potential field algorithm, particle swarm algorithm. Finally, after exploring and thinking, the improvement and promotion plan of particle swarm path planning is obtained, which has a good effect after testing.

Key Words:Route Plan;Moving Robot;Particle Swarm Algorithm;SLAM


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题的研究背景及意义 1

1.2 室内移动机器人研究现状 2

1.2.1 国内外室内移动机器人研究现状 2

1.2.2 基于ROS的室内移动机器人研究现状 3

1.3 室内移动机器人导航算法研究现状 4

1.3.1路径规划算法研究现状 4

1.3.2 SLAM算法研究现状 4

1.4 本文研究的内容以及组织架构 5

1.4.1 本文研究的内容 5

1.4.2 本文的组织架构 5

第2章 SLAM激光雷达算法与视觉算法分析 6

2.1基于粒子滤波的Gmapping算法分析 6

2.2 DSO算法分析 9

2.3 本章小结 11

第3章 基于ROS的地图构建和路径规划 12

3.1 ROS环境架构简介 12

3.2 机器人建模与激光雷达地图成像 12

3.3 ROS导航功能包集进阶配置 13

3.4 ROS插件实现与实例分析 14

3.5 本章小结 15

第4章 基于MATLAB的多种路径规划算法仿真实验 16

4.1 A*算法amp;双向A*算法对比仿真实验 16

4.1.1 A*算法 16

4.1.2双向 A*算法 16

4.1.3 A*算法与双向A*算法的MATLAB对比仿真实验 17

4.2 PRM算法 18

4.3 人工势场算法 19

4.4 本章小结 20

第5章 基于变异的混合粒子群交叉算法 21

5.1 惯性权重粒子群算法 21

5.2 压缩因子粒子群算法 21

5.3 混合粒子群交叉算法 22

5.4 环境建模以及算法仿真实现原理 23

5.5 粒子群变异实现局部逃离 25

5.6 基于变异的混合交叉粒子群算法的不足 26

5.7 复杂环境建模仿真实验 27

5.8 本章小结 28

第6章 总结与展望 29

6.1 工作总结 29

6.2 未来展望 29

参考文献 30

致谢 32

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题的研究背景及意义



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